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Applying some hybrid models for modeling bivariate time series assuming different distributions for random error with a practical application
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  Bivariate time series modeling and forecasting have become a promising field of applied studies in recent times. For this purpose, the Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with exogenous variable ARMAX model is the most widely used technique over the past few years in modeling and forecasting this type of data. The most important assumptions of this model are linearity and homogenous for random error variance of the appropriate model. In practice, these two assumptions are often violated, so the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and (GARCH) with exogenous variables (GARCHX) are applied to analyze and capture the volatility that occurs in the conditional variance of a linear model. Since time series observations rarely have linear or nonlinear components in nature or usually included together. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the hybrid model technique according to Zhang methodology for hybrid models to combine the linear forecasts of the best linear model of ARMAX models and the nonlinear forecasts of the best nonlinear models of (ARCH, GARCH & GARCHX) models and thus increase the efficiency and accuracy of performance forecasting future values of the time series.

This paper is concerned with the modeling and building of the hybrid models (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAX-GARCHX), assuming three different random error distributions: Gaussian distribution, Student-t distribution, as well as the general error distribution and the last two distributions were applied for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of heavy tail distributions which have a Leptokurtic characteristic compared to the normal distribution. This research adopted a modern methodology in estimating the parameters of the hybrid model namely the (two-step procedure) methodology. In the first stage, the parameters of the linear model were estimated using three different methods: The Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the Recursive Least Square Method with Exponential Forgetting Factor (RLS-EF), and the Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPM). In the second stage, the parameters of the nonlinear model were estimated using the MLE method and employing the numerical improvement algorithm (BHHH algorithm).




The hybrid models have been applied for modeling the relationship between the exogenous time series represented by the exchange rate and the endogenous time series represented by the unemployment rate in the USA for the period from (January 2000 to December 2017 i.e. 216 observations), and also the out-of-sample forecasts of unemployment rate in the last twelve values of (2018). The forecasting performance of the hybrid models and the competing individual model was also evaluated using the loss function accuracy measures (MAPE), (MAE), and the robust (Q-LIKE). Based on statistical measurements, the results showed the hybrid models improved the accuracy and efficiency of the single model. () hybrid model error whose conditional variance follows a GED distribution is the optimal model in modeling the bivariate time series data under study and more efficient in the forecasting process compared with the individual model and the hybrid model. This is due to having the lowest values for accuracy measures. Different software packages (MATLAB (2018a), SAS 9.1, R 3.5.2 and EViews 9) were used to analyze the data under consideration.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fully Fuzzy Visible Modules With Other Related Concepts
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In previous our research, the concepts of visible submodules and fully visible modules were introduced, and then these two concepts were fuzzified to fuzzy visible submodules and fully fuzzy. The main goal of this paper is to study the relationships between fully fuzzy visible modules and some types of fuzzy modules such as semiprime, prime, quasi, divisible, F-regular, quasi injective, and duo fuzzy modules, where under certain conditions it has been proven that each fully fuzzy visible module is fuzzy duo. In addition, there are many various properties and important results obtained through this research, which have been illustrated. Also, fuzzy Artinian modules and fuzzy fully stable modules have been introduced, and we study the rel

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
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Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is
the most common form of chronic anovulation
associated with androgen excess; it occurs in about 5
– 10% 0f reproductive age women. Metabolic
syndrome is characterized by insulin resistance,
hypertension, obesity, abnormalities of blood clotting
and dyslipidemia.
Adult women with PCOS have an increased
prevalence of the metabolic syndrome(MBS).
Objectives: To detect the prevalence of metabolic
syndrome in women with proved PCOS, attending the
Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes, in
Materials and methods : A total number of 40
women with proved PCOS were included in this study
which was conducted in the Specialized Center f

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation of naturally Fractured Reservoirs with SimBest ll
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Personality Type and its Relationship with Withdrawal Observer
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The current research was aimed at the following:
1. Measurement of Personality Type Observer of the University students.
2. Identify the differences in Personality Type Observer among the University students according to variable of Sex (male / female). And according to variable of Specialization (scientific / literary)
3. Measurement of Withdrawal of the University students.
4. Identify the differences in Withdrawal among the University students according to variable of Sex (male / female). And according to variable of Specialization (scientific / literary).
5. Identify the relationship between Personality Type Observer and Withdrawal.
To achieve this aims of the research, the researchers set up the instrument is scale

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings
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Using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) could effectively improve the strength and endurance of reinforced concrete (RC) constructions. This study evaluated the flexural behavior of one-way concrete slabs with openings reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP) bars. It strengthened using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets around the openings. The experimental program of this study is adopted by casting and testing four one-way concrete slabs with dimensions of (150*750*2650) mm. These slabs are divided into two groups based on whether they were strengthened or un-strengthened. For each group, two different openings (either one rectangular or two square) measured 250*500 mm and 250*250 mm, respective

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Discrete an SIS model with immigrants and treatment
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In this paper, a discrete SIS epidemic model with immigrant and treatment effects is proposed. Stability analysis of the endemic equilibria and disease-free is presented. Numerical simulations are conformed the theoretical results, and it is illustrated how the immigrants, as well as treatment effects, change current model behavior

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Scopus (5)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 18 2022
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Detecting Deepfakes with Deep Learning and Gabor Filters
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The proliferation of many editing programs based on artificial intelligence techniques has contributed to the emergence of deepfake technology. Deepfakes are committed to fabricating and falsifying facts by making a person do actions or say words that he never did or said. So that developing an algorithm for deepfakes detection is very important to discriminate real from fake media. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are among the most complex classifiers, but choosing the nature of the data fed to these networks is extremely important. For this reason, we capture fine texture details of input data frames using 16 Gabor filters indifferent directions and then feed them to a binary CNN classifier instead of using the red-green-blue

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Multiple Openings
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The present investigation focuses on the response of simply supported reinforced concrete rectangular-section beams with multiple openings of different sizes, numbers, and geometrical configurations. The advantages of the reinforcement concrete beams with multiple opening are mainly, practical benefit including decreasing the floor heights due to passage of the utilities through the beam rather than the passage beneath it, and constructional benefit that includes the reduction of the self-weight of structure resulting due to the reduction of the dead load that achieves economic design. To optimize beam self-weight with its ultimate resistance capacity, ten reinforced concrete beams having a length, width, and depth of 2700, 100, and

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Fme Transactions
Unsteady nonlinear panel method with mixed boundary conditions
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A new panel method had been developed to account for unsteady nonlinear subsonic flow. Two boundary conditions were used to solve the potential flow about complex configurations of airplanes. Dirichlet boundary condition and Neumann formulation are frequently applied to the configurations that have thick and thin surfaces respectively. Mixed boundary conditions were used in the present work to simulate the connection between thick fuselage and thin wing surfaces. The matrix of linear equations was solved every time step in a marching technique with Kelvin's theorem for the unsteady wake modeling. To make the method closer to the experimental data, a Nonlinear stripe theory which is based on a two-dimensional viscous-inviscid interac

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Mechanical And Material Engineering
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A numerical method for the calculation of the three-dimensional wake rollup behind symmetric wings with ground effect and its aerodynamic characteristics for steady low subsonic flow have been developed. A non-planar quadrilateral vortex-ring method with vortex wake relaxation iterative scheme for lifting surfaces is obtained. A computer program was build to treat wings with breaks, span wise trailing edge flaps, local dihedral angle, camber, twist and ground effect. Forces and moments are obtained from vector product of local velocity and vortex strength multiplied by density. The program has been validated for a number of configurations for which experimental data is available. Good agreement has been obtained for these configurations. Al

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