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Filter Bases and j-ω-Perfect Mappings

This paper consist some new generalizations of some definitions such: j-ω-closure converge to a point,  j-ω-closure directed toward a set, almost  j-ω-converges to a set, almost  j-ω-cluster point, a set  j-ω-H-closed relative, j-ω-closure continuous mappings, j-ω-weakly continuous mappings, j-ω-compact mappings, j-ω-rigid a set, almost j-ω-closed mappings and  j-ω-perfect mappings. Also, we prove several results concerning it, where j ÃŽ{q, δ,a, pre, b, b}.


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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Weak and Strong Forms of ω-Perfect Mappings

In this paper, we introduce weak and strong forms of ω-perfect mappings, namely the -ω-perfect, weakly -ω-perfect and strongly-ω-perfect mappings. Also, we investigate the fundamental properties of these mappings. Finally, we focused on studying the relationship between weakly -ω-perfect and strongly -ω-perfect mappings.

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (3)
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name

We introduce some new generalizations of some definitions which are, supra closure converge to a point, supra closure directed toward a set, almost supra converges to a set, almost supra cluster point, a set supra H-closed relative, supra closure continuous functions, supra weakly continuous functions, supra compact functions, supra rigid a set, almost supra closed functions and supra perfect functions. And we state and prove several results concerning it

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Collage Of Education

In this paper introduce some generalizations of some definitions which are, closure converge to a point, closure directed toward a set, almost ω-converges to a set, almost condensation point, a set ωH-closed relative, ω-continuous functions, weakly ω-continuous functions, ω-compact functions, ω-rigid a set, almost ω-closed functions and ω-perfect functions with several results concerning them.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2020
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad, College Of Education For Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-haitham, Department Of Mathematics
Some Types of Perfect Mappings

The aims of this thesis are to study the topological space; we introduce a new kind of perfect mappings, namely j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Furthermore, we devoted to study the relationship between j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Finally, certain theorems and characterization concerning these concepts are studied. On the other hand, we studied weakly/ strongly forms of ω-perfect mappings, namely -ω-perfect mappings, weakly -ω-perfect mappings and strongly-ω-perfect mappings; also, we investigate their fundamental properties. We devoted to study the relationship between weakly -ω-perfect mappings and strongly -ω-perfect mappings. As well as, some new generalizations of some definitions wh

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name

In this work, we introduce a new kind of perfect mappings, namely j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Furthermore we devoted to study the relationship between j-perfect mappings and j-ω-perfect mappings. Finally, certain theorems and characterization concerning these concepts are studied; j = , δ, α, pre, b, β

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Ibn Al-hatham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci
ω-Perfect Mappings

In this paper, we shall introduce a new kind of Perfect (or proper) Mappings, namely ω-Perfect Mappings, which are strictly weaker than perfect mappings. And the following are the main results: (a) Let f : X→Y be ω-perfect mapping of a space X onto a space Y, then X is compact (Lindeloff), if Y is so. (b) Let f : X→Y be ω-perfect mapping of a regular space X onto a space Y. then X is paracompact (strongly paracompact), if Y is so paracompact (strongly paracompact). (c) Let X be a compact space and Y be a p*-space then the projection p : X×Y→Y is a ω-perfect mapping. Hence, X×Y is compact (paracompact, strongly paracompact) if and only if Y is so.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Weakly (resp., Closure, Strongly) Perfect Mappings

In this paper the concepts of weakly (resp., closure, strongly) Perfect Mappings are defined and the important relationships are studied: (a) Comparison between deferent forms of perfect mappings. (b) Relationship between compositions of deferent forms of perfect mappings. (c) Investigate relationships between deferent forms of perfect mappings and their graphs mappings.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Nano perfect mappings

In this paper, we will introduce and study the concept of nano perfect mappings by using the definition of nano continuous mapping and nano closed mapping, study the relationship between them, and discuss them with many related theories and results. The k-space and its relationship with nano-perfect mapping are also defined.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
IJ--Perfect Functions Between Bitopological Spaces

In this paper we introduce a lot of concepts in bitopological spaces which are ij-ω-converges to a subset, ij-ω-directed toward a set, ij-w-closed functions, ij-w-rigid set, ij-w-continuous functions and the main concept in this paper is ij-w-perfect functions between bitopological spaces. Several theorems and characterizations concerning these concepts are studied.


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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Results on Nano Perfect Mappings

The structure of this paper includes an introduction to the definition of the nano topological space, which was defined by M. L. Thivagar, who defined the lower approximation of G and the upper approximation of G, as well as defined the boundary region of G and some other important definitions that were mentioned in this paper with giving some theories on this subject. Some examples of defining nano perfect mappings are presented along with some basic theories. Also, some basic definitions were presented that form the focus of this paper, including the definition of nano  pseudometrizable space, the definition of nano compactly generated space, and the definition of completely nano para-compact. In this paper, we presented images of nan

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