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تعزيز رأس المال الستراتيجي
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يتفق اغلب الرؤوساء التنفيذيين للشركات، على ان رأس المال الستراتيجي
(Strategic capital) هو مقدرة المنظمة على رسم الخطط الناجحة وتنفيذ الستراتيجيات الملائمة، بالاعتماد على مدى واسع من أطر التفكير الخاصة بالعاملين، ومعارفهم وافكارهم وتصوراتهم التي ينبري ان تدخل في بناء تفاعلات انسانية صحيحة تصب في تطوير رأس المال الاجتماعي التنظيمي (Organizational Social capital) . فمن هذا المفهوم العميق بتداخلاته سننطلق لتوضيح المقالة الحالية لـ (Peter Smith) المعنونة
(Enhancing strategic capital) المنشورة في ايلول (2006) بـ
(Handbook of business strategy)، والتي ستناقش المدخل الشمولي لأحتواء العاملين بوصفه معتقداً جوهرياً للمنظمة، ويمثل الجانب الحاسم للتخطيط الستراتيجي الناجح.

عادة ما يتم الاستعانة بأناس مقربين او اصدقاء نثق بهم في اطار التعاملات الحياتية الخاصة، مثلاً عند شراء شيء معين بسيط (كتاب)، او معقد (دار او سيارة)، وقد يكون اولئك الافراد المستعان بهم من ضمن شبكة الناس المتعاونين لتقديم النصيحة والمشورة. وفي عالم الاقتصاد المعرفي (Knowledge economy) توجد شبكة علاقات داعمة موثوق بها تكون جاهزة لتحقيق تآلفاً مجتمعياً في كل المجالات يمكنها ان تفيد منظمات الاعمال في تقديم خدمات مميزة لزبائنها. ففي تلك الحالة يكون ليس المطلوب هنا بالضبط هو ماذا تعرف؟ "رأس المال البشري" (Human capital)، او حتى مَنْ تعرف؟ "رأس مال العلاقات"
(Relational capital) التي تضمن مخرجات ناجحة، بل المطلوب هو مَنْ الذي تعرفه جيدا؟ بشكل يفي لتثق به ان يقدم لك النصحية المهمة، او تتعاون معه للحصول على الاشياء بكل فاعلية وكفاءة، وهذا ما يطلق عليه هنا بـ "رأس المال الاجتماعي" (Social capital) . فعلى هذا الاساس ان ستراتيجية فجوة المعرفة- التطبيق
(The Knowing- doing gap strategy) احياناً تصمم وتنفذ في غرفة عمليات الرؤوساء التنفيذيين للشركات من منطلق سعيهم للاهتمام بعجلة تقدمها، وتماشياً مع تأكيد حقيقة "مَنْ يفكر بماذا" (Who think what). وعلاوة على ذلك، ينبغي ان تكون للمنظمات رؤية واضحة عن شبكة العلاقات الموجودة مع ما موجود في بيئتها العامة والخاصة، وتحديد قادة الرأي (Opinion leaders) غير الرسميين فيها، وانماط تأثيرهم ونفوذهم الايجابي والسلبي، لكون ذلك يعد من القضايا الحاسمة لنجاح تطبيق الستراتيجية على احسن ما يرام. ولعل من الجدير ذكره، ان مثل ذلك قد يكون حقيقياً وفاعلاً قبل صياغة الخطط الستراتيجية، ولكنه قد يصبح غير ذي فائدة في مرحلة التدشين او التنفيذ الفعلي لها.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Human Capital on Stratigic agility " Field Study in Jordan tourist companies"
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The research aims to identify the degree of the availability of knowledge, skill and ability as components of human capital, in addition to stand at the level of strategic agility upon tourism and travel agencies company of Jordan, the impact of human capital on strategic agility has been tested through distribution of a questionnaire on a Randomly Sample from Workers in Jordan tourist Companies of (349),a number of statistics techinces have been used simple liner Regrision and Multiplayer regession, it has shown that the degree of knowledge, ability and skill availability was high, and the same applies on strategic agility components, and shown out that there is a statistically significant impact between human capital and strate

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Combine Level of Capital Structure and Dividend Policy on Firm Stock Price An apply study of companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange
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Although a great deal of works has been done on the area of capital structure and dividend policy, there is still insufficient knowledge of how these policies affect stock prices. This shortcoming may have been originated from the separation between both policies when investigating their effect on stock prices. Based on this point, this research adopts a new technique (completely randomized design), to combine the effect of capital structure and dividend policy on stock prices rather than separating between them. The study used panel based regression analysis depending on the sample of 30 service and industrial Jordanian firms for the period of 2001-2010. The result of test hypotheses found the following; 1) dividend payout has a

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Electronic human resources management practices in the sustainability of knowledge capital
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The aim of the research is to highlight the role of electronic human resources management practices in the sustainability of knowledge capital as one of its success factors, as well as the diagnosis and interpretation of the relationship between research variables and their dimensions. The research problem is that the University of Babil implements some electronic human resources management practices not in a complete way, The level of its application and the problems it faces, as well as the extent to which these practices reflect the knowledge capital and sustainability in the university, and highlights the importance of research as it is concerned with the electronic aspects and achieve the competitive advant

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-turath University College
التزام الدائن المرتهن حيازةً بالمحافظة على المال المرهون
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of two indicators of market value-added and return on capital invested in measuring the performance of the Iraqi banking sector
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For a long time, the intensification of profit represented a major goal for the company management ,but this goal confirmed a series of restrictions such the constriction on short period, the time rather than on long and medium strategic goal, the relationships with customers ,the supplies, employees , This goal is replaced by another one (intensification of the company's value) ,and the fortune of the share holders itself ,for the purpose  of creating value, the company must generate  great outcomes to cover the operating expense and to insure the a suitable compensation to the invested capital (the market value added) is  the indication used to estimate the company ability to create value –added the development

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Information Systems and their effects on the Developing of Intellectual Capital in the Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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This research aims to study the impact of strategic information systems on the development of intellectual capital in the Public Shareholding Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed for the purpose of data collection, as the number of valid questionnaires for analysis was about (135), and SPSS and AMOS 0.26 software was used to analyze the collected data. The study found out that the respondents' perceptions of the level of importance of strategic information systems and the level of importance of intellectual capital were high, and that the relational capital has ranked as first, followed by structural capital, and h

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Psychological Capital: Behavioral Insight for Study of Spirituality at the Workplace
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      This research aims to identify the role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) in the Spirituality at the Workplace (SAW) for a sample of the teaching staff of the four Colleges of the University of Kufa reached (200) out of (470) teaching, and to achieve the objective of this research and through access to research and studies of foreign adopted researchers standards scales of research variables, since it relied on the model (Luthans, Youssef, et al., 2007) to represent the components of Psychological Capital (self-efficacy, and hope, and optimism, and resilience), and given the attention organizations in the human element because of it

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The relationship of using the social networking site Facebook to the accumulation of social capital: (Survey study for a sample of students from the University of Algiers 3)
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The subject of social capital is of great importance, as it provides an analytical framework for researchers interested in understanding the impact of the Internet on many dimensions of human and social life. And because social networking sites have infiltrated societies and produced new variables at the level of human and social communication, this study came to examine the relationship between the use of the social networking site Facebook and the accumulation of social capital among a sample of University of Algeria 3 students, by researching the variables of intensity of use and patterns of use as independent variables and their relationship to social capital. The results of the field study revealed a strong relationship between the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Intellectual Capital In The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises Research filed In Small And Medium Enterprises In Baghdad
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The Research aims to determine role of The Intellectual capital in the performance of small and medium enterprises , to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable intellectual capital, distributed four variable are:( human  capital, structure capital ,customer capital, innovation capital) as well as four variable (the financial perspective, the customer perspective, process perspective ,the learning & growth perspective) The  study were getting to  many results as bellow :the intellectual capital in the small and intermediate p

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of organizational learning in building intellectual capital in public organizations: comparative research between the universities of Baghdad and al-Mustansiriya
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   Organizational learning is one of the most important means of human resource development in organizations, but most of the organizations, especially public ones do not realize the importance of organizational learning enough, and estimated his role accurately in building intellectual capital, the resource competitive importantly for organizations of the third millennium and who suffers is other end of lack of understanding of its meaning and how to prove its presence and measured in public organizations, so there is the need for this research, which aims to investigate the effect of organizational learning its processes (knowledge acquisition, Information transfer, Interpreting the information, Organizational me

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