This paper is concerned with Double Stage Shrinkage Bayesian (DSSB) Estimator for lowering the mean squared error of classical estimator ˆ q for the scale parameter (q) of an exponential distribution in a region (R) around available prior knowledge (q0) about the actual value (q) as initial estimate as well as to reduce the cost of experimentations. In situation where the experimentations are time consuming or very costly, a Double Stage procedure can be used to reduce the expected sample size needed to obtain the estimator. This estimator is shown to have smaller mean squared error for certain choice of the shrinkage weight factor y( ) and for acceptance region R. Expression for Bias, Mean Square Error (MSE), Expected sample size [E(n/q,R)], Expected sample size proportion [E(n/q,R)/n], probability for avoiding the second sample 1 ˆ [p( R)] q˛ and percentage of overall sample saved 2 1 n ˆ [ p[ R) 100] n q ˛ * for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical results and conclusions are established when the consider estimator (DSSB) are testimator of level of significance a. Comparisons with the classical estimator as well as with some existing studies were made to show the usefulness of the proposed estimator
Exponential Distribution is probably the most important distribution in reliability work. In this paper, estimating the scale parameter of an exponential distribution was proposed through out employing maximum likelihood estimator and probability plot methods for different samples size. Mean square error was implemented as an indicator of performance for assumed several values of the parameter and computer simulation has been carried out to analysis the obtained results
In this paper, Bayesian estimator for the parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution (IRD) were obtained Under three types of loss function, namely, square error loss function (SELF), Modified Square error loss function (MSELF) and Precautionary loss function (PLF),taking into consideration the informative and non- informative prior. The performance of such estimators was assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion by performing a Monte Carlo simulation technique.
The objective of this study is to examine the properties of Bayes estimators of the shape parameter of the Power Function Distribution (PFD-I), by using two different prior distributions for the parameter θ and different loss functions that were compared with the maximum likelihood estimators. In many practical applications, we may have two different prior information about the prior distribution for the shape parameter of the Power Function Distribution, which influences the parameter estimation. So, we used two different kinds of conjugate priors of shape parameter θ of the <
... Show MoreIn this paper, preliminary test Shrinkage estimator have been considered for estimating the shape parameter α of pareto distribution when the scale parameter equal to the smallest loss and when a prior estimate α0 of α is available as initial value from the past experiences or from quaintance cases. The proposed estimator is shown to have a smaller mean squared error in a region around α0 when comparison with usual and existing estimators.
المتغير العشوائي X له توزيع أسي اذا كان له دالة احتمالية الكثافة بالشكل:
عندما ، هذه هي الحالة الخاصة لتوزيع كاما.
غالباً جداً ولسبب معقول تأخذ . الحالة الخاصة لـ (1) التي نحصل عليها تسمى بالتوزيع الاسي لمعلمة واحدة.
اذا كانت ، ، التوزيع في هذه الحالة يسمى التوزيع الاسي القياسي
اما بالنسب
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في هذا البحث , استعملنا طرائق مختلفة لتقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع الاسي كمقدر الإمكان الأعظم ومقدر العزوم ومقدر بيز في ستة أنواع مختلفة عندما يكون التوزيع الأولي لمعلمة القياس : توزيع لافي (Levy) وتوزيع كامبل من النوع الثاني وتوزيع معكوس مربع كاي وتوزيع معكوس كاما وتوزيع غير الملائم (Improper) وتوزيع
... Show MoreWe have studied Bayesian method in this paper by using the modified exponential growth model, where this model is more using to represent the growth phenomena. We focus on three of prior functions (Informative, Natural Conjugate, and the function that depends on previous experiments) to use it in the Bayesian method. Where almost of observations for the growth phenomena are depended on one another, which in turn leads to a correlation between those observations, which calls to treat such this problem, called Autocorrelation, and to verified this has been used Bayesian method.
The goal of this study is to knowledge the effect of Autocorrelation on the estimation by using Bayesian method. F
... Show MoreThis paper deal with the estimation of the shape parameter (a) of Generalized Exponential (GE) distribution when the scale parameter (l) is known via preliminary test single stage shrinkage estimator (SSSE) when a prior knowledge (a0) a vailable about the shape parameter as initial value due past experiences as well as suitable region (R) for testing this prior knowledge.
The Expression for the Bias, Mean squared error [MSE] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff(×)] for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical results about beha
... Show MoreThis paper is concerned with preliminary test single stage shrinkage estimators for the mean (q) of normal distribution with known variance s2 when a prior estimate (q0) of the actule value (q) is available, using specifying shrinkage weight factor y( ) as well as pre-test region (R). Expressions for the Bias, Mean Squared Error [MSE( )] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff.( )] of proposed estimators are derived. Numerical results and conclusions are drawn about selection different constants including in these expressions. Comparisons between suggested estimators with respect to usual estimators in the sense of Relative Efficiency are given. Furthermore, comparisons with the earlier existi
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