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Practical Steps For Literal Translation: گــام¬های عـملی یک ترجــمهء حرفه¬ای

The present paper, practical methods of professional translation, discusses the most important methods to achieve an accurate effective translation from the source language text  to the equivalent target language text.

The present study suggests that practical translation like any literary activity is of six main stages that follow sequential order to achieve an accurate translation: (choosing the foreign text to be translated, the author of the text permission, the text translation, considering the title contextual meaning, reviewing the text translation, and finally finding a good publisher).


پژوهش حاضر که با عنوان گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­­­­­­­­ای يك تلاش فروتنانه به دنبال بررسی وتحلیل گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای است، كه هر مترجم برای ارائه یک ترجمه خوب و درست از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد باید ان را دنبال کند.

        پژوهش از شش مطلب تشکیل یافته است, كه مجموع آن گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­ای به شمار می روند .از میان مهمترین نتایجی که پژوهشگر به آن رسیده: ترجمه هم مانند هر فعالیت ادبی باید طبق مرحله­هایی یا با گام­های مرتب ویکی پس از دیگری انجام شود وگرنه کار کم اهمیت خواهد بود, و گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای عبارتنداز: انتخاب کتاب،گرفتن اجازه از صاحب اثر،شروع به ترجمهء متن اثر،ترجمهء عنوان کتاب ، ویرایش وانتخاب ناشر.



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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on TSFS Algorithm

Implementation of TSFS (Transposition, Substitution, Folding, and Shifting) algorithm as an encryption algorithm in database security had limitations in character set and the number of keys used. The proposed cryptosystem is based on making some enhancements on the phases of TSFS encryption algorithm by computing the determinant of the keys matrices which affects the implementation of the algorithm phases. These changes showed high security to the database against different types of security attacks by achieving both goals of confusion and diffusion.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Algorithm Development for Full Gaps of Landsat 7 Images

      Landsat7 of Enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) was launched on April 15,  1999. Four years later, images start degrading due to the scan line corrector (SLC). SLC is a malfunction that results in pixel gaps in images captured by the sensor of Landsat7. The pixel gap regions extend from about one pixel near the image center and reach up to about 14 pixels in width near the image edge. The shape of this loss is like a zigzag line; however, there are different studies about repairing these gaps. The challenge of all studies depends on retrieving inhomogeneous areas because the homogenous area can be retrieved quickly depending on the surrounding area. This research focuses on filling these gaps by utilizing pixels around them

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) Operation for Outpatient Healthcare

This paper presents an architecture for the data warehouse of outpatient healthcare (DWOP) as a data repository collects data from two different sources (Databases of outpatient healthcare and Excel files from hospitals) and provides storage, functionality and responsiveness to queries to meet decision makers requirements.
Successfully supporting managerial decision-making is critically dependent upon the availability of integrated, high quality information organized and presented in a timely and easily understood manner. “On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is utilized for decision support to get interesting information” from the data warehouse with a rapid execution time. OLAP is considered one of Business Intelligence

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 04 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Outcome Assessment for Surgical Reconstruction of Mandibular Continuity Defects

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Symmetry Group for Solving Elliptic Euler-Poisson-Darboux Equation

The aim of this article is to study the solution of  Elliptic Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation, by using the symmetry of Lie Algebra of orders two and three, as a contribution in partial differential equations and their solutions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Undesirable behaviors for university students by their instructors view

Undesirable behaviors among students  are consider one of the danger problems threating societies and educational and scientific institutions of countries  because its one of the way to express aggression , so the instructors consider one of the most important people could be trust their evaluation and logical view , therefore the present research aimed to :

  1. Recognize undesirable behavior in students of University by the view of their instructors
  2. Measure the level of undesirable behavior in students of university by the view of their instructors
  3. Recognize more common  undesirable behavior in students of University by the view o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rotating Ceramic Water Filter Discs System for Water Filtration

This work aimed to design, construct and operate a new laboratory scale water filtration system. This system was used to examine the efficiency of two ceramic filter discs as a medium for water filtration. These filters were made from two different ceramic mixtures of local red clay, sawdust, and water.  The filtration system was designed with two rotating interfered modules of these filters.  Rotating these modules generates shear force between water and the surfaces of filter discs of the filtration modules that works to reduce thickness of layer of rejected materials on the filters surfaces. Each module consists of seven filtration units and each unit consists of two ceramic filter discs.    The average measured hy

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Background: In the past, an association between Tuberculosis (TB) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) was widely accepted, today the potential public health and clinical importance of this relationship seems to be largely ignored. The national clinical and policy guidance in the UK on the central of TB, for example, does not consider the relationship with DM.Objectives: To determine the risk of association between diabetes mellitus and pulmonary TB.Methods: A retrospective study conducted in Ibn Zuhr hospital for chest diseases from Jan 2008 – sep 2010 , included in the study 402 patients with TB divided into diabetic & non diabetic, 96 (23.8%) were diabetic while other 306 were TB not diabetic.Results: Risk of TB among DM patients were cle

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Energy Calculation for Excited Lithium Atom in Position Space

The energy expectation values for Li and Li-like ions ( , and ) have been calculated and examined within the ground state and the excited state in position space. The partitioning technique of Hartree-Fock (H-F) has been used for existing wave functions.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Study on approximate analytical methods for nonlinear differential equations

In this work, an analytical approximation solution is presented, as well as a comparison of the Variational Iteration Adomian Decomposition Method (VIADM) and the Modified Sumudu Transform Adomian Decomposition Method (M STADM), both of which are capable of solving nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) such as nonhomogeneous Kertewege-de Vries (kdv) problems and the nonlinear Klein-Gordon. The results demonstrate the solution’s dependability and excellent accuracy.

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