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Ready-made clothes for students of the University of Baghdad between reality and ambition ( A field study )
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     تعد الملابس وسيلة هامة لكل مايقوم به الانسان في حياته العامة ، فهي الانطباع والكلمة الخارجية عن ذاته الداخلية فهي تعكس فكرة الفرد عن ذاته وعن شخصيته , كما تعد وسيلة تعبير جمالية وفنية , فهي تساعد على اخفاء عيوب الجسد وابراز محاسنه . ويتوقف اختيار الفرد لملابسه على مجموعة  عوامل منها احتياجه , قدراته المالية , سنه , مركزه الاجتماعي , طبيعة عمله ,الظروف الجوية التي يعيش فيها وعلى مايُؤمن به من قيم و معتقدات .

    والملابس خاصة الجاهزة منها تلعب اليوم دوراً هاماً في دولاب ملابس الافراد عامة والفتيات في المرحلة الجامعية خاصة لكثر توافرها في الاسواق وتعدد نماذجها وملحقاتها ( اكسسواراتها ) الجذابة , والتي اصبحت بكافة تفاصيلها جزء من حياتهن فهي تشغل وقتهن وتفكيرهن وينفقن جزء لابأس به من الميزانية لاقتنائها فضلا عن الجهد المبذول في البحث عما يناسبها من ملابس للظهور بأبهى صورة في مجتمعهن , لذا فلا بد من رؤية مستقبلية  لانتاج جيل جديد من الملابس الجاهزة التي تواكب متغيرات الموضة وتستجيب لمعايير تناسق الألوان والأشكال تكون مزودة بتكنولوجيا متطورة تحفظ صحة وسلامة مرتديها في ظل التكنولوجيا الهائلة في مجال الملابس , مثل تزويد الاقمشة المستخدمة في صناعة الملابس الجاهزة باسلاك واقراص مرنة قابلة للغسيل يتم تركيب موصلات إلكترونية ومجسات في الملابس حيث تقوم أجهزة القياس بتسجيل النبض وحرارة الجسم ورطوبته وغيرها من الوظائف التي تحمي وترضي الاشخاص .   

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obese Women and Choosing Ready-made Clothes: Difficulties and Choices
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Thisstudy aims to determine the specifications of obese women accordingto the heightand type of obesity. It also aimstoidentify the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes for the research sample. Finally, the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes according to the variable of binaryclassification ofobesity is also identified.The study sample includes obese women: employees, non-employees and students with the age group (18-50) years.The weights and lengths of the sample have been taken to suit the group of obese women.Aquestionnaire in the form of an open question was distributed among (50) obese womenso as to extract the items of the questionnaire. After that, the questionnaire was distributed amo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Human rights in reality and ambition
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The research aims to focus on the human rights guarantees as they are subjected to continuous violations due to changes, wars and conflicts between nations and people, especially in the Arab world and the third world due to political, social, economic and environmental conditions and the failure of democratic tracks under the current reality.

Keyword: Human rights, Reality, Ambition.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Electronic University Library: Reality and Ambition Case Study Central Library of Baghdad University
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Electronic University Library: Reality and Ambition Case Study Central Library of Baghdad University

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iraq after 2003(reality and ambition)
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Foreign direct investment is considered one of important bases to blind economy for many. Countries as if the main stage for developing national economy ,so for this ,many of countries give great prominence to the role of drivel foreign investment due to its importance as one of economic growth pillars in the developing countries. They offer a support for modern technology, organizational and managerial skills.        

  Dneto the importance of direct foreign investment on the economic growth, today, we discover that Iraq in need to rebnlid the in frastructuve and renew what has been destroyed during was in many production and export institutions . as wel

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
TV and educating university youth about the challenges of cultural identity in Iraq Field study of a sample of students at University of Baghdad
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The TV plays an active role in building the general culture of the recipients, which calls for emphasizing its contemporary mission in rebuilding the values that support the development and modernization of diverse societies. Such importance is necessary to explore the challenges facing the cultural invasion, The space opening, which had its cultural returns to the societies, produced a space for alternative values and antagonisms in the cultures and traditions of these societies in the midst of a psychological / social conflict behind a clash with the peculiarities of Muslim societies. Cultural Adtha.
From these points of view, and because the universities are an important stage to announce the demands of the advocates of change and

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between shyness and depression among Baghdad University students
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study aimed to recognize the relationship shyness and depression and to recognize the differences between the genders, according to the variable of shyness and depression, the sample consisted (214) students, (141) female (73) male, and the sample responded scale of shyness and Inventory beck for depression, The Results of this study show that: the sample has a low degree shyness and a high degree depression, . There are no statistically significant differences according to gender variable in shyness, and there are statistically significant differences according to gender variable in depression favor for male, and there are statistically significant relationships between the variables of the study at lev

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constitutional amendments in the era of Justice and Development Party after 2002 (reality and ambition)
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Abstrct The Turkish political system has undergone exceptional and unprecedented circumstances, represented by a series of security and political unrest that has cast its shadow over the Turkish state and regional and international challenges. It has never been a pretext or pretext for continuing the comprehensive reform process. The constitutional amendments of the 1982 Constitution, Justice and development, whether political, economic or social, is not a reaction to a difficult reality; it is a system of governance and a national option stemming from within. It promotes national unity and enshrines democracy and the concept of public rights and freedoms.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 14 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This research deals with the relationship between television advertising and buying random cosmetics, where we find that TV ads influence on the purchasing behavior of women, has conducted research in the field on a sample of women in the University of Baghdad, was a random sample taken from 150 different women in the age and social levels educational and cultural students and employees and teachers in order to sample representative be for the research community, and designed a questionnaire for this purpose form as a tool to collect data and information search and analyzed they answered the sample surveyed using a statistical program (spss) to extract percentages And correlation coefficients and testing square Kay , The study found Of w

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 13 2022
Journal Name
وقائع المؤتمر العلمي الدولي التاسع / المجلة الامريكية الدولية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty among Baghdad University Employees in light of Covid- 19 A Descriptive Analytical Study (University of Baghdad as a model)
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The educational service industry is one of the most negatively affected industries by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government agencies have taken many measures to slow its spread, and then restrict movement and gatherings and stop recreational activities. Furthermore, the repercussions of the curfew had a significant impact due to the interruption in actual attendance for students and employees, and the severity of the Covid-19 crisis and its (economic, social, security, humanitarian and behavioral) effects on all societies and work sectors is no secret to anyone. Iraq, like other countries, was also affected by the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic in all fields of institutional work, especially public fields, and specifically t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University Youth Attitudes towards Electronic Advertisements and their Relationship to the Behavior of the Consumer A Field Study of a Sample of Students of the College of Mass-Communication / University of Baghdad as a Model
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This research aims at identifying the communicative habits and content reflections on the communication process, especially the young audience which is one of the main group for whom the announcements are made. Because young people face life with passion and aspiration making them respond to each effect used by the media in the design of the advertising using all the effective techniques, attractive methods for young children like depending on drama, technical tricks, music and logos easily to be remembered and responded to the desires of the young in their entertainment. This research also aims at identifying the impact of the internet as a channel of commercial advertising on the purchasing behavior of young people at the universities

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