The concept of the Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodules was recently introduced by Omar A. Abdullah and Haibat K. Mohammadali in 2022, where he studies this concept and it is relationship to previous generalizationsm especially 2-Absorbing submodule and Quasi-2-Absorbing submodule, in addition to studying the most important Propositions, charactarizations and Examples. Now in this research, which is considered a continuation of the definition that was presented earlier, which is the Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodules, we have completed the study of this concept in multiplication modules. And the relationship between the Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodule and Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing ideal. We also studied more result of Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodule in multiplication module. In the end, we obtained new Propositions and distinguished results in studying this concept.
In this paper, we introduce and study the notation of approximaitly quasi-primary submodules of a unitary left -module over a commutative ring with identity. This concept is a generalization of prime and primary submodules, where a proper submodule of an -module is called an approximaitly quasi-primary (for short App-qp) submodule of , if , for , , implies that either or , for some . Many basic properties, examples and characterizations of this concept are introduced.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity . In this paper we study the concepts of essentially quasi-invertible submodules and essentially quasi-Dedekind modules as a generalization of quasi-invertible submodules and quasi-Dedekind modules . Among the results that we obtain is the following : M is an essentially quasi-Dedekind module if and only if M is aK-nonsingular module,where a module M is K-nonsingular if, for each , Kerf ≤e M implies f = 0 .
In this paper, we present the almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules as an application of the almost approximately nearly quasiprime submodule. We give some examples, remarks, and properties of this concept. Also, as the strong form of this concept, we introduce the strongly, almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules. Moreover, we present the definitions of almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and give some basic properties of these concepts that will be needed in section four of this research. We study these two concepts extensively.
Let R be commutative Ring , and let T be unitary left .In this paper ,WAPP-quasi prime submodules are introduced as new generalization of Weakly quasi prime submodules , where proper submodule C of an R-module T is called WAPP –quasi prime submodule of T, if whenever 0≠rstϵC, for r, s ϵR , t ϵT, implies that either r tϵ C +soc or s tϵC +soc .Many examples of characterizations and basic properties are given . Furthermore several characterizations of WAPP-quasi prime submodules in the class of multiplication modules are established.
Let be a commutative ring with identity, and be a unitary left -module. In this paper we introduce the concept pseudo weakly closed submodule as a generalization of -closed submodules, where a submodule of an -module is called a pseudo weakly closed submodule, if for all , there exists a -closed submodule of with is a submodule of such that . Several basic properties, examples and results of pseudo weakly closed submodules are given. Furthermore the behavior of pseudo weakly closed submodules in class of multiplication modules are studied. On the other hand modules with chain conditions on pseudo weakly closed submodules are established. Also, the relationships of pseudo weakly closed
... Show MoreLet Ḿ be a unitary R-module and R is a commutative ring with identity. Our aim in this paper to study the concepts T-ABSO fuzzy ideals, T-ABSO fuzzy submodules and T-ABSO quasi primary fuzzy submodules, also we discuss these concepts in the class of multiplication fuzzy modules and relationships between these concepts. Many new basic properties and characterizations on these concepts are given.
The class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions are presented in this paper by combining the class of -convex functions with the class of quasi semi -convex functions and pseudo semi -convex functions, respectively. Various non-trivial examples are introduced to illustrate the new functions and show their relationships with -convex functions recently introduced in the literature. Different general properties and characteristics of this class of functions are established. In addition, some optimality properties of generalized non-linear optimization problems are discussed. In this generalized optimization problems, we used, as the objective function, quasi semi -convex (respectively, strictly quasi semi -convex
... Show MoreAn R-module M is called a 2-regular module if every submodule N of M is 2-pure submodule, where a submodule N of M is 2-pure in M if for every ideal I of R, I2MN = I2N, [1]. This paper is a continuation of [1]. We give some conditions to characterize this class of modules, also many relationships with other related concepts are introduced.
Suppose that A be an abelain ring with identity, B be a unitary (left) A-module, in this paper ,we introduce a type of modules ,namely Quasi-semiprime A-module, whenever is a Prime Ideal For proper submodule N of B,then B is called Quasi-semiprime module ,which is a Generalization of Quasi-Prime A-module,whenever annAN is a prime ideal for proper submodule N of B,then B is Quasi-prime module .A comprchensive study of these modules is given,and we study the Relationship between quasi-semiprime module and quasi-prime .We put the codition coprime over cosemiprime ring for the two cocept quasi-prime module and quasi-semiprime module are equavelant.and the cocept of prime module and quasi
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