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Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic: Временные и пространственные отношения с текстом перевода на русском и арабском языках
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 The present paper(Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic) focuses on the spacio-temporal effect in the translated text; it is possible to compose the translation text simultaneously with the  process of the composing the original text. This is carried out during the simultaneous consecutive translation. And, the time and place of composing the translation might greatly differ from the time and place of composing the original textt. The translator may tackle a text of an ancient time and written in a language which might have changed, and may thus appear as another language where the author might have talked on behalf of a people who had lived or are living in apparently different geographical and climatic conditions from those of the receptor of the translation who belongs to a people having completely different style of life, history, traditions and culture. These should never affect the process of translation.


Наше  исследование  фокусируется на временном и пространственном эффекте переведенного текста. Процесс  создания текста перевода может выполняться одновременно с процессом создания оригинального  текста. Это  делается во время синхронного перевода. Время создания и местоположения перевода может сильно отличаться от времени оригинала и  его местоположения. Переводчик может иметь дело с текстом древней исторической эпохи и языком, который изменился в течение этого периода в той мере, в какой его статус, кажется, представляет собой другой язык. Автор оригинального текста может  быть имеет язык  людей, которые жили или живут в других географических и климатических условиях, сильно отличающихся от географических условий получателей перевода, которые имеют совершенно иную структуру жизни, истории, традиции и культуры. Не могут ли такие различия повлиять на процесс перевода ?     



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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations programs and its role to enhance the morale of employees in the Ministry of Transportation: A survey study on the State land Transport Company
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This research aims to learn about public relations programs and their role to enhance the morale of the State land Transport Company employees.The researcher relied on the survey method and use a questionnaire and scale tools to collect information from workers in the Department of Relations and Media and employees in all departments.
The research reached several conclusions, including:
1- Public relations seek to increase workers’ confidence in senior management and motivate them to improve their production, as well as their relentless endeavor to bring workers closer by following multiple and varied forms of communication with them.
2- The results of the study showed that there was a negative i

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Семантический Анализ Глаголов Деструкции Русского Языка В Современной Лингвистике Semantics of the Russian Verbs of Destruction in Contemporary Linguistics
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public Relations Strategies in Building the State’s Reputation An analytical study of the publications of the website of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
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The aim of this paper is to know the persuasive methods and public relations strategies in building the reputation of the United Arab Emirates, since the UAE is progressing among the international indicators in good reputation. The researcher used the survey method, using the content analysis tool, to analyze the publications of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the period from 10/1/2021 to 12/31/2021.The researcher reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The UAE Foreign Ministry relied on public relations strategies in order to build a good reputation for the country, as it focused on the media strategy and gave little importance to the consensus-building strategy, as well as focuse

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Semantic Analogy of Quran Text Content Found in Ornamental Figures in Islamic Architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير
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This study aims at creating an analogy between Quran text Contents as meanings that have representations as visional shapes within ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The theoretical framework of the study deals with the concept of semantics and its parts, artistic contents of Quran texts, and ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The study procedures included a population of (69) figures, (5) of them were chosen deliberately for analysis in accordance with a form that had been presented to a number of experts to ensure its validity. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most significant among them are: adopting natural denotation of direct reference in order to link the ornamental figure to the source it was taken

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of some of the of the Verbs’ Arabic Roots in the stories of Osman Ceviksoy Like a Voice in The Dark.: Osman Çeviksoy'un "Karanlıkta Ses Gibi" Başlıklı Öykü Kitabında Arapça Kökenli Türkçe Fillerin İncelenmesi
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Due to the Geographical links, language is one of the multiple affects among Arabs and Turks. As the different studies demonstrate, Turkish contains many words derived from other languages, yet Arabic remains the language that has great affects on Turkish. Unlike Turkish language, Arabic is a derivative language that requires no suffixes. Thus, Arabic verbs are tuned into Turkish verbs by adding auxiliary verbs. The present study traces some of the Turkish compound words of Arabic roots with an explanation that shows the Auxiliary added to form the Turkish verb as found in the stories of Otman Chevek Sawy’s Like A voice in the Dark. The conclusion sums up the findings of the study illustrated by numbers.


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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 12 2014
Journal Name
Advanced Studies In English, Pune
Cohesive Devices in Hemingway&#39;s &#39;For Whom The Bell Tolls&#39; and its Translation into Arabic
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BN Rashid, AJES, 2014

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Criminology And Sociology
The Arabic Root and the Peculiarities of Its Language Categorization (Structure and Inflection)
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This article discusses the peculiarities of the Arabic root, its phonemic structure, and morphological categorization. The pure appearance of the Arabic root in language categorization allows you to separate the onomatopoeic feature of inflectional structure and phonetic rules of the Arabic language by which the root is categorized. This phenomenon of meaningful consonant phonemes in the Arabic roots makes the theory of onomatopoeia practicable not just only in Arabic but also in other Semitic languages. Moreover, the first consonant of an Arabic root usually contains the word's primary, essential meaning, and the second and third lookup. Also, in this work, it is noted that the grammar of the Arabic language has many features aimed

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Пьеса А.Н.Островского ″Доходное место″ в арабских переводах The Play "Profitable Job" in Arabic Translation
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         Theoretically, the aim of the paper is identify linguistic expressions, such as proverbs, wise sayings, and popular sayings, used by the playwright  A. N. Ostrovsky , along with their translations into Arabic by the Iraqi translator  Abdullah Habbah and the Syrian translator HashimHumadi. And practically, there were found about fifty sayings, made of proverbs, wise sayings and popular sayings, which were identified and taken into analysis in respect to their Arabic translation , with the  specification of the best rendition  of the original text.

          Critics and professionals em

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital public relations and its role in prioritizing the masses: An analytical study of the United Nations website : (A paper extracted from a PhD dissertation)
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This paper aims to identify how the United Nations works through its website in prioritizing audiences towards international issues، by identifying the digital PR mechanisms used in digital PR contents in prioritizing audiences towards the international issues they deal with. To achieve the objectives of this paper, the researcher used the survey method and content analysis tool with a view to identifying the ranking of international issues on the website of health، peace and security، humanitarian assistance، human rights، women، migrants، refugees and displaced persons، economic development، United Nations affairs، culture and education، environment and climate، sustainable development, and law and crime prevention. One of

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 24 2021
Journal Name
Conference: The 5th International Multi-conference On Artificial Intelligence Technology (mcait 2021).
Text Encryption Based on DNA Cryptography, RNA, and Amino Acid
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To achieve safe security to transfer data from the sender to receiver, cryptography is one way that is used for such purposes. However, to increase the level of data security, DNA as a new term was introduced to cryptography. The DNA can be easily used to store and transfer the data, and it becomes an effective procedure for such aims and used to implement the computation. A new cryptography system is proposed, consisting of two phases: the encryption phase and the decryption phase. The encryption phase includes six steps, starting by converting plaintext to their equivalent ASCII values and converting them to binary values. After that, the binary values are converted to DNA characters and then converted to their equivalent complementary DN

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