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Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final goal was to find a nationality for a dispersed group of people who came from different traditions and customs , ways of expressions and languages, to form a nation. They do not    have but religion and Zionism , a set of religious traditions related to worship rituals, and stories about religious heroes and stories voiced by prophets and wisemen which have become proverbs . The latter is looked upon with doubt by many researchers as they think that Jewish people have taken from other nations (Mursi , Folklore and Israelites , p 62 ).

      Accordingly , it is a necessity to explore this culture with its traditions, customs, and popular beliefs adopted ,in particular from Iran  the birthplace of the parents of the Israeli writer and author Dorrit Rabinyan , who is of Judaism religion ,Iranian origin ,and Israeli existence through her novel (Persian Brides). This novel carried customs , traditions, folklore thoughts , and popular culture that influenced the Jews , their thoughts and behavior  which still exist in the Israeli society nowadays . It is well known that popular culture is the  science that includes beliefs and customs of any nation as long as those beliefs and customs related to the Collective behavior (James Fries, Folklore  in the Old Testament p 21).

Despite that the author was born and raised in Israel but her novels , as critics see, packed with folkloric and legendry  concepts and  thoughts as well as popular beliefs which prevailed in the Iranian Jewish society that she knew from her family and Iranian Jews in Israel ; she tried to reflect in her novel focusing on the popular landmarks.

תרבות המזרח והמורשת שלו השפיעה ישירות על היצירה הספרותית שפורסמו בשנים האחרונות של המאה הקודמת על ידי יהודי המזרח בארץ ומחוצה לה ... סופרים רבים מהמזרח ובמיוחד איראן כתבו את יצירותיהם הספרותיות שהושפעו מן המנהגים, והמסורת של החברה האיראנית שבה נולדו וחיו, או מי שנולד באיראן ועלו ארצה והתגוררו שם בגלל הציונות העולמית והבטחותיה הנוראות לאסוף את התפוצות היהודיות מזוויות העולם במולדת לאומית על חשבון ארץ פלסטין.

המטרה האולטימטיבית היא ליצור זהות לאומית עבור קבוצה מגוונת של אנשים, שמקורם במנהגים, במסורות, בדרכי ביטוי ובשפות שונות, והם נועדו להיות עם, אין דבר שרק דת, ציונות וקבוצת מנהגים דתיים קשורים בטקסים של פולחן. על סונה של הנביאים ושל החכמים הם ביטויים של מהלך פתגמים, אשר חוקרים רבים ספק, הם רואים את היהודים לקחו אותם מן המורשת של עמים אחרים ( د. احمد علي مرسي ، الفلكلور والاسرائيليات ، ص 62 ) . כאן היינו צריכים לחשוף את התרבות הזאת עם מסורותיה, מנהגיה ואמונותיה העממיות, במיוחד בהשאלה מאיראן, מקום הולדתם של הוריה של הסופרת הישראלית דורית רביניאן, עם הדת היהודית, המוצא האיראני והקיום הישראלי ברומנה " סמטת השקידיות בעומריג'אן " שנשא בתוכו את המסורות, האמונות, הרעיונות הפולקלוריים והתרבות העממית שהשפיעו על היהודים, על רעיונותיהם ועל מעשיהם, אשר עדיין קיימים בחברה הישראלית כיום: ידוע כי התרבות הפופולרית היא המדע הקולט את אמונותיו ומנהגיו של עם, כל עוד האמונות והמנהגים הללו נובעים מהתנהגות קולקטיבית( جيمس فريزر ، الفلكلور في العهد القديم ، ص 21 ) .

על אף שהכותבת נולדה וגדלה בישראל, הרומן שלה, כפי שמבחינת המבקרים, מלא ברעיונות, פולקלור, מיתולוגיה ואמונות עממיות ששלטו בקהילה היהודית באיראן ( ישראל יעל , בכרך קטן וציורי , עמ' 12 ) מה שהיא הכירה ממשפחותיה ומהקהילה היהודית האיראנית בישראל וניסתה לשקף מה היא תרבות פופולרית שירשה בקהילה היהודית האיראנית התרכזה ברומן שלה על מונומנטים פופולריים.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The aesthetics of the symbol in the Iraqi theater scene
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Theatrical performances began with the Greeks when the theatrical scenes and skeletal figures were encoded, where the large wall of the Alskina, which contains three doors, the middle of them with a high height, and the two sides took the natural size, where the middle door indicated a symbolism of the god or demigods, as we find the condensation of the symbol in the architecture of the theater, and the symbol was taken In the theatrical scene, the development semantically and aesthetically, and interpreting and interpreting the current day, where the laser light formed the symbolism of the contemporary virtual scene, and in order to identify the aesthetics of the symbol in the theatrical scene, the current research was evaluated into fo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The sayings of the Scotty report in the six books
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The study of this topic is not to underestimate the previous studies but to the great importance of the Sunnis of the report. The reasoning of the Hadiths of the report is a kind of invisibility in that the significance is not a phenomenon such as the emergence of reasoning in the words of words and deeds. With the introduction of all types of Sunnah and protest, there is no difference between them, and that the Sunnis argument like other Sunnah. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparative Study for Estimate Fractional Parameter of ARFIMA Model
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      Long memory analysis is one of the most active areas in econometrics and time series where various methods have been introduced to identify and estimate the long memory parameter in partially integrated time series. One of the most common models used to represent time series that have a long memory is the ARFIMA (Auto Regressive Fractional Integration Moving Average Model) which diffs are a fractional number called the fractional parameter. To analyze and determine the ARFIMA model, the fractal parameter must be estimated. There are many methods for fractional parameter estimation. In this research, the estimation methods were divided into indirect methods, where the Hurst parameter is estimated fir

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the Distance Learning Experience in light of the Spread of the Corona Pandemic - Covid 19 from the Teachers' Point of View in Islamic Science Institutes in the Sultanate of Oman
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The study aimed to evaluate the distance learning experience in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic - Covid19 - from the teachers' point of view in Islamic Science Institutes in the Sultanate of Oman, which was applied during the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. The study sample consisted of (77) teachers from The Islamic Science Institutes of The Sultan Qaboos Higher Center for Culture and Science. The researchers prepared a questionnaire to evaluate the reality of the experience. The study results  revealed, the followings: The Department of Educational Affairs and Training at The Sultan Qaboos Higher Center for Culture and Science was able to a moderate degree in the rapid transition to a distance learning s

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change to achieve strategic success A field research in the Petroleum Research & Development Center-Ministry of Oil
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  This current research deals with the "The role of organizational change in the achievement of strategic success" Who are getting increased attention to being one of the important topics and relatively new, And which have a significant impact on the future of the organization So there is a need for this research, which aims to identify the role of organizational change across dimensions (technology, organizational structure, human resources, organizational culture) in the strategic success through its components (a specific strategy, effective implementation, innovation, customer satisfaction)، And that by two main hypotheses, branched about eight hypothes

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of banking technology in enhancing the strategic capacity: an applied research on a sample of Iraqi private commercial banks
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Abstract :                                                                                               

                 This research demonstrates the importance of

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Suggested Translation Strategy on ESP Learners’ Achievement in Translation
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In spite of the disappearing of a clear uniform textbook for teaching ESP at different departments and different colleges in both scientific and humanistic studies, the practitioners at those departments and colleges have to teach translation as one of the important requirements to pass the English language exam. The lack of defined translation activities is a noticeable problem therefore; the problem of teaching translation is diagnosed in that the students lack the ability to comprehend the text in English language and other translation knowledge and skills.

The study aims to suggest a translation strategy and then find out the effect of the translation strategy on ESP learners’ achievement in translation. A sample of 50 stud

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements: The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements
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If we neglect the value of historical fashions as a source of inspiration for
contemporary fashion designers we will neglect a treasure of original designs.
In neglecting such a treasure how could we then know what is original. Today
the most famous fashion designers are often inspired, in the outwardly from
and internal lines of their fashions, by fashion designed during the ages of the
Designers can find such fashions in books of history and museums. But
the historical ages are not equal in the fertility of the originality and novelty of
their fashions. Thus the contemporary designer may not find the old designs
inspiring so he invents them.
The researcher was keen in this paper to inclu

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 11 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Challenges Faced by the Media under the Fragile State: Analytical Study of the Iraqi Media Reality
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This study aims at defining the concept of the fragile state, a term that came into existence in 2014, when the states that had internal Problems and external interventions were referred to as the failure states. However, the indicators for their designation and the criteria adopted are 12 indicators that address all aspects of the State’s duties vis-a-vis its citizens. The study examined the reasons that led to the continuation of Iraq within the fragile states, and the selection of the five years within the time limits of the study due to the factors that led to the decline of Iraq and falling back within the most fragile countries. The study dealt with the fragile state challenges to the media reality as a result of the change of it

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Study the Impact of Silica Nanoparticles on the Properties of Several Dyes for the Fabrication of a Random Laser Gain Medium
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Random laser gain media is synthesized with different types of dye at the same concentration (1×10-3 M) as an active material and silicon dioxide NPs (silica SiO2) as scatter centers through the Sol-Gel technique. The prepared samples are tested with UV–Vis spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction (EDX). The end result demonstrates that doped dyes with silica nanoparticles at a concentration of 0.0016 mol/ml have lower absorbance and higher fluorescence spectra than pure dyes. FESEM scans revealed that the morphology of nanocrystalline silica is clusters of nano-sized spherical particles in the range (25-67) nm. It is con

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