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Research includes three axes, the first is the average estimate time of achievement (day) to work oversight, to five supervisory departments in the Office of Financial Supervision Federal and then choose the three control outputs and at the level of each of the five departments above, and after analyzing the data statistically back to us that the distribution of the times of achievement It is the exponential distribution (Exponential Distribution) a parameter (q), and the distribution of normal (Normal Distribution) with two parameters (μ, σ2), and introduced four methods of parameter estimation (q) as well as four modalities parameter to estimate (μ) consistently (σ2), it was estimated average completion time for each of the (q) and (μ), and is considered each random variable has the distribution of initial potential is a function of the average number of sergeants (C), was a comparison between these modalities advantage in the practical side through simulation method using the Monte Carlo method ( Monte Carlo), and a number of users is important statistical measure of the experiences of the average error boxes (MSE) (Mean Square Error), it was in general to reach a good estimate (which has the lowest value of the average error boxes (MSE)) for each type of the three outputs regulatory and the level of all sizes samples (departments subject to regulatory scrutiny PET), and this is the estimated average is the optimum time for the completion of each type of audit reports and the corresponding optimal number of sergeants to accomplish this report.

The second axis of research is planning to set a timetable for the completion of outputs control for the year 2009, as the table's goal is planning the completion of types of audit reports to chapters of the annual plan, and access to the optimum number for the completion of each type of reports as well as the regulatory power optimum (h / Sergeant) in order to be deviation ratios for the completion of the regulatory reporting less as possible by using linear programming, and after the implementation of the models on the program (TORA2006) reached an optimum number to complete the audit reports of various kinds, and each department of supervisory departments, according to the available resources as well as potential regulatory optimum (h / Sergeant) per season .

Finally, the third axis, which included the proposal forms to improve the audit work, the first was (AWP circuits regulatory form for the period from 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2009), and the second (plan and follow up the inputs and outputs of the completion of audit work on the regulatory departments and bodies of the level of form ), which serves as compensation for five types of questionnaires prepared by the Department of Planning and Follow-up in the Office of Financial Supervision.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Convolutional Multi-Spike Neural Network as Intelligent System Prediction for Control Systems
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The evolution in the field of Artificial Intelligent (AI) with its training algorithms make AI very important in different aspect of the life. The prediction problem of behavior of dynamical control system is one of the most important issue that the AI can be employed to solve it. In this paper, a Convolutional Multi-Spike Neural Network (CMSNN) is proposed as smart system to predict the response of nonlinear dynamical systems. The proposed structure mixed the advantages of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Multi -Spike Neural Network (MSNN) to generate the smart structure. The CMSNN has the capability of training weights based on a proposed training algorithm. The simulation results demonstrated that the proposed

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحسين " مقدرات المتغيرات المساعدة بطريقة جاكنايف " باستعمال صنف من أصناف خوارزمية المناعة مع تطبيق عملي
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تستند أغلب الطرائق الحصينة على فكرة التنازل عن جانب معين مقابل تقوية جانب آخر من خلال عدة أساليب أما آليات الذكاء الصناعي تحاول عمل موازنة بين الضعف والقوة للوصول إلى أفضل الحلول بأسلوب بحث عشوائي . في هذا البحث تم تقديم فكرة جديدة لتحسين مقدرات معلمات نماذج المعادلات الآنية الخطية الناتجة من طريقة المتغيرات المساعدة حسب طريقة جاكنايف Jackknife Instrumental Variable Estimation(JIVE) وذل

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Ranking Function to Solve a Fuzzy Multiple Objective Function
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In this paper two ranking functions are employed to treat the fuzzy multiple objective (FMO) programming model, then using two kinds of membership function, the first one is trapezoidal fuzzy (TF) ordinary membership function, the second one is trapezoidal fuzzy weighted membership function. When the objective function is fuzzy, then should transform and shrinkage the fuzzy model to traditional model, finally solving these models to know which one is better

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
الغش في حكم التحكيم التجاري الدولي - مشكلات وحلول
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The increase in economic institutions, commercial companies and international trade operations among them across countries and in most countries of the world and the inadequacy of their national laws and national judiciary to settle the disputes arising from them between the parties led to the tendency of legal thought to search for specialized, appropriate and quick tools to decide on them, so international commercial arbitration came In the first place for the settlement of those disputes, especially those that arose within the framework of international trade relations.

As a result, the demand for arbitration, especially international commercial, has increased, while other problems have emerged with it, namely, deceit of oppon

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Movement through Soil under Drip Irrigation using Different Hydraulic Soil Models
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Drip irrigation is one of the conservative irrigation techniques since it implies supplying water directly on the soil through the emitter; it can supply water and fertilizer directly into the root zone. An equation to estimate the wetted area in unsaturated soil is taking into calculating the water absorption by roots is simulated numerically using HYDRUS (2D/3D) software. In this paper, HYDRUS comprises analytical types of the estimate of different soil hydraulic properties. Used one soil type, sandy loam, with three types of crops; (corn, tomato, and sweet sorghum), different drip discharge, different initial soil moisture content was assumed, and different time durations. The relative error for the different hydrauli

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The se

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparison among Different Methods for Estimating Regression Parameters with Autocorrelation Problem under Exponentially Distributed Error
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Multiple linear regressions are concerned with studying and analyzing the relationship between the dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables. From this relationship the values of variables are predicted. In this paper the multiple linear regression model and three covariates were studied in the presence of the problem of auto-correlation of errors when the random error distributed the distribution of exponential. Three methods were compared (general least squares, M robust, and Laplace robust method). We have employed the simulation studies and calculated the statistical standard mean squares error with sample sizes (15, 30, 60, 100). Further we applied the best method on the real experiment data representing the varieties of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تخطيط وجدولة تنفيذ مشاريع الخدمات البلدية بأستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية(GIS ) بحث تطبيقي في مدينة الهندية ـ محافظة كربلاء المقدسة
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     The research has handled an important service sector in Iraq which is the municipals sector since it is connected directly and closely with the services presented to the citizens, and because the process of accomplishing the projects needs planning and scheduling for implementing these projects according to the available financial allocating and it was no choice but finding modern methods that help succeeding the processes of planning through making use of  Geographic Information system (GIS) in providing the necessary information in scheduling the projects since it is considered  as one of the tools that conveys the occurred in collecting the huge amount of  the locative d

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقترح اسلوب IRWs الحصين لتقدير أنموذج الانحدار المقسم لحركة حمولة قاع نهر دجلة ونقطة التغيير لكمية تصريف المياه عند مدينة بغداد
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              يتكون الانحدار المقسم من عدة أقسام تفصل بينها نقاط انتماء مختلفة، فتظهر حالة عدم التجانس الناشئة من عملية فصل الأقسام ضمن عينة البحث. ويهتم هذا البحث في تقدير موقع نقطة التغيير بين الأقسام وتقدير معلمات الأنموذج، واقتراح طريقة تقدير حصينة ومقارنتها مع بعض الطرائق المستعملة في الانحدار الخطي المقسم. وقد تم استعمال أحد الطرائق التقليدية (طريقة Muggeo) لإيجاد مقدرات الإمكان الأعظم بالأسلوب الت

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