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A Novel Algorithm to Find the Best Solution for Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers with Linear Programming Problems
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    Fuzzy numbers are used in various fields such as fuzzy process methods, decision control theory, problems involving decision making, and systematic reasoning. Fuzzy systems, including fuzzy set theory. In this paper, pentagonal fuzzy variables (PFV) are used to formulate linear programming problems (LPP). Here, we will concentrate on an approach to addressing these issues that uses the simplex technique (SM). Linear programming problems (LPP) and linear programming problems (LPP) with pentagonal fuzzy numbers (PFN) are the two basic categories into which we divide these issues. The focus of this paper is to find the optimal solution (OS) for LPP with PFN on the objective function (OF) and right-hand side. New ranking function (RF) approaches for solving fuzzy linear programming problems (FLPP) with a pentagonal fuzzy number (PFN) have been proposed, based on new ranking functions (N RF). The simplex method (SM) is very easy to understand. Finally, numerical examples (NE) are used to demonstrate the suggested approach's computing process.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Using Elisa and nested PCR for detection of the toxoplasmosis in milk and the influence of infection and some factors on milk composition in the Iraqi local and Shami goats
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This study concluded detection of Toxoplasma gondii in milk, immunologically by using Elisa and nested PCR)nPCR (based on B1 gene, also to investigate the effect of toxoplasmosis, parity, breed and flock on some milk composition in the Iraqi local and Shami goats in the middle of Iraq. A total of 80 milk samples of the lactating goats were collected. Results of this study showed the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis was 21.25% and 28.75% by Elisa and nPCR respectively without significant differences. The sensitivity of Elisa was a low (30.43%) whereas the specificity was a high (82.45%). The degree of agreement estimated by Kappa coefficient revealed a slight agreement (0.14) between two methods. The results indicated that goats infected

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 26 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Normalization Bernstein Basis For Solving Fractional Fredholm-Integro Differential Equation
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In this work, we employ a new normalization Bernstein basis for solving linear Freadholm of fractional integro-differential equations  nonhomogeneous  of the second type (LFFIDEs). We adopt Petrov-Galerkian method (PGM) to approximate solution of the (LFFIDEs) via normalization Bernstein basis that yields linear system. Some examples are given and their results are shown in tables and figures, the Petrov-Galerkian method (PGM) is very effective and convenient and overcome the difficulty of traditional methods. We solve this problem (LFFIDEs) by the assistance of Matlab10.   

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Thyroid Functions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Disease Modifying Therapies: Thyroid Functions in Multiple Sclerosis
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Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease believed to be the result of autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system, characterised by inflammation, demyelination, and axonal transection, affecting primarily young adults. Disease modifying therapies have become widely used, and the rapid development of these drugs highlighted the need to update our knowledge on their short- and long-term safety profile.


The study aim is to evaluate the impact of disease-modifying treatments on thyroid functions and thyroid autoantibodies with subsequent effects on the outcome of the disease.

Materials and Methods:

A retro prospective study

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Modern Mathematical Sciences
Coupled Laplace-Decomposition Method for Solving Klein- Gordon Equation
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In this paper, we consider a new approach to solve type of partial differential equation by using coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method to find the exact solution for non–linear non–homogenous equation with initial conditions. The reliability for suggested approach illustrated by solving model equations such as second order linear and nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. The application results show the efficiency and ability for suggested approach.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Numerical and Experimental Study of Winglet Effect with Different Cant Angles
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The present work aims to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of the winglet cant angle of Boeing 737-800 wing numerically and experimentally. The wing contain two swept angles 38.3o and 29.13o respectively, taper ratio 0.15 and aspect ratio 8.04. The wing involves three types of airfoils sections. Four cant angles for blended winglet have been considered (0o, 34o, 60o, 83.3o). The winglet has been analyzed to find the best cant angle for the wing without and with winglet. These models have been tested theoretically at Reynolds number of 2.06 x106 in order to study the winglet aerodynamic characteristics which consist of coefficient of Drag, coefficient of lift and Lift to drag ratio, pitching moment coefficient and bending moment co

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 19 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Gene Expression of miRNAs Let-7aAssociated with Diabetes in Iraqi Population
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miRNAs regulate protein abundance and control diverse aspects of cellular processes and biological functions in metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. Lethal-7(Let-7) miRNAs specifically target genes associated with diabetes and have a role in the regulation of peripheral glucose metabolism. The present study aimed to describe the gene expressions of the let-7a gene with the development of diabetes in Iraq and the difference in the expression of this gene in patients with diabetes and healthy individuals. The association between age and gender with the development of diabetes was studied in this study and the results were compared with those of healthy individuals in the group of control. Based on the obtained results, there was

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation Mars – Earth distance and Mars orbital elements with Julian date
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In this paper, the Mars orbital elements were calculated. These orbital elements—the major axis, the inclination (i), the longitude of the ascending node (W), the argument of the perigee (w), and the eccentricity (e)—are essential to knowing the size and shape of Mars' orbit. The quick basic program was used to calculate the orbital elements and distance of Mars from the Earth from 25/5/1950 over 10000 days. These were calculated using the empirical formula of Meeus, which depended on the Julian date, which slightly changed for 10000 days; Kepler's equation was solved to find Mars' position and its distance from the Sun. The ecliptic and equatorial coordinates of Mars were calculated. The distance between Mars and the center of the E

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying Reactivity Relationships of Copolymers N-naphthylacrylamide with (Acrylicacid and Methylacrylate)
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            The organation ⁄monomer N-naphthylacrylamide (NAA) was prepared; subsequently the synthesized monomer was successfully copolymerized with acrylicacid (AA) and methylacrylate (MA) by free radical technique using dry benzene as solvent and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. The overall conversion was kept low (≤ 10% wt/wt) for all studies copolymers samples. The synthesized monomer and copolymers were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and their thermal properties were studied by DSC and TGA. The copolymers compositions were determined by elemental analysis. Kelen-Tudes and Finmman-Ross graphical procedures were employed to determine the monomers reactivity ratios. The der

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Copolymerazaion of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidon with Acrylic Acid and Methylmethacrylate
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Low conversion copolymerization of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidon M.W = (111.14) VP (monomer-1) has been conducted with acrylic acid AA and methymethacrylate MMA in ethanol at 70ºC , using Benzoyl peroxide BPO as initiator . The copolymer composition has been determined by elemental analysis. The monomer reactivity ratios have been calculated by the Kelen-Tudos and Finman-Ross graphical procedures . The derived reactivity ratios (r1 , r2 ) are : (0.51 , 4.85) for (VP / AA ) systems and (0.34 , 7.58) for (VP , MMA) systems , and found the reactivity ratios of the monomer AA , MMA is mor than the monomer VP in the copolymerization of (VP / AA) and (VP /MMA) systems respectly . The reactivity ratios values were used for microstructures calculation.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results On Lie Ideals With (σ,τ)-derivationIn Prime Rings
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In this paper, we proved that if R is a prime ring, U be a nonzero Lie ideal of R , d be a nonzero (?,?)-derivation of R. Then if Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either or U is commutative Also, we assumed that Uis a ring to prove that: (i) If Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (ii) If ad(U)=0 (or d(U)a=0) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (iii) If d is a homomorphism on U such that ad(U) ?Z(R)(or d(U)a?Z(R), then a=0 or U is commutative.

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