الرؤية السايكلوجية وتطبيقاتها في مسرحية الشيخ والغانية
ملخـــص البحــــث
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد سيد الأولين والآخرين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وعلى من سار على نهجهم واقتفى أثرهم إلى يوم الدين وبعد..
فإن الفقه الإسلامي ولود لمسائل وأحكام لا تنحصر؛ بسبب معالجاته للأزمات، وتقديم الحلول الباهرة للمعضلات والنوازل التي لم تنفك عن عصر من العصور وإلى يومنا هذا، وقد استطاع فقهائنا رحمهم الله بك
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يهدف هذا البحث الى تسليط الضوء على ظاهرة مهمة لا تخلوا منها معظم النتاجات التفسيرية، وهي ظاهرة النقد التفسيري، التي من خلالها يسلط المفسر الضوء على آراء المفسرين السابقين في تفسير آية أو مفردة من مفردات القرآن الكريم ثم التعقيب عليها كل بحسبه، ثم يعكف على بيان الدلالة الأوفق بحسب ما تجتمع عنده من قرائن.
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ملخـــص البحــــث
ان موضوعة "آيات الأحكام" هو أحد الموضوعات التي اهتم بها العلماء عمومًا ، رضي الله عنهم في العصور القديمة والحديثة. وقد كتب الباحثون الكثير منهم ، وقد تم النظر في كثير منهم وتقييمها في الدراسات اللاحقة. والشيخ جمال الدين المقداد بن عبد الله السيوري المعروف باسم فاضل السيوري والفاضل المقداد الذي تمتع بنصيب واقر من الشهرة وهذا واضحاً في نسخه ال
... Show MoreThis research reviews the aesthetic variables that were founded according to (theatrical rehearsal) as one of the most important pillars on which the theatrical process is based, because of its necessity in developing theatrical art on several levels that helped the theatrical director in organizing his work, and this became clear through the research chapters represented in the first chapter (methodological framework) and the second chapter, which consisted of the first topic (the duality of watching / rehearsal) and the second topic (the applications of theatrical rehearsal in theatrical experiences), all the way to the third chapter (research procedures), which included the analysis of theatrical rehearsals (sharing on life), and the
... Show MoreThe current research contains four chapters. The first topic included the methodological framework that included the problem of research and the need for it, and then the importance of the research, and then the aim of the research, its limits and the definition of terms linguistically, conventionally and procedurally. The second chapter (the theoretical framework) contained two topics, the topic The first is titled: The Outward Vision in Child Theater Performances, while the second topic was titled: Presentation Technology in Child Theater, Chapter Four (Research Procedures), which organized the research community and analyzed its sample, and the fourth chapter contained research results, conclusions and recommendations. The prop
... Show MoreThe increase of the scenographic designer role on account of the character of the director in the Iraqi theater constituted a clear phenomenon that has been manifested in many shows, which necessitated a stance on the nature of this relation and delimiting the work space for each one of them inside the theater show. The research focuses on determining the work relation between the directorial vision and the scenographic proposal in the Iraq theater show. The research is divided into four chapters, the first one addressed the methodological framework, where the research problem was stated in the following question (has the scenographic designer been able through his scenographic proposal to remove the director from his position being the
... Show MoreSustainable architecture in the thought of Sheikh Baha'i Sheikh Bahaa Al-Din is Muhammad bin Al-Hussein bin Abd Al-Samad bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussein bin Saleh Al-Harthy Al-Hamdani Al-Amili Al-Jaba’i, a resident of Isfahan. And the mathematical and astronomical arts, and success was written for him in his writings, so it spread and was accepted by learned scholars in the last four centuries. Research from his activity and science is the engineering and architectural aspect.
The study tries to answer several questions posed by the subject, one of the important: How the Internet promotes rumor? And what are the most Internet applications that promote rumor? And the practical ways to reduce these negative? Using the process of in vestige and reading theoretical heritage available in this field, and inferred the numbers and statistics marked the uses of the Internet and its applications over recent years, and the characteristics of each these tools in the field of collection, processing, and dissemination of information
The research aims to (identify the applications of pedagogy in art education), the research community included, art education for the primary stage, so the community consisted of (8) main areas in art education, either the research sample was chosen, two main areas (objectives, and content), and included the research methodology (descriptive and analytical), the researcher built the research tool represented (the validity form of the tool) and presented to a group of experts to indicate its validity as well as to measure its stability, To show the results, the researcher used the percentage, and the researcher recommended - modifying the curriculum every period of time, such as every four years, others