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Correction of Non-Uniform illumination for Biological Images Using Morphological Operation Assessing with Statistical Features Quality.
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Non Uniform Illumination biological image often leads to diminish structures and inhomogeneous intensities of the image. Algorithm has been proposed using Morphological Operations different types of structuring elements including (dick, line, square and ball) with the same parameters of (15).To correct the non-uniform illumination and enhancement biological images, the non-uniform background illumination have been removed from image, using (contrast adjustment, histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization). The used basic approach to extract the statistical features values from gray level of co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) can show the typical values for features content of biological images that can be in form of shape or specific features. In this research, the application of gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) statistical features correlation, contras, energy and Homogeneity have presented these features which have high accuracy and efficiently. The color biological images had been used taken which is from microbiology laboratory at the Biological Department College of Science Al-MustansiriyhUniversity. The algorithms have been applied on ten different biological color images, in this work only two images have been displayed.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetic –Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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Content-based image retrieval has been keenly developed in numerous fields. This provides more active management and retrieval of images than the keyword-based method. So the content based image retrieval becomes one of the liveliest researches in the past few years. In a given set of objects, the retrieval of information suggests solutions to search for those in response to a particular description. The set of objects which can be considered are documents, images, videos, or sounds. This paper proposes a method to retrieve a multi-view face from a large face database according to color and texture attributes. Some of the features used for retrieval are color attributes such as the mean, the variance, and the color image's bitmap. In add

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetic –Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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Content-based image retrieval has been keenly developed in numerous fields. This provides more active management and retrieval of images than the keyword-based method. So the content based image retrieval becomes one of the liveliest researches in the past few years. In a given set of objects, the retrieval of information suggests solutions to search for those in response to a particular description. The set of objects which can be considered are documents, images, videos, or sounds. This paper proposes a method to retrieve a multi-view face from a large face database according to color and texture attributes. Some of the features used for retrieval are color attributes such as the mean, the variance, and the color image's bitmap. In add

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Analysis Of Damaged Composite Plates Under Uniform Or Non-Uniform Compressive Load
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The present study focused mainly on the buckling behavior of composite laminated plates subjected to mechanical loads. Mechanical loads are analyzed by experimental analysis, analytical analysis (for laminates without cutouts) and numerical analysis by finite element method (for laminates with and without cutouts) for different type of loads which could be uniform or non-uniform, uniaxial or biaxial. In addition to many design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and lamination angle or the parameters of the cutout such as shape, size, position, direction, and radii rounding) which are changed to studytheir effects on the buckling characteristics with various boundary conditions. Levy method of classical lam

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Genetic--Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
Journal Name
Petroleum Science And Technology
Building 3D geological model using non-uniform gridding for Mishrif reservoir in Garraf oilfield
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses magnetization and radio waves, rather than x-rays to make very detailed, cross- sectional pictures of the brain. In this work we are going to explain some procedures belongs contrast and brightness improvement which is very important in the improvement the image quality such as the manipulation with the image histogram. Its has been explained in this worked the histogram shrink i.e. reducing the size of the gray level gives a dim low contrast picture is produced, where, the histogram stretching of the gray level was distributed on a wide scale but there is no increase in the number of pixels in the bright region. The histogram equalization has also been discuss together with its effects of the improveme

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
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Improved Melting of Latent Heat Storage Using Fin Arrays with Non-Uniform Dimensions and Distinct Patterns
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Employing phase-change materials (PCM) is considered a very efficient and cost-effective option for addressing the mismatch between the energy supply and the demand. The high storage density, little temperature degradation, and ease of material processing register the PCM as a key candidate for the thermal energy storage system. However, the sluggish response rates during their melting and solidification processes limit their applications and consequently require the inclusion of heat transfer enhancers. This research aims to investigate the potential enhancement of circular fins on intensifying the PCM thermal response in a vertical triple-tube casing. Fin arrays of non-uniform dimensions and distinct distribution patterns were des

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Techniques
Multifractal-Based Features for Medical Images Classification
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This paper presents a method to classify colored textural images of skin tissues. Since medical images havehighly heterogeneity, the development of reliable skin-cancer detection process is difficult, and a mono fractaldimension is not sufficient to classify images of this nature. A multifractal-based feature vectors are suggested hereas an alternative and more effective tool. At the same time multiple color channels are used to get more descriptivefeatures.Two multifractal based set of features are suggested here. The first set measures the local roughness property, whilethe second set measure the local contrast property.A combination of all the extracted features from the three colormodels gives a highest classification accuracy with 99.4

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Statistical Methods to Increase the Contrast Level in Digital Images
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This research deals with the use of a number of statistical methods, such as the kernel method, watershed, histogram, and cubic spline, to improve the contrast of digital images. The results obtained according to the RSME and NCC standards have proven that the spline method is the most accurate in the results compared to other statistical methods.


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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences (jeas)
Using Statistical Methods to Increase the Contrast Level in Digital Images
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This research deals with the use of a number of statistical methods, such as the kernel method, watershed, histogram and cubic spline, to improve the contrast of digital images. The results obtained according to the RSME and NCC standards have proven that the spline method is the most accurate in the results compared to other statistical methods