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Semantic relations in text and translation: Die semantischen Relationen im Text und Übersetzung
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       Based on the German language department’s theoretical and practical aspects as well as educational programs, the present study discusses the semantic relations in text sentences and their role in the science of translation.  Through clarifying the semantic relationship between the text sentence and the methods used to express a news item, a situation or an occurrence and through the statement of the multiple theoretical semantic structures of the text’s construction and interrelation, a translator can easily translate a text into the target language.

        It is known that language learners face multiple difficulties in writing and creating an integrated, coherent and intelligible text, and the reason for this is their lack of knowledge of semantic relations.


In dieser Forschungsarbeit gehen die folgenden theoretischen Ausführungen im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten didaktischen Bemerkungen, die im Laufe des Lehrprozesses aufgetreten sind, der Frage der semantischen Relationen in Satzperspektiven nach. Berücksichtigt wurde dabei überdies das Lehrprogramm in der irakischen Germanistikabteilung. Daher besteht das Hauptpostulat dieser wissenschaftlichen Abhandlung in dem Versuch, dieses sprachliche Phänomen im Übersetzen und dessen vielseitige Varianten darzulegen sowie dessen Anwendbarkeit in den Verhandlungen, im praktischen Leben und im Umgang mit den ausländischen Firmen etc. zu klären.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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To track scientific developments and achievements, for example, that (achieved) after the Second World War until this moment, make each of us in absolute amazement. He invented the computer, discovered the genetic factor (DNA), and discovered the drawing of the human genetic map, going up to the moon, penetrating outer space by satellites, getting close to distant planets, producing jet planes, microprocessors, and lasers, in addition to enabling a person to create a layer of The material is extremely thin and extremely imaginative. It has also become possible for a person to "dig lines that do not exceed 20 billion meters of thickness." The human being was also able to collect things an atom and build an efficient and high-precision con

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Significant words Collect and study
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The aim of this research is to collect the semantically restricted vocabulary from linguistic vocabulary and make it regular in one wire with an in-depth study. This study is important in detecting the exact meanings of the language. On the genre, as shown in this research, and our purpose to reveal this phenomenon, where it shows the accuracy of Arabic in denoting the meanings, the research has overturned more than sixty-seven words we extracted from the stomachs of the glossaries and books of language, and God ask safety intent and payment of opinion.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Diet and orthodontics- A review
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During the course of fixed orthodontic therapy, patients should be instructed to eat specific food stuffs and beverages in order to maintain good health for the dentition and supporting structures and prevent frequent attachment debonding that prolong the treatment duration. After searching and collecting articles from 1930 till July 2021, the current review was prepared to emphasize various types of foods that should be taken during the course of fixed orthodontic therapy and to explain the effect of various food stuffs and beverages on the growth and development of craniofacial structures, tooth surfaces, root resorption, tooth movement, retention and stability after orthodontic treatment and the effect on the components of fixed ortho

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Lipid Profile and Antihypertensive Drugs
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Background: Hypertension and dyslipidemia are
cardiovascular risk factors that commonly coexist .
Objective : To evaluate the effects of ß - blocker
(Atenolol) , ACE inhibitor (Captopril) calcium Channel
blocker (Nefidipin ) and diuretics on serum lipid profiles .
Method: Thirty untreated hypertensive and 147
hypertensive patient treated with these antihypertensive
drugs, attending different public health clinics in Basrah
pronivce were enrolled in this study .
Serum lipid profile were determined enzymaticaly using kits
from BioMerieux, France .
Result : The study has revealed that ß-blocker do not
significantly affect total cholesterol ( TC ) and LDLcholesterol , but increase significantly triglycer

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Lipid Profile and Menopausal Status
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Background: Dyslipidemia is a major cause of
cardiovascular disease, which in turn, is the most
common cause of female morbidity and mortality.
Postmenopausal women (natural and surgical) are at
higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease,
especially coronary artery atherosclerosis.
Objective: To observe the relationship between blood
lipids: total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TGs), and very low
density lipoprotein- cholesterol (VLDL-C), LDL-C/
HDL-C ratio (atherogenic index) and menopausal
status, and to determine the co-factors that may explain
this relationship
Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional st

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Ejectivity and goldie-extending modules
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Moderate discourse and civil peace
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  Currently, the “moderate discourse and civil peace” represents a rich and important topic for scholars, due the rise of waves of extremism and Islamophobia campaigns, and what that leads to in term of imbalance in relations between nations and peoples.

Based on that, the research approach was to tackle the culture of hatred and calls for the clash of civilizations.

In order to contribute to solving these problems caused by cultural and religious prejudices, I decided to address the topic of “moderate discourse and civil peace” through two essential axes:

  • Features of moderate religious discourse
  • The role of moderate discourse in establishing communit

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Opcion, Año
Active Learning And Creative Thinking
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Active Learning And Creative Thinking

Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Structure and Melodic Sabean Mandaean
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The Mandaean religion of ancient and important religions in Iraq and Iran has its own rituals which are characterized by the use of singing and toning of speech. It began with the creation of human beings through a group of prophets. Peace be upon them. Researcher research problem, and explained the importance of research and objectives and limits and identify terminology. The second topic is the theoretical framework to include the history of the Sabean Mandaean, secondly their religious rites, sources, major books and secondary books for the Latin tribes of Mandaean. Finally, the researcher tackled the sources of their sacred books and previous studies. The third topic represented the procedures. The researcher dealt with the musical a

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2018
Journal Name
الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Tolerance between Christianity and Islam
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The Christian religion came in love and co-existence with all human beings, united in the minds of its people, including the great creation to form a strong unit of high ethics that contributes to the unity among the members of society and coexistence in security, peace and love of harmony.

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