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Enhanced Support Vector Machine Methods Using Stochastic Gradient Descent and Its Application to Heart Disease Dataset
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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are supervised learning models used to examine data sets in order to classify or predict dependent variables. SVM is typically used for classification by determining the best hyperplane between two classes. However, working with huge datasets can lead to a number of problems, including time-consuming and inefficient solutions. This research updates the SVM by employing a stochastic gradient descent method. The new approach, the extended stochastic gradient descent SVM (ESGD-SVM), was tested on two simulation datasets. The proposed method was compared with other classification approaches such as logistic regression, naive model, K Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest. The results show that the ESGD-SVM has a very high accuracy and is quite robust. ESGD-SVM is used to analyze the heart disease dataset downloaded from Harvard Dataverse. The entire analysis was performed using the program R version 4.3.

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Publication Date
Tue May 11 2021
Journal Name
Research J. Pharm. And Tech
Association of Serum Renal Function Levels with Heart Failure Disease in Iraqi Patients
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Renal function tests are commonly used in clinical practice to look for renal disease, the most common includes the serum urea, uric acid and creatinine. Heart failure patients have a higher incidence of renal function test abnormalities than individuals who do not have heart failure disease. Fifty subjects of adults (male) were divided in to two groups, 25 subjects (healthy) as control (group1) and 25 subjects with heart failure (group 2). Our results indicate that serum uric acid, urea, and creatinine values were significantly elevated (P≤0.05) in patients group (2) compared with healthy group (1). The results also showed, the effect of age categories on uric acid blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values (P≤0.05) and there were no si

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System
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              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breat

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Health, Medicine And Nursing
Adherence to Guidelines of Secondary Prevention in patients with Ischemic Heart Disease in a Tertiary Cardiac Center
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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in United State (U.S.). Controlling of modifiable risk factors such as smoking, hypertension (HT), diabetes mellitus (D.M.), dyslipidemia, physical inactivity & obesity will prevent other serious cardiovascular complications

Publication Date
Mon Oct 10 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Satellite image classification using KL-transformation and modified vector quantization
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In this work, satellite images classification for Al Chabaish marshes and the area surrounding district in (Dhi Qar) province for years 1990,2000 and 2015 using two software programming (MATLAB 7.11 and ERDAS imagine 2014) is presented. Proposed supervised classification method (Modified Vector Quantization) using MATLAB software and supervised classification method (Maximum likelihood Classifier) using ERDAS imagine have been used, in order to get most accurate results and compare these methods. The changes that taken place in year 2000 comparing with 1990 and in year 2015 comparing with 2000 are calculated. The results from classification indicated that water and vegetation are decreased, while barren land, alluvial soil and shallow water

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
BotDetectorFW: an optimized botnet detection framework based on five features-distance measures supported by comparisons of four machine learning classifiers using CICIDS2017 dataset
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<p><span>A Botnet is one of many attacks that can execute malicious tasks and develop continuously. Therefore, current research introduces a comparison framework, called BotDetectorFW, with classification and complexity improvements for the detection of Botnet attack using CICIDS2017 dataset. It is a free online dataset consist of several attacks with high-dimensions features. The process of feature selection is a significant step to obtain the least features by eliminating irrelated features and consequently reduces the detection time. This process implemented inside BotDetectorFW using two steps; data clustering and five distance measure formulas (cosine, dice, driver &amp; kroeber, overlap, and pearson correlation

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Schistosomiasis vector control using cucumis melo plantextractswithbioassayexperiment
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he aim of this study is to get a plant extracts to use it as molluscicides to control the snail vector of Schistosomiasis andfinely control the disease. Laboratory study was performed to compare the molluscicidal activity of leaves and stems extractsof Cucumis melo against Bulinus truncatus snail. The snail B. truncatus was exposed to a serial concentrations of leaves andstems extracts (4000ppm, 5000ppm) in this work. Different effects of the extracts to the snail B. truncatus were recorded.These effects includes death, escaping and imbalance of snail behavior. 96hr-LD50 values of leaves extracts were calculatedfor the doses 4000 and 5000ppm as (76 and 37%) respectively while for stems were (105 and 47%) respectively. We found thatthe snail

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2023
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Application of Healthcare Management Technologies for COVID-19 Pandemic Using Internet of Things and Machine Learning Algorithms
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2016
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering
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Computers have been used for numerous applications involving the automatic or semiautomatic recognition of patterns in image. Advanced manufacturing system requires automated inspection and test method to increase production and yield best quality of product. Methods are available today is machine vision. Machine vision systems are widely used today in the manufacturing industry for inspection and sorting application. The objective of this paper is to apply machine vision technology for measuring geometric dimension of an automotive part. Vision system usually requires reprogramming or parameterization of software when it has to be configured for a part or product. A web camera used to capture an image of an automotive part that has been ch

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Construction of Phenytoin Selective Electrodes and Its Application to Pharmaceutical Preparation
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Phenytoin selective electrodes were constructed based on penytoin-phosphotungstate (Ph-PT) complex with different plasticizers; di-butyl phosphate (DBP), tri-butyl phosphate (TBP), di-butyl phthalate (DBPH),and o-nitro phenyl octyl ether (NPOE) phthalate. The electrodes based on DBPH, ONPOE plasticizers gave Narnistain slope which are, 56.4 and 55.3mV/decade with detection limit of 1.9x10-5 M , 1.8x10-5 and concentration range 10-1 to 10-4 M and pH range 3.0 – 8.0. The electrodes based on TBP and DBP showed non-Nernistain slopes, 40.2,40.5 mV/decade for both plasticizers. Interfering of some cations was investigated and shows no interfering with electrodes response. Potentiometric methods were used for measuring phenytion in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mefenamic Acid Selective Membranes Sensor and Its Application to pharmaceutical Analysis
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PVC membrane sensor for the selective determination of Mefenamic acid (MFA) was constructed. The sensor is based on ion association of MFA with Dodecaphospho molybdic acid (PMA) and Dodeca–Tungstophosphoric acid(PTA) as ion pairs. Nitro benzene (NB) and di-butyl phthalate (DBPH) were used as plasticizing agents in PVC matrix membranes. The specification of sensor based on PMA showed a linear response of a concentration range 1.0 × 10–2 –1.0 × 10–5 M, Nernstian slopes of 17.1-18.86 mV/ decade, detection limit of 7 × 10-5 -9.5 × 10 -7M, pH range 3 – 8 , with correlation coefficients lying between 0.9992 and 0.9976, respectively. By using the ionphore based on PTA gives a concentration range of 1.0 × 10–4 –1.0 × 10–5 M,

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