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Using the Box Jenkins models to predict Iraq's cement production and to demonstrate its adequacy under future construction projects
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تعد صناعة السمنت في العراق من اقدم الصناعات الحديثة واكثرها تطورا وتقدما ومن اقواها تاثيرا في الاقتصاد القومي. واذ توفر في صناعة السمنت العراقي كافة المستلزمات الناجحة من حيث توفر المواد الاولية والخبرات الفنية والتقنية واسواق ثابتة وراسخة محليا وعالميا فقد كان من المفروض ان يتم التوسع في هذه الصناعة، وان التخطيط لهذه الصناعة امرا ضروريا خاصة وان مادة السمنت هي احدى اهم المواد الرئيسة التي يؤثر توفرها بشكل كبير على انجاز المشاريع العمرانية والاقتصادية ومن هذا المنطلق فقد تم اعداد الدراسات لمستقبل هذه الصناعة من اجل النهوض بها وتطويرها وتوسيعها.

 وان هدف البحث هو التنبؤ بكميات انتاج السمنت العراقي للمدة المستقبلية (2003 - 2013) باستخدام افضل نماذج بوكس جينكنز الملائمة (B -J).

 وقد توصل البحث الى جملة من الاستنتاجات وهي: باستخدام طريقة بوكس جينكنز وجد ان السلسلة غير مستقرة وبذلك تم اخذ الفرق الاول بهدف تحقيق الاستقرارية. وكذلك من سلوك معاملات الارتباط الذاتي والجزئي استنتجنا انه امكن تحديد واختيار النموذج الملائم لتمثيل السلسلة، حيث كان النموذج الملائم هو  ARIMA (2, 1, 0) وكذلك وجدنا ان الحدود الدنيا للتنبؤ قد تكون سالبة، وهذا مما يدل على انه في حالة الحاجة الماسة الى هذه المادة فأن الانتاج المحلي قد لا يكفي لذلك يلجأ البلد الى سد النقص الحاصل عن طريق الاستيراد.

 اما التوصيات فهي: نوصي باعتماد النموذج الذي تم التوصل اليه في طريقة بوكس – جينكنز بغية الاستفادة منها في التخطيط والتنبؤ للفترات القادمة. وكذلك نوصي الشركة العراقية لانتاج السمنت ان تعتمد على القيم التنبئية المستخرجة من تطبيق النموذج برسم خططها المستقبلية. وكذلك ان البلد في الوقت الحالي بحاجة الى عملية اعمار واسعة لذلك نوصي بزيادة الطاقة الانتاجية من هذه المادة لغرض سد النقص الحاصل.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 16 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Diatom Indices to Evaluate Water quality In Abu-Zirig Marsh Thi-Qar Province /south of Iraq
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The study attempts to assess water quality in Abu-Zirig Marsh which used epiphytic Diatom community for assessing water quality. Many of Diatom indices {Trophic diatom index (TDI), Diatom index (DI), Generic diatom index (GDI) have been used to give qualitative information about the status of the freshwater ecosystem(good, moderate, high pollution). In this study, the epiphytic diatoms on both host aquatic plants Phragmites australis and Typha domengensis were collected from Abu-Zirig Marsh within Thi-Qar Province at three sites in Autumn, 2018 and winter, 2019. Epiphytic diatoms were Identified by the preparation of permanent slides method, some species of epiphytic diatom showed dominance such as Cyclotella menegh

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal regulation of the distribution of parliamentary seats in Iraq under the law (45) for the year 2013 amended and its effects on the value of the parliamentary seat
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   The search came under the title "The Legal division of the distribution of seats in Iraq under Law No. (45) for the year 2013 and its effects on the value of the seat of Parliament)" as part of the response to the requirements of the current circumstances that are going through Iraq, after the experience of each of the electoral experiments that we are waging every four Nawat to elect a new house of representatives that cries out for amending the distribution systems of parliamentary seats, so that some have imagined that the devil is behind all the darkness of the crises in society, and that it is inevitable to believe that the distribution systems of the parliamentary seats is a legal ploy to confiscate the will of the peo

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Strategic Intelligence In Decision Making Styles An Analytical research in the Construction& Housing ministry
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            This research aims to explore the impact of strategic  intelligence by his dimensions (Foresight , system thinking, vision, motivation and partnership) on decision making styles which represented by ( rational, intuitive, dependent, Spontaneous and  Avoidant style) for a sample of the administrative leaders in the center of  Reconstruction &Housing Ministry and Some its formations which are companies of (Sa'ad, Al Mansour, al Farouq, Assyria, al-Mu'tasim, al- Rasheed, and Public Authority for Housing).  So to achieve the  research objectives and to test hypotheses, it has been relying

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 11 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Application of Nanotechnology in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Evolving Algorithms to Cryptanalysis Nonlinear Cryptosystems
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            In this paper, new method have been investigated using evolving algorithms (EA's) to cryptanalysis one of the nonlinear stream cipher cryptosystems which depends on the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) unit by using cipher text-only attack. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) which are used for attacking one of the nonlinear cryptosystems called "shrinking generator" using different lengths of cipher text and different lengths of combined LFSRs. GA and ACO proved their good performance in finding the initial values of the combined LFSRs. This work can be considered as a warning for a stream cipher designer to avoid the weak points, which may be f

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Valuation of Construction Projects Based on of Quantity Scale by using Expert System
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The subject of an valuation of quality of construction projects is one of the topics which it becomes necessary of the absence of the quantity standards in measuring the control works and the quality valuation standards in constructional projects. In the time being it depends on the experience of the workers which leads to an apparent differences in the valuation.

The idea of this research came to put the standards to evaluate the quality of the projects in a special system depending on quantity scale nor quality specifying in order to prepare an expert system “ Crystal “ to apply this special system to able the engineers to valuate the quality of their projects easily and in more accurate ways.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of supporting the pricing policy to improve the production of wheat in Iraq since 2008 through 2014
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Despite the fact of the importance and effectiveness of supporting the pricing policy for agriculture sector in Iraq, but this policy has stopped in supporting those agriculture production needs, and it was confined to support the final product only, and supporting the strategic corps exclusively after the U.S. Invasion in 2003, but after 2008 the state has returned to support some of this policy activities through providing financial loans through the agricultural initiative campaign, with trillions of iraqi dinars without any use, also providing support to some of the agricultural production needs such as fertilizers , tractors and agricultural combines, in addition supporting the pricing policy for the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Queues Models and its Role in Improving Performance in the City of Medicine / Baghdad Teaching Hospital / Clinic Internal Medicine Advisory
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The purpose of this research is to a treatment the impact of Views outliers to the estimators of a distributed arrival and service to the theory of queues and estimate the distribution parameters depending on the robust estimators, and when he was outliers greatest impact in the process of estimating the both distributions mentioned parameters, it was necessary to use way to test that does these data contain abnormal values ​​or not? it was used the method ( Tukey ) for this purpose and is of the most popular ways to discover the outliers , it shows that there are views abnormal (outliers ) in the estimators of each of the distributional arrival and service, which have a significant impact on the calculation of these estimato

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Sonic Log to Predict Abnormal Pressure Zones in Selected Oil Wells (Western of Iraq)
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Two oil wells were tested to find the abnormal pressure zones using sonic log technique. We found that well Abu-Jir-3 and Abu-Jir-5 had an abnormal pressure zones from depth 4340 to 4520 feet and 4200 to 4600 feet, respectively. The maximum difference between obtained results and the field measured results did not exceed 2.4%.
In this paper, the formation pressures were expressed in terms of pressure gradient which sometimes reached up to twice the normal pressure gradient.
Drilling and developing such formations were dangerous and expensive.
The plotted figures showed a clear derivation from the normal trend which confirmed the existence of abnormal pressure zones.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties
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Rate of penetration plays a vital role in field development process because the drilling operation is expensive and include the cost of equipment and materials used during the penetration of rock and efforts of the crew in order to complete the well without major problems. It’s important to finish the well as soon as possible to reduce the expenditures. So, knowing the rate of penetration in the area that is going to be drilled will help in speculation of the cost and that will lead to optimize drilling outgoings. In this research, an intelligent model was built using artificial intelligence to achieve this goal.  The model was built using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to predict the rate of penetration in

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