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The Monitoring Role of the Governmental council in improving the performance of local Committees: Applied Research in the Wasit Governmental Council
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            The research aims to identify the elements of performance supervisory good and effective and availability in the Governmental council through examination and analysis of the reality and practice of censorship in this Council through study and evaluate the characteristics of the regulatory effective upon which the Governmental council in the performance of his work and knowledge of their adequacy by comparing the established criteria , and determine the effect of characteristics supervisory the performance standards for the Governmental council, Based search to two assumptions key to check the level of the relationship and the influence of the dimensions of the control in improving the performance using a number of statistical methods, and prove the hypotheses were selected Wasit Provincial Council in order to have the research community, and then choose the members of the council entire totaling (28) members to be sample research.       

The research included the current academic years (2003 - 2013) as the basis in Dealing with data and information for the study, The research found a set of  conclusions was the most important , There is a significant effect of the dimensions of the control exercised by the Council to maintain the performance of the local executive bodies , and was influenced by the work of the supervisory board and the quota system and the multi- party system and the lack of coordination of the regulatory agencies of central and local communities in the province.                                                                                                                                      
             The study The research recommended , A set of recommendations including: the audit work of the Council should be stripped of quotas and factionalism , and expand the powers of the supervisory board to work to cover all operational units and local departments of federal jurisdiction and work impartially and fairly full and without discrimination in the exercise of its monitoring function

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Stress and Its Associated Factors among Students of the College of Nursing University of Baghdad
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Objectives: The current study aims at identifying the level of perceived stress among nursing college students and determining the factors associated with stress they have. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study initiated for the period on November 1st, 2014 to May 1st, 2015. The study has been conducted on the undergraduate nursing college students / University of Baghdad. The sample of the study was consisted of (128) students who were selected purposively. The questionnaire of the study was adopted and modified for the present study which consisted of socio-demographic data and the scale of

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Dental Caries Experience in Relation to Salivary Flow Rate, SIgA and Mutans Streptococci Bacteria in Smoker and Non-Smoker Patients
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Background: Dental caries is a localized, progressive destructive, largely irreversible microbial based disease of multifactorial nature; these factors include (host, microbes and food) they influence differently on the initiation and progression of dental caries. The aims of the study: was to evaluate the effect of smoking on salivary flow rate, secretory immunoglobulin (SIgA) level and viable count of mutans streptococci (M.S) bacteria in oral cavity and their relation to dental caries experience. Material and method: The samples were collected from 80 male students ranging in ages from 18-22 years old. Where they divided in to two groups, 40 non-smokers (control group) and 40 smokers (study group). Unstimulated salivary samples were c

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Heated and silent adoration in the novel of " Desert of Love" by Francois Mauriac: Passions dévorantes et cachées dans Le Désert de lʼAmour de François Mauriac
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  François Mauriac’s novel The Desert of Love (1949) puts the reader before an experienced sociologist who is skillfully able to analyze the most mysterious human emotions and feelings.  The writer's starting point is that people are similar in feelings but different in behavior. He severely criticized the aristocratic class and uncovered its defects and faults.

         The novelist presents Courege's family as an example of the aristocratic class. It is a family torn by hatred, selfishness and disagreements due to absence of intimacy and love. This poisoned environment pushes the father and his son, Raymond, to search away for emotional ventures and banned relations

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Protecting woman during armed conflicts under the development of international humanitarian law
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The international humanitarian law found the special rules to protect women meanwhile the armed conflicts whether international or non-international. These rules are adopted for woman because of two reasons : that she is from civilians and on the other hand that her special constitution demands a special protection. The international community's attention of women is increased as a result of the tragic situation that faced women around the world especially in the Middle East and particularly in Iraq during the American-British war and ISIS period, these two periods sort many negative effects that reach women such as captivity, slavery, sexual enslavement and rape women especially Yazidis and Christians....

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Applying K-W-L Technique on Teaching ESP Students
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         Over the last few decades, many instructors have been trying all kinds of teaching methods, but without benefit. Nevertheless, in the 1986, a new technique is appeared which called K-W-L technique, it  is specified for reading comprehension passages because reading  skill is not easy matter for students for specific purposes (ESP).therefore, the K-W-L technique is a good one for thinking and experiences. To fulfill the aims and verify the hypothesis which reads as follows" it is hypothesized that there are no significant differences between the achievements of students who are taught according to K-W-L technique and those who are taught according to the traditional method

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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Conceptual and procedural scientific culture according to NSES standards among chemistry students in the intermediate stage
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between the Methods Estimate Nonparametric and Semiparametric Transfer Function Model in Time Series Using Simulation
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 18 2020
Journal Name
Medico Legal Update
The Meshing between Epstein Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen-1 and P53 in Iraqi Malignant Breast Tissues
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In Iraq, breast cancer incidence exceeds any other type of cancers and the etiology not understood well.Epstein Barr virus is a gamma herpesviruses and one of carcinogenic viruses that may implicated tobreast carcinogenesis. The nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) protein is the sole EBV antigen that presentedin all tumors related to EBV and plays pivotal roles in carcinogenesis of the virus. Examination appliedby immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect and demonstrate the correlation between (EBNA-1) and tumorsuppressor protein (P53) expression. The study includes paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of ninety 90malignant breast tissues and thirty 30 normal breast autopsies. EBNA-1 was significantly expressed in 40/90(44.4%) of malignant tissues wh

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Integration Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction Technologies in the Iraqi Construction Sector: Benefits and Constraints
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction (LC) are two quickly growing applied research areas in construction management. This study focuses on identifying the most essential benefits and analyzing the most affecting constraints on the construction sector that construction players face as they attempt to combine BIM-LC in Iraqi construction. Experts assessed 30 benefits and 28 constraints from examining the previous literature, and a two-round Delphi survey formed the responses. Expert consensus analysis was utilized to elaborate and validate responses after descriptive statistical checks had been used for data processing.

According to the study's findings, the benefits include ensuring the most ef

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food Second: use Hashr agents acridine orange
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Use Almtafr Alcderan orange, one of the factors Hashr Alttafaria to study Alatjabh isolates elected on the basis of specifications so that was a positive response with mutagen record and system consisting of three isolates used Alcderan orange graded concentrations and under specific Trov similar conditions Alttafar Pal NTG compared

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