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Impact the Organizational downsizing in organizational health: Analytical research in the Directorate of Education in Nineveh

This research aims to determine the extent of the contribution of organizational downsizing strategies to enhance the health of the researched organization represented by the Directorate of Education in Nineveh, and to achieve this goal, the study provided a simplified intellectual framework for the most important topics covered by writers and researchers for search variables, reinforced by an applied analytical framework for the opinions of (79) individuals responsible for the researched organization. The research adopted organizational downsizing as an independent variable that includes three dimensions represented by (reduction of human resources, job redesign, systemic strategy), while the organizational health represented the variable adopted in the research. The study used the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data from the practical side of the research, and some statistical treatments were carried out for the data through the use of statistical methods represented by measures of central tendency, correlation coefficients and regression line equation in order to test the hypotheses adopted by the research which expressed the presence of a significant effect between organizational leanness and organizational health. What explains to us is that what shows us that relying on reducing the organizational size through one of its strategies contributes to improving the level of organizational health in the field studied.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Improvement of Neural Network Based RLS Channel Estimators in MIMO-OFDM Systems

The objective of this study was tointroduce a recursive least squares (RLS) parameter estimatorenhanced by using a neural network (NN) to facilitate the computing of a bit error rate (BER) (error reduction) during channels estimation of a multiple input-multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system over a Rayleigh multipath fading channel.Recursive least square is an efficient approach to neural network training:first, the neural network estimator learns to adapt to the channel variations then it estimates the channel frequency response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the conventional methods least square (LS) and the original RLS and it is more robust a

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 13 2014
Journal Name
Asian Academic Research Associates
Thermodynamic Study of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) in Aqueous Solution and in Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol at Different Temperatures

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
Effect of non-thermal plasma by FE-DBD scheme on lipids in blood in vivo study

This study illustrates the impact of non-thermal plasma (Cold Atmospheric Plasma CAP) on the lipids blood, the study in vivo. The lipids are (cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and triglyceride) are tested. (FE-DBD) scheme of probe diameter 4cm is used for this purpose, and the output voltage ranged from (0-20) kV with variable frequency (0-30) kHz. The effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma on lipids were studied with different exposure durations (20,30) sec. As a result, the longer plasma exposure duration decreases more lipids in blood.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
New Study of Mgo Nps in Drilling Fluid to Reduce Stick-Slip Vibration in Drilling System

Stick-slip is kind of vibration which associated with drilling operation in around the bottom hole assembly (BHA) due to the small clearance between drill string & the open hole and due to the eccentric rotating of string. This research presents results of specific experimental study that was run by using two types of drilling mud (Fresh water Bentonite & Polymer), with/without Nanoparticle size materials of MgO in various ratios and computes the rheological properties of mud for each concentration [Yield point, plastic viscosity, Av, PH, filter loss (30 min), filter cake, Mud Cake Friction, Friction Factor]. These results then were used to find a clear effects of Nanoparticle drilling mud rheology on stick - slip strength by sev

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2021
Journal Name
Rudn Journal Of Language Studies, Semiotics And Semantics
Motivation of Word Formation in Russian and Arabic Languages and its Role in Achieving Translation Equivalence

The article is devoted to the issue of word-formation motivation, which does not lose its relevance and plays a role not only in disclosing formal-semantic relations between words of one language and has not only theoretical, but also applied significance. The authors consider word-formation motivation consistently in its varieties in a comparative way on the materials of so different languages as Russian and Arabic and approach the mechanism of achieving semantic equivalence of translation. To the greatest extent, word-formation activity today, due to objective reasons, affects some special branch (technical, medical, etc.) vocabulary, which is increasing from year to year in national dictionaries. This extensive material, selected

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 26 2023
Journal Name
International Conference On Scientific Research & Innovation (icsri 2022)
Age and gender profile of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) in Quarantine Center in Baghdad, Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Cronobacter sakazakii (Enterobacter sakazakii) in powdered food infants (PIF) and raw milk in Iraq

This study was conducted to detect C.sakazakii PIF and raw milk. Two hundred samples of PIF were taken from the infected hospital infants who used this type of milk and from the local markets in addition to 16 sample of raw milk were collected. The study is the first to report the isolation of C. sakazakii and Enterobacter spp. from raw milk in Iraq. The distribution of C.sakazakii and Enterobacter spp. among the presumptive isolates using Vitek-GN2 system gave 1/16(6.25%) isolates of C.sakazakii and 4/16 (25%) isolates of Enterobacter spp. Enterobacter spp. isolates include (E.cloacae ssp. cloacae and E.cloacae ssp. dissolvens, E.hormaechei, and E.ludwigii) that isolate from raw milk Differences in between percentages of each isolate perse

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Detection and Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon from Selected Areas in Tigris River in Baghdad City

Aromatic hydrocarbons present in Iraqi national surface water were believed to be raised principally from combustion of various petroleum products, industrial processes and transport output and their precipitation on surface water.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were included in the priority pollutant list due to their toxic and carcinogenic nature. The concern about water contamination and the consequent human exposure have encouraged the development of new methods for
PAHs detection and removal.
PAHs, the real contaminants of petroleum matter, were detected in selected sites along Tigris River within Baghdad City in summer and winter time, using Shimadzu high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effects of Allopurinol on Ketone Body Metabolism and Tissue Lipid Peroxidation in Alloxan Diabetes in Rats

The aim of the present study is to investigate whether or not xanthine oxidase (XO)–derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) may play a role in the pathogenesis of alloxan (ALX)–induced diabetes in rats using the specific XO inhibitor and hydroxyl radical scavenger, allopurinol

The involvement of oxidative stress in ALX – diabetes was assessed by the measurement of plasma and various tissues lipid peroxides levels ( using thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) reactive substances ). Furthermore, the ability of allopurinol to influence these and other biochemical parameters, including plasma and urine ketones levels were also investigated in diabetic rats.

Rats were divided into four groups: control, untreated diabe

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation of Corchorus olitorius L. Leaves Cultivated in Iraq and it’s In Vitro Antiviral Activity

The aim of our study was to investigate the antiviral activity of the Corchorus olitorius family Tiliaceae cultivated in Iraq against measles virus, and to demonstrate an overview about chemical constituents and pharmacological activity of Corchorus olitorius L.

About150 gm Leaves of Corchorus. olitorius were defatted by maceration in hexane for 24 hrs. The defatted plant materials were subjected for extraction after filtration using Soxhlet apparatus, with aqueous methanol 85% as a solvent extraction for 24 hours, the extract was filtered, and the solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure using a rotary evaporator to get a dry extract of about 12 gm. About 4 gm from the residue was suspended in 100

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