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Criterion of Scientific Translation: Criterios de la traducción

This research focuses on shedding light on the most important criteria by which the translator can achieve total success with regard to the translation of scientific texts whose written language in Spanish is greatly influenced by expressions and words adopted from the English language and other world languages, in addition to exposing the most outstanding difficulties that translators face when translating from Spanish to Arabic, giving the most appropriate solutions in this regard.


El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en echar luz sobre los criterios más importantes por los cuales el traductor puede conseguir el total éxito en la traducción de los textos científicos cuyo lenguaje escrito en español se halla influenciado a gran nivel con expresiones y palabras adoptadas de la lengua inglesa y de otras lenguas mundiales, y exponer las dificultades más destacadas que enfrentan a los traductores a la hora de traducir del idioma español al idioma árabe, dando las soluciones más adecuadas a la cabeza de las cueles llegar a un nivel aceptable de la comprensión.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Expression of RANKL by dental cells during eruption of mice teeth

Background : In order for a tooth to erupt, two obvious requirements are needed. First, there has to be alveolar bone resorption of the bone overlying the crown of the tooth such that an eruption pathway is formed. Second, resorption of bony crypt and apposition of new one, third, there has to be a biological process that will result in the tooth moving through this eruption pathway.The amniotic sac contains a considerable quantity of stem cells. These amniotic stem cells are multipotent and able to differentiate into various tissues, which may be useful for human application. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is concentrated on bone biology, more specifically bone metabolism. RANKL plays a vital role in osteoclast

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Role of Resistine in the Fertility of Obese Infertile Males

Fertility is a major need for all humans and obesity has been shown an important factor that may affect it. Resistin is one of the adipokines that have a relation with both fertility and obesity. The study aimed to measure the resistin levels in serum and seminal fluid of normal fertile (n=10), obese infertile (n=20) and Non obese infertile (n=10) individuals using the enzyme linked immunoassay method (ELIZA), Also conventional semen analysis was performed for each sample. Results revealed a highly significant increase (p<0.01) in serum resistine levels in normal fertile males (7.4 ng/ml) compared to both non-obese and obese infertile males (1.13, 3.01 ng/ml) respectively the same results for seminal plasma resistin levels (12.1 ng/ml

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histomorphological study of uropygial gland of pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus)

The study included 20 birds of Pekin duck (Anas platyrhnchos domesticus) for study the histological of uropygial gland (10 males + 10 females), the weights were between (1411-1582 gm) for males and (1350-1980 gm) female. Routine Histological Techniques was done and stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), Periodic Acidic Schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome stains. Histological sections of the uropygial gland of Pekin ducks showed that the gland consist of the capsule, parenchyma, isthmus and uropygial papillae. The capsule consist of Dense irregular connective tissue. The mean thickness of capsule around the gland lobes were (56.321?17.206µm) and around the uropygial papillae were (67.208?14.996 µm). The capsule tissues continuous in betwe

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Purification and Characterization of Endoglucanase from local isolate of Aspergillus flavus

Endoglucanase produced from Aspergillus flavus was purified by several steps including precipitation with 25 % ammonium sulphate followed by Ion –exchange chromatography, the obtained specific activity was 377.35 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 51.32 % .This step was followed by gel filtration chromatography (Sepharose -6B), when a value of specific activity was 400 U/ mg protein, with a yield of 48 %. Certain properties of this purified enzyme were investigated, the optimum pH of activity was 7 and the pH of its stability was 4.5, while the temperature stability was 40 °C for 60 min. The enzyme retained 100% of its original activity after incubation at 40 °C for 60 min; the optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 40 °C.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of the esthetic smile in a sample of Iraqi population

Background: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the esthetic smile in sample of Iraqi adults and to assess the gender differences. Materials and Methods: 100 persons (50malesand 50 females had class I normal dental and skeletal selected for this study.Clinical examination and digital photograph with posed smile were performed for each individual. Six linear soft tissue parameters in each photograph using AutoCAD program 2011. Five visual and four quantitative evaluations of the smile were studied for eachsubject. The smile arch and index, buccal corridor spaces (BCSs) were studied.Descriptive statistics of the measurements were calculated. Independent student’s ttestswere used to evaluate the gender differences. Statistics: Desc

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Fast Estimation of Activation Energy of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

  A dynamic experimental study of thermal decomposition of low density polyethylene has been carried out with two different heating rates  .As usual , we can determine the activation energy of any polymer using( 3 - 6 ) TGA experiment as minimum , but  in  this work , we estimate the activation energy of  LDPE  using two of  TGA  experiments only

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Detection of Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2 in Serum of Periodontitis Patients

Background: Chronic periodontitis defined as “an infectious inflammatory disease within supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss and bone loss". Aggressive periodontitis is rare which in most cases manifest themselves clinically during youth. It characterized by rapid rate of disease progression .Pro-inflammatory chemokines organized inflammatory responses. Granulocyte chemotactic protein 2 is involved in neutrophil gathering and movement. The purpose of the study is to detect serum of Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2 and correlate to periodontal condition in patients with chronic periodontitis, Aggressive periodontitis and Healthy Control subjects and measurement the count of neutrophils for the studied groups. S

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect the combination of antibiotics on clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus

Atotal of 75 different clinical samples were collected from different hospitals in Baghdad Biochemical and morphological characterization tests showed that forty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus Antibiotic susceptibility tests of all isolates towards ten antibiotics were carried out and results showed that many isolates (97.5 %) were resistant to ?-lactam antibiotic , 70 % were resistant to Tetracyclinee , 62.5% were resistant to co-trimoxazole , 60 % were resistant to ciprofloxacin , 55% were resistant both of chloramphenicol and erythromycin , 52.5% were resistant to gentamicin , 35% were resistant to rifampicin , 10% were resistant to vancomycin . According to the above results the S.aureus I1 which is isolated

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring Gratitude of the Sample of Displaced people in Baghdad city

Displacement is a problem that worries the human conscience and has received the attention of the international community. Furthermore, it has become one of the most urgent issues nowadays, especially when the number of displaced people in different countries are increased because of the causes of displacement and their political, economic, environmental, social and psychological effects. Iraq is one of the countries where displacement has taken place in several governorates, according to United Nations and International Organization for Migration (IOM), Iraq is considered the second largest country in the world after Syria in terms of the number of displaced people in 2015. Gratitude, a positive emotional response to benevolence, is a m

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Kinetic and Mechanism of Oxidation of Oxalic Acid by Cerium (IV)

Kinetic and mechanism studies of the oxidation of oxalic acid by Cerium sulphate have been carried out in acid medium sulphuric acid. The uv- vis. Spectrophotometric technique was used to follow up the reaction and the selected wavelength to be followed was 320 nm. The kinetic study showed that the order of reaction is first order in Ce(IV) and fractional in oxalic acid. The effect of using different concentration of sulphuric acid on the rate of the reaction has been studied a and it was found that the rate decreased with increasing the acid concentration. Classical organic tests was used to identify the product of the oxidation reaction, the product was just bubbles of CO2.


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