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Connectivity and rendezvous in distributed DSA networks
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In this paper, we use concepts and results from percolation theory to investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channels on the connectivity of Dynamic Spectrum Access networks. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from-a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channels, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocol, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this invisibility as a Poisson thinning process and show that invisibility is even more pronounced with channel abundance. Following the disk graph model, we define and characterize connectivity of the secondary network in terms of the available number of channels, deployment densities, number of transceivers per node, and communication range. When primary users are absent, we derive the critical number of channels which maintains super-criticality of the secondary network. When primary users are present, we characterize and analyze the connectivity for all the regions: channel abundance, optimal, and channel deprivation. Our results can be used to decide on the goodness of any channel rendezvous algorithm by computing the expected resultant connectivity.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Cognitive Communications And Networking
Multi-Channel Distributed DSA Networks: Connectivity and Rendezvous Tradeoffs
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In this paper, we investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channel and rendezvous protocols on the connectivity of dynamic spectrum access networks using percolation theory. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channel, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocols, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby, potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this in

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Migration and Replication of Self-organized Services in Future Networks
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Nowadays, the mobile communication networks have become a consistent part of our everyday life by transforming huge amount of data through communicating devices, that leads to new challenges. According to the Cisco Networking Index, more than 29.3 billion networked devices will be connected to the network during the year 2023. It is obvious that the existing infrastructures in current networks will not be able to support all the generated data due to the bandwidth limits, processing and transmission overhead. To cope with these issues, future mobile communication networks must achieve high requirements to reduce the amount of transferred data, decrease latency and computation costs. One of the essential challenging tasks in this subject

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Roads Network Connectivity for Two Municipalities in Baghdad-Iraq
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The road network serves as a hub for opportunities in production and consumption, resource extraction, and social cohabitation. In turn, this promotes a higher standard of living and the expansion of cities. This research explores the road network's spatial connectedness and its effects on travel and urban form in the Al-Kadhimiya and Al-Adhamiya municipalities. Satellite images and paper maps have been employed to extract information on the existing road network, including their kinds, conditions, density, and lengths. The spatial structure of the road network was then generated using the ArcGIS software environment. The road pattern connectivity was evaluated using graph theory indices. The study demands the abstractio

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Roads Network Connectivity for Two Municipalities in Baghdad-Iraq
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The road network serves as a hub for opportunities in production and consumption, resource extraction, and social cohabitation. In turn, this promotes a higher standard of living and the expansion of cities. This research explores the road network's spatial connectedness and its effects on travel and urban form in the Al-Kadhimiya and Al-Adhamiya municipalities. Satellite images and paper maps have been employed to extract information on the existing road network, including their kinds, conditions, density, and lengths. The spatial structure of the road network was then generated using the ArcGIS software environment. The road pattern connectivity was evaluated using graph theory indices. The study demands the abstraction and examin

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Int. J. Adv. Comp. Techn.
Adding PC Connectivity to the MTS-88 Microcomputer Teaching System
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The MTS-88. c trainer is a training system targeting students in the microprocessors course. It has a built in single-line assembler allowing the users to enter programs in assembly. It has the problem that long programs cannot be traced and tested efficiently. A simple error may cause all the code to be erased and the system to stop responding. Also, this system lacks the ability to be connected to the PC. The aim of this work is to modify the system to make it possible to be connected to the PC through the parallel port. This gives the capability to download long programs to the system after being developed in the PC. The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface available in the teaching system is interfaced to the parallel port and used as

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Image Retrieval Using DCT/KWT and D4/KWT in Distributed System
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This paper presents a proposed method for (CBIR) from using Discrete Cosine Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (DCT/KWT), and Daubechies Wavelet Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (D4/KWT) to extract features for Distributed Database system where clients/server as a Star topology, client send the query image and server (which has the database) make all the work and then send the retrieval images to the client. A comparison between these two approaches: first DCT compare with DCT/KWT and second D4 compare with D4/KWT are made. The work experimented over the image database of 200 images of 4 categories and the performance of image retrieval with respect to two similarity measures namely Euclidian distance (ED) and sum of absolute diff

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Acm/ieee 27th International Conference On Model Driven Engineering Languages And Systems
Requirement-Driven Generation of Distributed Ledger Architectures
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design High Efficient Reflectivity of Distributed Bragg Reflectors
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Bragg Reflectors consist of periodic dielectric layers having an optical path length of quarter wavelength for each layer giving them important properties and makes them suitable for optoelectronics applications. The reflectivity can be increased by increasing the number of layers of the mirror to get the required value. For example for an 8 layers Bragg mirror (two layers for each dielectric pair), the contrast of the refractive index has to be equal to 0.275 for reaching reflectivity > 99%. Doubling the number of layers results in a reflectivity of 99.99%. The high reflectivity is purely caused by multiple-interference effects. It can be analyzed by using different matrix methods such as the transfer matrix method (TMM) which is the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology
Optimization of IPv6 Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode Multicast Routing Protocol based on Greedy Rendezvous Point Selection Algorithm
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design a Fault Tolerance for Real Time Distributed System
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This paper designed a fault tolerance for soft real time distributed system (FTRTDS). This system is designed to be independently on specific mechanisms and facilities of the underlying real time distributed system. It is designed to be distributed on all the computers in the distributed system and controlled by a central unit.

Besides gathering information about a target program spontaneously, it provides information about the target operating system and the target hardware in order to diagnose the fault before occurring, so it can handle the situation before it comes on. And it provides a distributed system with the reactive capability of reconfiguring and reinitializing after the occurrence of a failure.

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