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Criticism and study of Al-Bandari's Arabic translation of the story Bigan and Manijeh by Shahnameh Ferdowsi: نقد و بررسی ترجمه¬ی عربی بنداری به داستان بیژن و منیژه از شاهنامه¬ی فردوسی
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      Among Persian poets and literary works, Ferdowsi and Shahnameh have a distinctive and prominent place. Since the 5th  C. AH , they took the interest of all Persian language and literature scholars and were one of the first books to be translated into different languages including Arabic by Al Fatih Bin Ali Bin Mohammed Al-Bandari in  the year of (620)AH  .Because it was completed in the early 7th C. AH and in terms of antiquity, there is no older copy than  of Al-Bandari’s version  which holds great value in the analysis of  Shahnameh other different copies.

      To find out the how far analogy goes, the present paper makes a general comparisons of  Bijan and Manijeh in Shahnameh Ferdowsi main story text based on the copy of  Professor Jalal Khaliqi Mutlaq and  of Al-Bandari translated text which is corrected  by Professor Abdul Wahab Azzam and published in Egypt.

- چکیده

در میان شعرا و آثار ادبی فارسی ، فردوسی و شاهنامه تمایز و اهمیت خاصی دارند و از قرن پنجم هجری تا امروز همیشه مورد توجه متخصصان و علاقه­مندان زبان و ادبیات فارسی بوده­اند. این رویکرد باعث شد شاهنامه در زمره­ی اولین کتاب­هایی قرار گیرد که به زبان­های مختلف دنیا از جمله زبان عربی ترجمه شود. همچنین ترجمه­ی عربی شاهنامه­ی فردوسی که توسط الفتح بن علی بن محمد اصفهانی معروف به "بنداری" در سال (620 هـ.ق) ترجمه شده ، مورد توجه متخصصان و علاقه­­مندان زبان و ادبیات فارسی قرار گرفته است ، و به علت این که این اثر در ابتدای قرن هفتم هجری به پایان رسید ، از نظر قدمت ، نسخه قدیمی­تری از این نسخه که توسط بنداری ترجمه شده ، شناخته نمی­شود. بنابراین ، این ترجمه در نقد نسخه­های مختلف شاهنامه از ارزش بالایی برخوردار است.

روش تحقیق ما در این مقاله مبتنی بر مقایسه­ای عمومی میان متن اصلی داستان بیژن و منیژه در شاهنامه­ی فردوسی بر اساس نسخه­ی استاد جلال خالقی مطلق و متن شاهنامه از ترجمه بنداری تصحیح استاد عبدالوهاب عزام چاپ مصر است ، تا بدانیم تا چه حدی ترجمه با اصل نزدیک است.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 11 2024
Journal Name
Maaen Journal For Medical Sciences
Pharmacological Supplements Efficacy in Management of chronic pain associated with Sickle Cell Disease: A narrative review
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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary ailment that can cause severe pain and suffering to people who are affected. However, with continued investment in research and treatment options, we can make progress towards improving the lives of those with SCD. Over 40% of patients experience painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), so we must work towards finding solutions and providing support for those living with this condition, These episodes, a hallmark of SCD, significantly contribute to morbidity, mortality, and a diminished quality of life, while also incurring substantial healthcare costs. Chronic pain particularly affects older adolescents and adults with SCD, with over half reporting daily discomfort. Opioid-based analgesics, though sti

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 15 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science& Research Archive
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a group of Iraqi obese children attending children welfare teaching hospital
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a group of Iraqi obese children attending children welfare teaching hospital

Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Green synthesis of iron nanoparticle using tea leave extract for removal ciprofloxacin (CIP) from aqueous medium
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The approach of green synthesis of bio-sorbent has become simple alternatives to chemical synths as they use for example plant extracts, plus green synthesis outperforms chemical methods because it is environmentally friendly besides has wide applications in environmental remediation. This paper investigates the removal of ciprofloxacin (CIP) using green tea nano zero-valent iron (GT-NZVI) in an aqueous solution. The synthesized GT-NZVI was categorized using SEM, AFM, BET, FTIR, and Zeta potentials techniques. The spherical nanoparticles were found to be nano zero-valent, with an average size of 85 nm and a surface area of 2.19m2/g. The results showed that the removal efficiency of ciprofloxacin depends on the initial pH (2.5-10),

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
Experimental pore-scale analysis of carbon dioxide hydrate in sandstone via X-Ray micro-computed tomography
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Carbon dioxide geo-sequestration (CGS) into sediments in the form of (gas) hydrates is one proposed method for reducing anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere and, thus reducing global warming and climate change. However, there is a serious lack of understanding of how such CO2 hydrate forms and exists in sediments. We thus imaged CO2 hydrate distribution in sandstone, and investigated the hydrate morphology and cluster characteristics via x-ray micro-computed tomography in 3D in-situ. A substantial amount of gas hydrate (∼17% saturation) was observed, and the stochastically distributed hydrate clusters followed power-law relations with respect to their size distributions and surface area-volume relationships. The layer-

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Medicinal plants are a source for a wide variety of natural active compounds and are used for the treatment of diseases throughout the world. Conocarpus erectus L. widely planted all over Iraq and has different secondary metabolites, which has been used in treatment of anemia, cancer, fever and diarrhea. The present study aims to estimate the antibacterial activity of Conocarpus erectus leaves extracts on some microorganisms collected from patients with burn infection. The study began with the collection of Conocarpus erectus leaves in June 2018 from the trees in university of Baghdad. Maceration method was used to prepare aqueous extract, while Soxhelt apparatus was used to prepare methanolic extract. The results of phytochemical test show

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with General Boundary Elastic Supports Under Initial Thermal Load
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Free vibration behavior was developed under the ratio of critical buckling temperature of laminated composite thin plates with the general elastic boundary condition. The equations of motion were found based on classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) while the solution functions consists of trigonometric function and a continuous function that is added to guarantee the sufficient smoother of the so-named remaining displacement function at the boundaries, in this research, a modified Fourier series were used, a generalized procedure solution was developed using Ritz method combined with the imaginary spring technique. The influences of many design parameters such as angles of layers, aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and ratio of initial in-

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Correction of Non-Uniform illumination for Biological Images Using Morphological Operation Assessing with Statistical Features Quality.
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Non Uniform Illumination biological image often leads to diminish structures and inhomogeneous intensities of the image. Algorithm has been proposed using Morphological Operations different types of structuring elements including (dick, line, square and ball) with the same parameters of (15).To correct the non-uniform illumination and enhancement biological images, the non-uniform background illumination have been removed from image, using (contrast adjustment, histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization). The used basic approach to extract the statistical features values from gray level of co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) can show the typical values for features content of biological images that can be in form of shape or sp

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Structural Performance Under Monotonic Static Loading of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Multiple Web Openings
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of alveolar bone height in adolescents utilizing Cone Beam Computed Tomography: a retrospective radiographic analysis
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Background: To assess the alveolar bone crest level (ABCL) by Cone Beam Computed To-mography (CBCT) and to investigate several variables as predictors for the height of the alveolar bone in adolescents. Materials and methods: Age, sex, and ethnic groups were rec-orded for each patient. CBCT images were used to obtain measurements of the interproximal alveolar bone level from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar crest. The highest measurement in each sextant was recorded along with any presence of a vertical bone defect or calculus. Results: Total of 720 measurements were recorded for 120 subjects. No vertical bony defects or calculus were observed radiographically. Statistically significant (P< 0.05) differences were observed be

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Process Engineering
Waterworks sludge-filter sand permeable reactive barrier for removal of toxic lead ions from contaminated groundwater
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