التنافس الدولي وضمان امن النفط
The Phenomena of Double Taxation becomes a problem that all countries suffer from it specially developing countries where the double taxation becomes an obstacle before investments. Thus the world countries attempt to find a solution
or this problem through national and international agreements
في إطار قراءتنا المتواصلة عن الفساد وقعت بين أيدينا دراسة شيقة في الاقتصاد نشرتها مجلة التمويل والتنمية في عددها الأول لعام 1998 تحت عنوان
(International Cooperation Against Corruption) للباحث (روبرت كليتكارد) ونحن ارتأينا نقلها إلى العربية بتصرف مع إضافات وآراء هنا وهناك أدخلناها للإغناء والتطوير.
يقول الباحث (روبرت كليتكارد) بمستهل كلامه: "إن محاربة الفساد بحقيقة أمره يعد قضية صعبة وحساسة ل
... Show MoreConclusion The observation of the phenomenon of structural evolution of the international system and its instability on a particular situation, by its transition from unipolar to polarity to bipolarism and then to unilateralism in the early 1990s led by the United States, and to the present moment, To say that the structure by which the hierarchy of superpowers or the regime is directed in terms of its various capacities that qualify it, and with the consent of the rest of the States directing the regime to lead and lead the world's first place, has no direct relation to the stability of this system, I hope other more influential in its stability. The structure of the new international order will be completely different in terms of the r
... Show MoreIn this paper, the topic of forecasting the changes in the value of Iraqi crude oil exports for the period from 2019 to 2025, using the Markov transitional series based on the data of the time series for the period from January 2011 to November 2018, is real data obtained from the published data of the Central Agency Of the Iraqi statistics and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil that the results reached indicate stability in the value of crude oil exports according to the data analyzed and listed in the annex to the research.
Keywords: Using Markov chains
The National Committee of international humanitarian law and its role in supporting the integration and deployment of international humanitarian law in Iraq
There are a number of bodies that could help national authorities to better implement IHL. Internally, States may decide to create interministerial working groups, often called committees for the implementation of IHL or national humanitarian law committees, the purpose of which is to advise and assist the government in implementing and spreading knowledge of IHL. Outside the State structures, international organizations and civil society in general may also play an important role through the exchange of expertise and cooperation. Key players in this. Regard are the Nat
... Show More
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is among the main agreements that dealt with the topic of tobacco control. In spite of the efforts made in this aspect by countries through the preparation and the speed of ratification, there are some obstacles that prevent the achievement of the objectives of the convention including the tobacco companies' pursuit of not implementing the agreement in the necessary manner. In light of this, many countries and international organizations, foremost of which is the World Health Organization, have undertaken to overcome these obstacles. Among the efforts are those which are made in the framework of exchanging information, technical and spec
... Show Moreفي بداية الستينيات ظهرت شبكة الإنترنت لاستعمالها في أغراض غير تجارية ، ثم تطورت بشكل مذهل خلال السنوات الأخيرة، فبعد أن كانت مجرد شبكة صغيرة أصبحت الآن تضم ملايين المستخدمين حول العالم ، وتحولت من مجرد شبكة بحث أكاديمي إلى بيئة متكاملة للاستثمار والعمل والإنتاج والإعلام والحصول على المعلومات .
وفي بداية تأسيس الشبكة لم يكن ثمة اهتمام بمسائل الأمن بقدر ما كان الاهتمام ببنائها وتوسيع نش
... Show MoreThe present of a foreign element in the Contract will call the conflict of many laws on the conclude of the contract; usually such conflict will end to the jurisdiction of one law, but in this case it will end to the jurisdiction of many laws on the conclude of the international contract but without being a common jurisdiction, each of the conflicting law will have its own jurisdiction.
Iraq has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world. According to oil experts, it is expected that the Iraq's reserves to rise to 200+ billion barrels of high-grade crude.
Oil is a strategic commodity for producing and exporting countries in general, and Iraq in particular, as demonstrated by the international experience that oil is an important means to achieve economic growth, an important tool in the overall economic, social and political development. It is also an important source of hard currency for any national economy and a means to connect the local economy and the global economy. In this paper we focus our attention on selecting the best regression model that explain the effect of human capita
... Show MoreInternational law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig
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