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Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final goal was to find a nationality for a dispersed group of people who came from different traditions and customs , ways of expressions and languages, to form a nation. They do not    have but religion and Zionism , a set of religious traditions related to worship rituals, and stories about religious heroes and stories voiced by prophets and wisemen which have become proverbs . The latter is looked upon with doubt by many researchers as they think that Jewish people have taken from other nations (Mursi , Folklore and Israelites , p 62 ).

      Accordingly , it is a necessity to explore this culture with its traditions, customs, and popular beliefs adopted ,in particular from Iran  the birthplace of the parents of the Israeli writer and author Dorrit Rabinyan , who is of Judaism religion ,Iranian origin ,and Israeli existence through her novel (Persian Brides). This novel carried customs , traditions, folklore thoughts , and popular culture that influenced the Jews , their thoughts and behavior  which still exist in the Israeli society nowadays . It is well known that popular culture is the  science that includes beliefs and customs of any nation as long as those beliefs and customs related to the Collective behavior (James Fries, Folklore  in the Old Testament p 21).

Despite that the author was born and raised in Israel but her novels , as critics see, packed with folkloric and legendry  concepts and  thoughts as well as popular beliefs which prevailed in the Iranian Jewish society that she knew from her family and Iranian Jews in Israel ; she tried to reflect in her novel focusing on the popular landmarks.

תרבות המזרח והמורשת שלו השפיעה ישירות על היצירה הספרותית שפורסמו בשנים האחרונות של המאה הקודמת על ידי יהודי המזרח בארץ ומחוצה לה ... סופרים רבים מהמזרח ובמיוחד איראן כתבו את יצירותיהם הספרותיות שהושפעו מן המנהגים, והמסורת של החברה האיראנית שבה נולדו וחיו, או מי שנולד באיראן ועלו ארצה והתגוררו שם בגלל הציונות העולמית והבטחותיה הנוראות לאסוף את התפוצות היהודיות מזוויות העולם במולדת לאומית על חשבון ארץ פלסטין.

המטרה האולטימטיבית היא ליצור זהות לאומית עבור קבוצה מגוונת של אנשים, שמקורם במנהגים, במסורות, בדרכי ביטוי ובשפות שונות, והם נועדו להיות עם, אין דבר שרק דת, ציונות וקבוצת מנהגים דתיים קשורים בטקסים של פולחן. על סונה של הנביאים ושל החכמים הם ביטויים של מהלך פתגמים, אשר חוקרים רבים ספק, הם רואים את היהודים לקחו אותם מן המורשת של עמים אחרים ( د. احمد علي مرسي ، الفلكلور والاسرائيليات ، ص 62 ) . כאן היינו צריכים לחשוף את התרבות הזאת עם מסורותיה, מנהגיה ואמונותיה העממיות, במיוחד בהשאלה מאיראן, מקום הולדתם של הוריה של הסופרת הישראלית דורית רביניאן, עם הדת היהודית, המוצא האיראני והקיום הישראלי ברומנה " סמטת השקידיות בעומריג'אן " שנשא בתוכו את המסורות, האמונות, הרעיונות הפולקלוריים והתרבות העממית שהשפיעו על היהודים, על רעיונותיהם ועל מעשיהם, אשר עדיין קיימים בחברה הישראלית כיום: ידוע כי התרבות הפופולרית היא המדע הקולט את אמונותיו ומנהגיו של עם, כל עוד האמונות והמנהגים הללו נובעים מהתנהגות קולקטיבית( جيمس فريزر ، الفلكلور في العهد القديم ، ص 21 ) .

על אף שהכותבת נולדה וגדלה בישראל, הרומן שלה, כפי שמבחינת המבקרים, מלא ברעיונות, פולקלור, מיתולוגיה ואמונות עממיות ששלטו בקהילה היהודית באיראן ( ישראל יעל , בכרך קטן וציורי , עמ' 12 ) מה שהיא הכירה ממשפחותיה ומהקהילה היהודית האיראנית בישראל וניסתה לשקף מה היא תרבות פופולרית שירשה בקהילה היהודית האיראנית התרכזה ברומן שלה על מונומנטים פופולריים.


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of the evaluation process of the staff in determining the training programs Field research in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health / Iraq
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         The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the performance evaluation process and the training programs for the employees, to identify the extent of the organization's commitment to perform the performance evaluation process for its employees and to use the results of this process in determining the appropriate training programs. Performance evaluation, functional analysis, evaluation method used, dependent variable (training programs) and its dimensions, type of programs, program objectives, program curriculum, And the application of the field research methodology and the questionnaire, which included 146 individuals to know their views and analyz

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the clause relations in the presidential presuasion in a war against Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
: Islamic law; perfection The rule of perfection in Islamic law and its impact on the creative construction of the individual and society: The rule of perfection in Islamic law and its impact on the creative construction of the individual and society
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This research explains to us the role of the Islamic religion in the issue of accuracy in speech and work, and how it is closely related to human production in his life, and Islam affirms that his idea is mainly reflected in his production, and how it affects the perception of the meaning of creativity. Therefore, our Islam affirmed the accuracy in every word or work we do to build a society in which people enjoy high quality in ethics and dedication in their work so that the Islamic system depends on humanity to preserve our rights on the other hand the research discusses the deliberate default and how it reflects on our production and how it makes it less good.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of talk shows in influencing the public’s priorities regarding political mobilization in Iraq
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This article explores the role of talk shows in setting the public's agenda regarding political mobilization in Iraq. The researcher designed a questionnaire that contains both closed and open-ended questions to allow respondents to express their opinions more freely.

 The researcher chose a phased purposive sample consisting of 294 respondents. The data was then subjected to analysis and verification using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between human investment and economic growth in Iraq(1985-2010) and measuring return of investment of human
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Investment in human capital of renewable energy can be relied upon to get to achieve the goals of development is important for Iraq through the intellectual community cards creative able to innovate and develop what is so is study the effect of human investment on economic growth through the adoption of the index of national income as a function of variables independent ( human capital, physical capital) and this is built on the premise that the relationship direct correlation between economic growth and human investment, and it can measure the return on human investment, which is an incentive to increase human capital through education and the development of the economy in general have shown th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
)) Evaluate the qualifying of the auditor in Iraq in accordance with international requirements ((
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The purpose of the research is to determine how much do the external auditors’ qualifications in Iraq match the international requirements? And determine the necessary and priority requirements that the auditor should have in order to adapt with the changes in the community and the profession. The research partially focuses on comparing international institutes curriculum requirements with the local institutes’ curriculum requirements. Furthermore, it compares examinations of local students with the questions of these institutes and compares the requirements of these institutes to continuing vocational education with the local, as well as analyzes and presents the questionnaire results to find out the necessa

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)
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In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. Th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achievement of Product Quality by Using Organizational Agility Case Study In Numan Public Company
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Helps to use the mechanics of organizational agility in improving product quality by reducing waste or reduce it by removing activities that do not add value, which is the main reason for inefficiency and low productivity and increase costs, so the difficulty of changing administrative decisions to cope with internal and external changes to keep up with market trends renewable are the basic issue that research seeks to be addressed through the adoption of mechanisms of organizational agility, which will be reflected in bottom line in a positive way in improving the quality of products, and thus lies Applied important to look at the light of the results achieved and in which they can know the nature of the relationship between the

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Examine of Organizational Excellence by Corporation Performance Assessment Method; Case Study in Tikrit University
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The research started from the basic objective of tracking the reality of organizational excellence in educational organizations on the basis of practical application. The research in its methodology was based on the examination of organizational excellence in the way of evaluating institutional performance. Tikrit University was selected as a case study to study the reality of application to the dimensions of organizational excellence in it, The results of the analysis for ten periods during the year and month. For the accuracy of the test and its averages, it was preferable to use the T test to determine the significance of the results compared to the basic criteria.

The research found that there is an o

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