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Comparison of Mercury Intrusion and Nitrogen Adsorption Measurements for the Characterization of Certain Natural Raw Materials Deposits
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The porosity of materials is important in many applications, products and processes, such as electrochemical devices (electrodes, separator, active components in batteries), porous thin film, ceramics, soils, construction materials, ..etc. This can be characterized in many different methods, and the most important methods for industrial purposes are the N2 gas adsorption and mercury porosimetry. In the present paper, both of these techniques have been used to characterize some of Iraqi natural raw materials deposits. These are Glass Sand, Standard Sand, Flint Clay and Bentonite. Data from both analyses on the different types of natural raw materials deposits are critically examined and discussed. The results of specific surface areas showed considerable difference between the two sets of data on the same material. This indicates that the material have an external surface which can not be measure by mercury porosimeter. Also pore size distribution data obtained from N2 adsorption measurements shows a wide range of the smallest pore size. This result suggests that materials have micropores using IUPAC definitions of pore size.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the Porosity of Certain pharmaceutical Tablets using Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter
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Porosity and pore structure are important characteristics of pharmaceutical tablets, since they influence the physical properties, such as mechanical strength, density and disintegration time. This paper is an attempt to investigate the pore structure of four different paracetamol tablets based on mercury porosimetry. The intrusion volumes of mercury were used to calculate the pore diameter, pore volume and pore size distribution. The result obtained indicate that the variation of the pore volume in the tablets followed the sequence:- S.D.I. Iraq? Pharmacare,Dubai-U.A.E.? Bron and Burk(UK) London?Lark Laboratories(India), while the variation of surface area followed the sequence:- S.D.I. Iraq? Lark Laboratories(India)? Pharmacare,Dubai-U.A

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Porosity of Certain Iraqi Clay Deposits by Mercury Porosimeter
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Pore volume, pore diameter, and pore volume distribution of three of Iraqi natural clay deposites were measured using mercury intrusion porosimetry .The clays are white kaolin, colored kaolin, and bentonite .The results showed that the variation of the pore area of the clay deposites followed the following order :- Coloured Kaolin > White Kaolin > Bentonite While the pore volume may be arranged as in the following sequence:- White Kaolin > Coloured Kaolin >Bentonite Also , Bentonite exhibits the narrow range pore size distribution than the white and coloured kaolin.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Phytoremediation
Adsorption of methyl orange on low-cost adsorbent natural materials and modified natural materials: a review
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Recently a large number of extensive studies have amassed that describe the removal of dyes from water and wastewater using natural adsorbents and modified materials. Methyl orange dye is found in wastewater streams from various industries that include textiles, plastics, printing and paper among other sources. This article reviews methyl orange adsorption onto natural and modified materials. Despite many techniques available, adsorption stands out for efficient water and wastewater treatment for its ease of operation, flexibility and large-scale removal of colorants. It also has a significant potential for regeneration recovery and recycling of adsorbents in comparison to other water treatment methods. The adsorbents described herein were

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 16 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Phytoremediation
Adsorption of methyl orange on low-cost adsorbent natural materials and modified natural materials: a review
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Textural Properties Characterization for NaX and FeX Zeolites by Nitrogen Adsorption-desorption Technique
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The zeolite's textural properties have a significant effect on zeolite's effectiveness in the different industrial processes. This research aimed to study the textual properties of the NaX and FeX zeolites using the nitrogen adsorption-desorption technique at a constant low temperature. According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the adsorption-desorption isotherm showed that the studied materials were mixed kinds I/II isotherms and H3 type hysteresis. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm was the best model to describe the nitrogen adsorption-desorption better than the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The obtained adsorption capacity and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area values for NaX were greater than FeX. Ac

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Pore Structure Characterization of Shale Reservoir Using Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption
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This research paper aimed to quantitively characterize the pore structure of shale reservoirs. Six samples of Silurian shale from the Ahnet basin were selected for nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis. Experimental findings showed that all the samples are mainly composed of mesopores with slit-like shaped pores, as well as the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda pore volume ranging from 0.014 to 0.046 cm3/ 100 g, where the lowest value has recorded in the AHTT-1 sample, whereas the highest one in AHTT-6, while the rest samples (AHTT-2, AHTT-3, AHTT-4, AHTT-5) have a similar average value of 0.03 cm3/ 100 g. Meanwhile, the surface area and pore size distribution were in the range of 3.8 to 11.1 m2 / g and 1.7 to 40 nm, respectively.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This study focused on treating wastewater to remove phosphorus by adsorption onto naturaland local materials. Burned kaolin, porcelinite, bauxite and limestone were selected to be testedas adsorption materials.The adsorption isotherms were evaluated by batch experiments, studyingthe effects of pH, temperature and initial phosphorus concentration. The results showed that at pH6, temperature 20°C and 300 mg/l initial phosphorus concentration; the sorption capacity was0.61, 9, 10 and 13 mg/g at 10 h contact time, for burned kaolin, porcelanite, limestone and bauxiterespectively. As the pH increased from 2 to 10 the removal efficiency for the materials differs inbehaviour. The removal efficiency increased from 40 to 90 % for limestone, and dec

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Porosity Measurements of Positive of Lead-Acid Battery Plates by Mercury PSorosimetry
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A mercury porosimeter has been used to measure the intrusion volume of the three types mercury positive lead acid-battery plates. The intrusion volumes were used to calculate the pore diameter, pore volume, pore area, and pore size distribution. The variation of the pore area in positive lead acid-battery plates as well as of the pore volume has the following sequence. Paste positive > Uncured positive > Cured positive

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Physical adsorption by nitrogen gas was studied on seven commercial platinum reforming catalysts (RG-402, RG-412, RG-432, RG-451, RG 422,RG-482, PS-10), four prepared platinum catalysts (0.1%Pt/alumina, 0.2 %Pt/alumina, 0.45 %Pt/alumina and 0.55% Pt/alumina), and -alumina support. Physical adsorption was carried out by using Accelerated Surface Area and Porosimetry (ASAP 2400 device) at 77 K . The results indicate that the surface area in genaral decreases with increasing platinum percentage, high platinum loaded (0.45% and 0.55%) it was found that the percent increasing in surface area was lower than those obtained for low platinum loaded catalysts , and at very higher platinum loading 0.6 %Pt , some reduction in surface area was

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption of Levofloxacine Antibacterial from Contaminated Water by Non – Conventional Low Cost Natural Waste Materials
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An experimental study was conducted with low cost natural waste adsorbent materials, barley husks and eggshells, for the removal of Levofloxacine (LEVX) antibacterial from synthetic waste water. Batch sorption tests were conducted to study their isothermal adsorption capacity and compared with conventional activated carbon which were, activated carbon > barley husks > eggshells with removal efficiencies 74, 71 and 42 % with adsorbents doses of 5, 5 and 50 g/L of activated carbon, barley husks, and eggshells respectively. The equilibrium sorption isotherms had been analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich, and Sips models, and their parameters were evaluated. The experimental data were correlated well with the Langmuir model which gives the

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