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Realismo y tradicionessocioculturales en “Bodas de sangre”
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El trabajo se investiga en el realismo y la tradición social que incluye la tragedia Bodas de sangre, del autor español Federico García Lorca. A lo largo de estas páginas se da la luz sobre los temas, acciones, oraciones y palabras que pertenecen a la realidad de la vida española en general y sobre todo en territorio andaluz, en el que ocurren los sucesos de la obra.  Así como las tradiciones sociales que el dramaturgo español contemporáneo abundando a lo largo de su texto, y que han sido tomadas de la herencia popular.

    Literariamente, esta obra se clasifica como Tragedia Moderna, por la razón de que incorpora los elementos necesarios de dicha tragedia: historia, amor, venganza, muerte, etc…

    Aunque, la tragedia cuyo ambiente nacional, que es el campo andaluz, ha logrado un rango clímax dentro de la literatura universal, por exponer sentimientos y consecuencias comunes y por destacar cuestiones muy conmovedores de la humanidad. 


This article investigates realism and social tradition that include the tragedy “Blood Wedding” of the Spanish writer Federico Garcia Lorca. Throughout these pages topics, actions, prayers and words that belong to the reality of Spain in general and throughout Andalusia where the events of the play occur are highlighted. In addition, social traditions that were contemporary to the Spanish playwright abounds throughout its text, are taken from the popular heritage.

   Literally, this play, which was written by Lorca in 1931, is classified as Modern Tragedy, for the reason that incorporates the necessary elements of that tragedy: history, love, revenge, death, etc...

Although the tragedy whose national environment is Andalusia, it has reached a climax rank in the world literature, for exposing feelings and highlighting common consequences and very poignant questions of humanity.

Keywords: Spanish theater. Twentieth century. Federico García Lorca. Blood Wedding. Realism and traditions.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
In-betweenness and Liminal Selfin Amiri Baraka's Dutchman
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This study deals with the thems of "in-betweeness" in the modern Afro-American Drama, drawing upon the accumulated literature of the colonial and postcolonial studies. In-betweeness appears in these studies under the canopy of the terms mimicry, hybridity and liminality which refer to a transformative, in-between state of being. It also refers to themutual relations holdingbetween man and his cultural space.

This concept is fitting the Afro-American playwright Amiri Baraka's plays and his violent, revolutionary theatre. In his play Dutchman (1964), Clay, the protagonist, is a good example of the two-ness or in-betweeness. He finds difficulty choosing between the ethnocentric white culture and the black culture.He allows

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
relative contraindications for laparoscopic cholecstectomy y
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La Situación Lingüística de España
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Uno de los rasgos más interesantes sobre España es la diversidad de sus lenguas, y aunque la mayoría de los españoles hablan español, pero una gran parte de la población es bilingüe y en algunas ocasiones, trilingüe. Hoy en día estas lenguas se usan y conviven juntas sin grandes problemas, aunque durante mucho tiempo esta convivencia ha sido muy complicada. Asi que el propósito de nuestro trabajo es enfocar la luz sobre la situación linguística actual de España.
Al estudiar la situación linguística de España encontramos que las lenguas son instrumentos vivos y dinámicos, inseparables de su propia historia, dos realidades, su pasado y su presente, que van conformando su propia estructura y su propio dominio lingüísti

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Failure of Comedy in Waiting for Godot
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Many critics suggest that Beckett’s early plays are comic because they focus their analyses on the use comic elements. Waiting for Godot is one of Beckett’s early plays, and it has been heavily analyzed and read as a comic text partly because its subtitle is “a tragicomedy in two acts” and also because of the comic techniques used in the play. The present paper, however, attempts to read the play as a piece in which comedy fails to produce any effects on the characters who remain apparently very desperate and frustrated throughout the play. The characters perform different comic acts, but they do not really feel amused or entertained. The paper suggests that the acts these characters put on stage are only means to pass t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2024
Journal Name
Iklīl For Humanities Studies
Aspectos de las dificultades de traducción de los textos comerciales del árabe al español جوانب من صعوبات ترجمة النصوص التجارية من اللغة العربية الى اللغة الاسبانية
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La traducción de los textos comerciales es una de las traducciones especializadas, trata los textos y los términos relativos al ámbito del comercio. El objetivo esencial de este breve estudio es arrojar luz sobre algunas dificultades de la traducción del árabe al español en cuanto a la documentación comercial como certificados de pago o cobro, pólizas de embarque, actas de reuniones de Sociedades, ejercicios de las empresas contratos, certificado de profesión, poderes comerciales, medidas tributarias, cuentas corrientes, activos corrientes ,etc. los ejemplos mencionados en este estudio los hemos extraído de textos y comprobantes comerciales árabes disponibles en el internet. En el fin de este trabajo ponemos breve glosario de té

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Cultural harmony and its in contemporary Mexican painting: حمدية كاظم روضان المعموري
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  We live in a world where cultures and visions overlap .. Therefore, every society seeks to create a harmonization that is in line with the data of those special cultures and reproduces those cultures and defines their paths. There are cultures based on historical action and experience and others that work on historical displacement, and art is one of the most important means of transmitting cultures and establishing their aesthetic harmony. This research is concerned with studying (cultural patterns and their representations in contemporary Mexican painting) and it falls into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the research problem, its importance, the need for it, the goal of the research, and identifying th

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The cultural identity in the novel "The American Granddaughter" by writer InamKaghi
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The identity of the cultural identity of the party (the ego and the other) during a series of questions subject to the transformations of history and the process of culture, the search of identity and its characteristics within the novel discourse calls to address the cultural impact communication discourse aims to reveal the functional and intellectual benefits that contributed to the formation of cultural identity, and stand at the most important manifestations And the secretions that mimic a world remains part of it present in the imagination of the producer of the text is moving in accordance with the holistic perception of the world embedded between the lines of the trial.The question of identity as an intellectual dimension in orde

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Politics in Harold Pinter's One for the Road
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Pinter's play One for the Road (1984) is considered one of his important plays because
it focuses on political issues, which he has not presented overtly before. Generally speaking,
Pinter's early plays describe man's existential fear of an unnamed danger which might be
represented by an intruder who invades the characters' solitude , threatens their peace, and
brings their hidden fears to the surface. Pinter began to write political plays as a result of his
political attitudes and his involvement in political activities over the last three decades.
Pinter's One for the Road deals with the oppressive and authoritarian operations of
state power. This play and Pinter's political plays which followed it, like Mountain

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2003
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الرؤية السايكلوجية وتطبيقاتها في مسرحية الشيخ والغانية
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الرؤية السايكلوجية وتطبيقاتها في مسرحية الشيخ والغانية

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gilgamesh Ou La quête de l'immortalité
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L'œuvre de fiction la plus ancienne qui nous soit restée, est aussi bien la première jamais écrite. L'épopée de Gilgamesh a été composée à l'aube de la civilisation mésopotamienne. Gilgamesh était le cinquième souverain après le déluge.

                      Sous son règne, trois millénaires environ avant Jésus-Christ, les Urukiens s’emparèrent des cités voisines, et formèrent ainsi ce que nous appellerions une petite nation. Pendant plus de deux mille ans, les civilisations du Proche-Orient ont fait de Gilgamesh leur héros épique. Il existe des

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