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The tragedy and grief in Hebrew poetry of the middle ages: הטרגידיה והצער בשירה העברית של ימי הביניים
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This paper tackles tragedy and grief in the Hebrew poetry of the Middle Ages, as being topics which was transferred to it from Arabic poetry at that time. This came as a result of Hebrew poets quoting images from, and adopting the form and content of the Arabic poem. So, this topic was a prominent feature in the Hebrew poetry of the middle ages. The Hebrew poets focused upon this topic along three trends: poems of lamentation, whether being what are called national lamentation where poets expressed their feelings and grieves because of their remoteness and longing to their homeland, which is Palestine or the sacred land, as they claim; here, Zionist trends were apparent in many poems lamenting Zion and other cities. The other type of poetry which witnessed the topic of tragedy and grief was the lamentation of the “dead people”, such friends and relations, as well as in the poetry of evacuation and salvation which contained a lot of sadness and grief. So, the paper is divided into three sections. Each section tackled one trend of these; as well, there is an introduction which tackled the two terms of tragedy and griefs, in addition to their historical backgrounds in literature .Finally, in the conclusion the most important conclusions and stated.


       המחקר זה מטפל בנושא הטרגידה והצער בשירת ימי הביניים,בהיותו אחד הנושאים שנחדרו אליה בהשפעת השירה הערבית,אחרי אימוצם של משוררי ימי הביניים לצורות ותוכני או נושאי השיר הערבי,לכן הנושא זה היה תכונה בולטת ביותר בשירה זו ואולי נמשכה ממנה עד יומנו זה , המשוררים העבריים ריכזו על נושא זה בשלושה כוונים ראשיים ,הם שירי הקינה ,הן מה שנקרא בקינה הלאומית, כשהביעו את תחושותם ,רגשותם וכאובותיהם העמוקות ביותר בגלל התרחקותם וגעגועם לארצם המקורית ,שהיא פלסטין או בית המקדש כמו הם טוענים ,ואילו הסוג השני שהופיעו בו מובני הטרגידיה והצער היה בקינת הנפטרים מהקרובים והידידים,יתר על שירי הגולה והגאולה ,שהיו מלאים ברגשות הצער והבכאבה,על מנת זו המחקר חולק לשושה חלקים לפי שלושת הכוונים אלה,עם הקדמה טיפלנו בה מובני הטרגידיה והצער מבחינה לשונית עם רקע הסטורי למונחים אלה בספרות ,אחר כך המחקר נחתם במסקנות החשובות ביותר שהגיע לה המחקר. 


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Three Years Experience in the Management of Uterine Rupture at Al-Battool Teaching Hospital Mosul-Iraq
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Background: Ruptured uterus is a catastrophic event to both
mother and her fetus. Apart from maternal and fetal mortality
rates, the incidence of rupture of uterus is often taken as an
index of the standard of obstetric care.
Objective: To determine the frequency, causes, management
outcome of ruptured uterus at Al Batool maternity hospital.
Method: The study was conducted in the department of
obstetrics and gynecology at Al Batool maternity hospital
Mosul-Iraq over a period of three years from October 1st 2002
to August 30th 2005. All the cases of uterine rupture presented
during the study period were recorded and managed in the
department. Data was recorded on designed forms.
Results: Thirty nine cas

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Acuaria skrjabini Ozerskaya, 1926 and Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Stiles and Hassall, 1920, were found embedded in the mucosa of the gizzards of 26.97% of house sparrows, Passer domesticus biblicus collected in Baghdad City. Their morphometric and meristic features were expressed and compared with that reported in other studies.


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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Tool Path Strategy on Twist Behavior In Single Point Incremental Sheet Metal Forming
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In Incremental sheet metal forming process, one important step is to produce tool path, an
accurate tool path is one of the main challenge of incremental sheet metal forming
process. Various factors should be considered prior to generation of the tool path i.e.
mechanical properties of sheet metal, the holding mechanism, tool speed, feed rate and
tool size. In this work investigation studies have been carried out to find the different tool
path strategies to control the twist effect in the final product manufactured by single point
incremental sheet metal forming (SPIF), an adaptive tool path strategy was proposed and
examined for several Aluminum conical models. The comparison of the proposed tool path with t

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Usefulness of Mandibular Ramus as an Indicator in Sex Differentiation Using 3D Reconstructed Computed Tomography
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Background: Determination of sex from an unknown human bone is an important role in forensic and anthropology field. The mandible is the largest and hardest facial bone, that commonly resist postmortem damage and forms an important source of information about sexual dimorphism. Mandibular ramus can be used to differentiate between sexes and it also expresses strong univariate sexual dimorphism. This study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of mandibular ramus as an aid in sex differentiation using CT scanning among Iraqi population. Materials and methods: 3D reconstructed computed tomography scanning of 140 Iraqi Arab subjects, (7 0 males and 70 females) were analyzed with their age range from 20-60 years old. The linear measurements w

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Sensitive Cloud Point Extraction Method for the Determination of Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical forms using Spectrophotometry
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      A simple and highly sensitive cloud point extraction process was suggested for preconcentration of micrograms amount of isoxsuprine hydrochloride (ISX) in pure and pharmaceutical samples. After diazotization coupling of ISX with diazotized sulfadimidine in alkaline medium, the azo-dye product quantitatively extracted into the Triton X-114 rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and determined spectrophotometrically at 490 nm. The suggested reaction was studied with and without extraction and simple comparison between the batch and CPE methods was achieved. Analytical variables including concentrations of reagent, Triton X-114 and base, incubated temperature, and time were carefully studied. Under the selected opti

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nitroso-R-salt as a sensitive spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations
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Nitroso-R-salt is proposed as a sensitive spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of paracetamol in aqueous solution. The method is based on the reaction of paracetamol with iron(III) and subsequent reaction with nitroso-R-salt to yield a green colored complex with maximum absorption at 720 nm. Optimization of the experimental conditions was described. The calibration graph was linear in the concentration range of 0.1 – 2.0 ?g mL-1 paracetamol with a molar absorptivity of 6.9 × 104 L mol-1 cm-1. The method was successfully applied to the determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations without any interference from common excipients. The method has been statistically evaluated with British Pharmacopoeia method a

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study The Influence of Forming Conditions Like Deformation Speed on Void Closure in Open Die Forging
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This paper presents an investigation to the effect of the forming speed on healing voids that inhabit at various size in an ingot. The study was performed by using finite element method with bilinear isotropic material option, circular type voids were considered. The closure index was able to predict the minimum press force necessary to consolidate voids and the reduction. The simulation was carried out, on circular cross-section lead specials containing a central void of different size. At a time with a flat die, different ratio of inside to outside radius was taken with different speed to find the best result of void closure.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Toxic Effect of Pb Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser ablation on Some Biochemical Aspects in Rats
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This work aimed to prepare and study the characteristic feature of lead nanoparticles (PbNPS) and follow its effects on some physiological aspects in rats.PbNPS was prepared by laser ablation of pure lead mass with a pulse of 500 and 100 mJ of energy. The results indicated that the wavelength was approximately 196 and the concentration was reported at 53,8967 mg / L. AFM, as the average diameter has been estimated at 69.93 nm. EFSEM shows the spherical shape of the particle.The experimental animals (rats) were divided into two groups, with seven rats for each one. The first group was a control and the second group was injected with 1 milliliter of PbNPS (53.8673 mg/l) per day for 45 days. Bioaccumulated lead ( in liver, spleen kidney and

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, Parts A/b/c
The impact of climate change on land degradation along with shoreline migration in Ghoramara Island, India
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Sea level rise (SLR) due to climate change is affecting the coastline, causing shoreline changes, the degradation of mangrove forests, and the destruction of coastal resources. This is the cause of a huge amount of mangrove degradation in many parts of the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta. A total of 90% of people have been forced to migrate from the island due to extreme weather conditions. In this study, remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were used for LULC change and shoreline shift analyses of Ghoramara Island. LULC classification was carried out using thirty years of Landsat datasets with intervals of ten years (1990 and 2000) and intervals of five years (2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020). The classific

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Arkansas Academy Of Science
Geographic Distribution Records of Macracanthorhynchus ingens (Archiacanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae) from the Raccoon, Procyon lotor in North America
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