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The theory of distortion and eradication in modern Zionist Hebrew literature: תיאוריית העיוות והחיסול בספרות העברית הציונית החדשה
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This title may have something strange or paradoxical; it is unusual or natural to look for violence in literature, or that literature is a tool for killing through the contribution of writers and poets in generating, feeding or advocating violence. The Zionist literature belongs to the 20th century, is almost the only literature among the etiquette of peoples, which professes racism and boasts of betraying its human role, and wants to be a vehicle for terrorism domination. It also tends to be a means in the hands of killers and adventurers.   Writers of this Literature show that no solution to the Jewish problem is only by Zionist presence to replace the Palestinian presence and to build the state of "Israel" on the ruins of Palestine and   Palestinians.  Many of such statements and allegations that are full of violence,  racism, and contempt of facts  carried   and echoed by writers, poets, intellectuals, politicians and clergy Zionists, such as Orel Ofek, Yitzhak Chade, Kolda Meir, Moshe Simlansky, Amos Oz, Leon Oris, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Cohen, Mordecai the doctor, and Joseph Reza.       

   כותרת זו יכולה להיות משהו מוזר או פרדוקסלי,  כי זה לא נדיר או טבעי לחפש אלימות בספרות! . או תהיה הספרות כלי רצח! , באמצעות היצירה של סופרים ומשוררים ליצור אלימות ותזונה וסנגור לה. הספרות העברית הציונית שייכת למאה ה -20. זוהי הספרות היחידה בין הספרותיות של עולם, אשר מפרסמת את הגזענות שלה ומתגאה בבגידה בתפקידה האנושי. ספרות זו רוצה להיות מדיום של טרור ושליטה. ואמצעי טרור בידי רוצחים והרפתקנים. ספרות זו מאמינה שאין פתרון לבעיה היהודית, רק הישות הציונית תחליף ,על חורבות פלסטין והפלסטינים.  יצירה ספרותית רחבת היקף שרויה באלימות ובגזענות . מדובר בספרות שנוצרה על ידי סופרים ,משוררים, הוגים, פוליטיקאים ואנשי דת ציוניים. כמו אורל אופק, יצחק שדה, קולדה מאיר, משה סימלנסקי,  עמוס עוז, לאון אוריס, אורי צבי גרינברג,ג.כהן, , מרדכי טביב, ויוסף אריכא.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Of Optimum Conditions For The Removal Of Ruthenium And Cerium Using Freshly Prepared Manganese Dioxide
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 The adsorption of Ru and Ce were carried out using manganese dioxide as adsorbent. The Optimization of the adsorption conditions were studied as a function of shaking time, nitric acid, metal ions, concentrations and temperature effects.      A rapid initial adsorption on MnO2 is followed by a steady and slow increase of metal uptake. The equilibration time is reached after four hours shaking for Ru and Ce and    the adsorption is much better from one molar acidic solution and 90°C.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Combination Effect of Additives and Micro Steel Fibers on Cracks of Self-Healing Concrete
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In this study, the effect of the combination of micro steel fibers and additives (calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate) on the size of cracks formation and healing them were investigated. This study aims to apply the use of self-healing phenomenon to repair cracks and to enhance the service life of the concrete structures. Micro steel fibers straight type were used in this research with 0.2% and 0.4% by volume of concrete. A weight of 20 and 30 kg/m3 of Ca(OH)2 and 2 and 3 kg/m3 of Na2CO3 were used as a partial cement replacement. The results confirm that the concrete cracks were significantly self-healed up to 30 days re-curing. Cracks width up to 0.2 mm were comp

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Structural and Optical Properties of SnS:F prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique
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Thin films of pure tin mono-sulfide SnS and tin mono-sulfide for (1,2,3,4)% fluorine SnS:F with Thicknesses of (0.85 ±0.05) ?m and (0.45±0.05) ?m respectively were prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique. the effect of doping of F on structural and optical properties has been studied. X-Ray diffraction analysis showed that the prepared films were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. It was found that doping increased the intensity of diffraction peaks. Optical properties of all samples were studied by recording the absorption and transmission spectrum in range of wave lengths (300-900) nm. The optical energy gap for direct forbidden transi

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of x- ray on the treatment of breast cancer combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin separately
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Background: Radiation therapy has the ability to destroy healthy cells in addition to cancer cells in the area being treated. However, when radiation combines with doxorubicin, it becomes more effective on breast cancer treatment. Objective: This study aims to clarify the effect of X-ray from LINAC combined with amygdalin and doxorubicin on breast cancer treatment, and the possibility of using amygdalin with X-ray instead of doxorubicin for the breast cancer treatment. Method: Two cell lines were used in this study, the first one was MCF-7 cell line and second one was WRL- 68 normal cell line. These cells were preserved in liquid nitrogen, prepared, developed and tested in the (place). The effect of three x-ray doses combined with a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Classification of Texture Images by K-Means of Co-Occurrence Matrix and Confusion Matrix
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In this research, a group of gray texture images of the Brodatz database was studied by building the features database of the images using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), where the distance between the pixels was one unit and for four angles (0, 45, 90, 135). The k-means classifier was used to classify the images into a group of classes, starting from two to eight classes, and for all angles used in the co-occurrence matrix. The distribution of the images on the classes was compared by comparing every two methods (projection of one class onto another where the distribution of images was uneven, with one category being the dominant one. The classification results were studied for all cases using the confusion matrix between every

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences
Influence of Surrounding Air Temperature and Humidity upon the Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant
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Nowadays, energy demand continuously rises while energy stocks are dwindling. Using current resources more effectively is crucial for the world. A wide method to effectively utilize energy is to generate electricity using thermal gas turbines (GT). One of the most important problems that gas turbines suffer from is high ambient air temperature especially in summer. The current paper details the effects of ambient conditions on the performance of a gas turbine through energy audits taking into account the influence of ambient conditions on the specific heat capacity ( , isentropic exponent ( ) as well as the gas constant of air . A computer program was developed to examine the operation of a power plant at various ambient temperature

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Apr 23 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Effect of Natural/ Synthetic Polymers and Super disintegrants on the Formulation of Zafirlukast Fast Dissolving Film
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Fast-dissolving films are one of the interested delivery systems for oral solid dosage forms to overcome swallowing difficulty for geriatric and pediatric patients. Zafirlukast (ZLK) is one of the most commonly used oral medication for treatment of asthmatic patients particularly mild to moderate cases. Oral fast dissolving films of ZLK were prepared using two different filming forming polymers, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC). Different concentrations of the 2 polymers were used to prepare 10 formulas. Other excipients were also added at various ratios to produce 10 different formulations. These were maltodextrin, crosspivodone, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and banana powder. In vitro c

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Endurance and its Relation to Some Personal Traits Students of the Institute of Applied Arts
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Cognitive methods play the role of regulator of the human environment for its direct relationship with sensory stimuli and stimuli associated with the organization of information and ideas and their preparation for use in subsequent situations. These methods determine the characteristic or ideal way of individual personality in the differentiation and integration of attitudes or cognitive field to which he is exposed. Therefore, the research aimed at the level of psychological stress and its relation to some personal characteristics that show the personality of the artist or the students of art.

Current research aims to.

  1. Identifying the extent of psychological stress and its relation to the personal ch

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 10 2019
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The effect of Mentha viridis and Apium graveolens leaves on growth of Beta vulgaris var. cilica
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The experimental was carried out to study the effect of Mentha viridis and Apium graveolensleaves by 5, 10 gm/kg soil that added then to soil alone and 5, 10 gm/kg soil together on growth of Beta vulgaris plants. The results showed that increased significantly germination accelerator, plant height leaves number fresh and dry maters, chlorophyll content, absolute growth rate, inflorescence number, fertilizer efficiency while the N, P, K and Fe increased in all the treatment plants compared with control plants.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Energy Flow of a Two Stages Four Generators Adsorption Chiller
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This work is concerned with a two stages four beds adsorption chiller utilizing activated carbon-methanol adsorption pair that operates on six separated processes. The four beds that act as thermal compressors are powered by a low grade thermal energy in the form of hot water at a temperature range of 65 to 83 °C.  As well as, the water pumps and control cycle consume insignificant electrical power. This adsorption chiller consists of three water cycles. The first water cycle is the driven hot water cycle. The second cycle is the cold water cycle to cool the carbon, which adsorbs the methanol. Finally, the chilled water cycle that is used to overcome the building load. The theoretical results showed that average cycle cooling power

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