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Diagnostic Evaluation for Mastery learning of Algebra Subject Matter in the Mathematics Curriculum for the 3rd. Intermediate Grade Students in Iraq
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Inspite of the renovation and development that occurred on the

mathematics curricula and its teaching styles (methods), the teaching methods and the evaluation styles that the teachers of the country

follow  are  still  traditionaL It depends  on  the  normal distribution approach and the principle of individual differences among students in

addition the traditional tests that are used to evaluate student achievement are built on standard-referenced system. These types of tests focus on comparing the student's  performance with his peers'

performance. The limitary of this type of evaluation in diagnosing the

students'  acquisition  of  the  study  content  is  clarified,  because it focuses on what the student achieves on the light of his peers' standards and not the mastery standard that it is required to be achieved.  Also,  it  neglects the  diagnosis  and  remediation  of  the

learning weaknesses of that content. In order to remediate the weaknesses in this system the criterion-referenced measurement were suggested. It focuses on the diagnosis and measurement of what the students have accomplished, on knowledge and skills, on the light of specified criteria for performance that are agreed on previously.There are many specialists' attempts on designing and constructing criterion­ referenced tests in different subjects such as mathematics to improve the learning-teaching process, and to classify students to masterly and non masterly students, and then remediate the weak points of the non masterly students. However, the researcher noted that there is a shortage of studies relevance to these tests on,Teaching mathematics in this country. Therefore, this studl aims to diagnose and evaluate the extent of learning mastery of the 3r  â€¢ Intermediate class students

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Internet and its Applications in Spreading Rumors
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The study tries to answer several questions posed by the subject, one of the important: How the Internet promotes rumor? And what are the most Internet applications that promote rumor? And the practical ways to reduce these negative? Using the process of in vestige and reading theoretical heritage available in this field, and inferred the numbers and statistics marked the uses of the Internet and its applications over recent years, and the characteristics of each these tools in the field of collection, processing, and dissemination of information

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Verses of Monks in the Holy Quran Study and Analysis
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Tafsir, ‘interpretation’ is one of the most important sciences the Muslims need. Because Allah, Almighty, revealed the Qur’an to be a way of life for the Muslims in which the healing of what is in the chest, including their goodness and their peasant. Allah says:
“O people, an admonition has indeed come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.”
In order to achieve the goal for which God revealed the Quran must be understood and managed verses:” This is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those who have understanding may be mindful.”
The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions understood t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Intellectual vision of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
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شهد العالم مع بداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تدشين مرحلة جديدة من التطور شملت مختلف الميادين لاسيما في مجال التطورات العلمية والثورة المعلوماتية.. كما إن مسار الديمقراطية في بعض دول العالم يصبح سالكا خاصة في تركيا, فمنذ اواسط الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي فتح المجال السياسي امام قوى كانت مسحوقة ومهمشة, ويكاد ان لا يكون لها وجود في الحياة السياسية للنزول الى ساحة العمل السياسي اسوة ببقية القوى ا

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Value Engineering and the Possibility of Its use in Architecture
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Value Engineering is an analytical study on projects or services using a specific procedure and a multidisciplinary working group, works for the identification and classification of the project functions; either for a better perfuming of these functions or to lessen the total project cost or the two together. Value Engineering main aim is on finding innovative alternatives, without effecting the basic requirements of the project, its methodology based on the functional balancing between the three elements of production "performance, quality and cost". This methodology based on the "functional analysis", had shown high possibilities in solving any problem facing the production procedure , achieve better investment for available re

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Employment of health materials in the internal administra-tive spaces
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 The internal administrative spaces of the interior designer formed an obsession for their development and for finding solutions and treatments to advance to enhance the state of adaptation for their employees by providing a healthy, appropriate and sound environment for work and production. . The first chapter focuses on laying theoretical foundations to show what health materials are used in the administrative spaces of the training directorates of the Ministry of Education in Baghdad. The second chapter dealt with the knowledge of health materials, their impact and effectiveness in the interior space, and the variables of their functional characteristics and their work in the interior spaces in a way that enhances the development of

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of the service encounter environment in enhancing customer satisfaction
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Because of the fierce competition between service organizations on the one hand and the increasing demands of customers on the other. Therefore, these organizations sought to distinguish their service by taking care of all aspects. One of these important aspects is the service encounter environment and its reflection on customer emotions, so we choose the current research to clarify the importance and impact on customer satisfaction, the problem of research is how the interest of Iraqi restaurants in the service encounter environment and how to care about its elements and whether this interest is sufficient to reflect the satisfaction of the customer. the goal of the current research was to clarify how much the application of the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Literary Humanities
The Stereotypical Representation of Black Women in Caryl Phillips’ "Cambridge"
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products
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The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Constitutional protection of the Human Right Dignity in UAE Law
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God Almighty created Man and made him his successor on Earth. He honored him above all other creatures and granted him all means to protect his human dignity, yet to date some societies violate and breach that protection. We are still hearing of the persecution of blacks in the USA and murdering Muslims in foreign countries even though these groups are entitled to the right to human dignity. The right to human dignity is a sacred right that is guaranteed for all individuals regardless of their color, sex, race, religion or origin. The real problem we are facing is that many societies do not provide sufficient protection for this right and do not put penalties and punishment in case this right is violated. There are numerous forms of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Inner Wasteland in Selected Later Plays of Samuel Beckett
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The inner wasteland can be observed in Samuel Beckett’s early and later plays. His characters suffer from loss of identity, emotions, and sense of time. They lead a life of failure, repetition, inaction, loneliness, doubt, suffering, and nothingness. The inner wasteland includes many aspects, such as the multi and split identity, the habitual repetitive element of life, the dark sorrowful life the characters lead, lack of communication and relations among them, their unfree, inactive condition, their foggy terrible recollections, loneliness, dryness of love, and uncertainty. The analysis and the illustration of each aspect will show how the inner wasteland is intensified in the selected later plays of Beckett.


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