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Semantic relations in text and translation: Die semantischen Relationen im Text und Übersetzung

       Based on the German language department’s theoretical and practical aspects as well as educational programs, the present study discusses the semantic relations in text sentences and their role in the science of translation.  Through clarifying the semantic relationship between the text sentence and the methods used to express a news item, a situation or an occurrence and through the statement of the multiple theoretical semantic structures of the text’s construction and interrelation, a translator can easily translate a text into the target language.

        It is known that language learners face multiple difficulties in writing and creating an integrated, coherent and intelligible text, and the reason for this is their lack of knowledge of semantic relations.


In dieser Forschungsarbeit gehen die folgenden theoretischen Ausführungen im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten didaktischen Bemerkungen, die im Laufe des Lehrprozesses aufgetreten sind, der Frage der semantischen Relationen in Satzperspektiven nach. Berücksichtigt wurde dabei überdies das Lehrprogramm in der irakischen Germanistikabteilung. Daher besteht das Hauptpostulat dieser wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung in dem Versuch, dieses sprachliche Phänomen im Übersetzen und dessen vielseitige Varianten darzulegen sowie dessen Anwendbarkeit in den Verhandlungen, im praktischen Leben und im Umgang mit den ausländischen Firmen etc. zu klären.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Semantic differences between the vocabulary of Quran

Ceremony of the Koran vocabulary animate different connotations unique style patch on
smth not any method of Arabs, has been used used vocabulary and special Madza, he put
every single in place of installation so that if you do not put in place misfire meaning and
became Rkika method. Our goal in this research study a range of vocabulary in terms of the
implications and documenting the trial of the Hadith and sayings of the beneficiaries of Arab
scholars have different attitudes, linguists and interpreters and speakers and fundamentalists,
philosophers, and others.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal
Semantic Analysis of Proverbs: A Conversation Analysis

Proverbs are considered as a major source of ancient events and happenings. Similar to other past events related to life, proverbs have many important and famous values in people's life. This study will shed lights on the use of proverbs as short sentences based on long experiences. The aim of the study is to explicate the roles, and the importance of proverbs in our life and how they are used to convey thoughts to people throughout simple words with denotation. Thus, proverbs explicate the truth and experience of our grandfathers when directed for criticism. Few proverbs were used by writers to criticize, mimic and reprint their personalities. Hence, proverbs will achieve portions of the unique roles of understanding. The model to

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Semantic Similarity Assessment of Volunteered Geographic Information

The recent development in communication technologies between individuals allows for the establishment of more informal collaborative map data projects which are called volunteered geographic information (VGI). These projects, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, seek to create free alternative maps which let users add or input new materials to the data of others. The information of different VGI data sources is often not compliant to any standard and each organization is producing a dataset at various level of richness. In this research the assessment of semantic data quality provided by web sources, e.g. OSM will depend on a comparison with the information from standard sources. This will include the validity of semantic accuracy a

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of building the act of the actor and the effect in the Quranic readings                          (Structural and semantic study)

After this systematic presentation of the phenomenon of rotation of formulas, ie the construction of the verb and the verb, and the narrated narratives therein differed among the readers, it became clear to us how the difference was clear between reading and the other, and how readers have varied in their readings of the verb, As we have noted through our modest research that the phenomenon of building the verb for the actor and the effect have included the act of both past and present tense, and not limited to a specific time, and this difference in reading was not limited to a particular environment, but beyond To more than one environment This is evidenced by the readings of various readers from the environment of Kufa, Basra, Mecca,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Poverty and its Relations to Some Social Variables (Children in the Primary Stage as a Model)

The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most important phenomena facing the world at large. Despite the tremendous technological progress witnessed by mankind and despite the unprecedented high levels of world economic production, poverty remains the greatest challenge facing the world. Statistics and studies have shown that poverty is caused by several problems: (health, social, economic, educational, etc.) These problems are obstacles to the ability to obtain employment opportunities, which leads in the beginning to the growth phenomenon of unemployment, and ultimately to the growth of poverty.

The results of a range of research in the field of psychology have confirmed that children from poor homes suffer from a high level of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 18 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Challenges of Translation from Persian to Arabic In Light of the Equivalence Theory of Mona Baker; Equivalence at the Word Level

This dissertation studies the application of equivalence theory developed by Mona Baker in translating Persian to Arabic. Among various translation methodologies, Mona Baker’s bottom-up equivalency approach is unique in several ways. Baker’s translation approach is a multistep process. It starts with studying the smallest linguistic unit, “the word”, and then evolves above the level of words leading to the translation of the entire text. Equivalence at the word level, i.e., word for word method, is the core point of Baker’s approach.

This study evaluates the use of Baker’s approach in translation from Persian to Arabic, mainly because finding the correct equivalence is a major challenge in this translation. Additionall

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The characteristics of political relations between the Arab and the Persian during the reign of the sassane kings “Ardashir the first, shahbour the first, shahbour the second, Bahram the fifth; kisra Anushrwan and kisrah Abruis” as amodel

This paper depends on sheding some litgt on the characteristics of political
relations between the arab and the Persian during the reign of sassane kings.
"Ardashir the first, shahbour the first, shahbour the second, Bahram the fifth; kisra
Anushrwan and kisrah abruis"
And who rulled the Persian before the Islamic conquest and were adopted in this studym
as a model. It was possible to get some information from invaluable refereces in order to
arrive at a clear image as regards the nature of these relations. These relations were
differently political according to the circumstances of ruling, interests and the personality
of those kings.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetic of structural relationships in linear formations

This research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Anbar University Journal
The Translation of Swearwords in Shakespeare’s Hamlet into Arabic: A Pragmatic Perspective

Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Effect of Genderism on the Process and the Product of Translation

    Many studies have been made and still concerning the field of translation. Since the mid-90's a considerable amount of researches has tackled the problem of gender and its effect on the process and the product of translation. Simon (1996, p 508) points out that when comparing women and men as translators and writers through history, women seem to be the weaker side. This paves the way to feminist movements which produce prominent studies concerning gender as a concept and translator's gender as practice on the quality and the accuracy of the translation.           

     Flotow (in Meschia, 2012, p 1-4) outlines several issues that can be

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