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Surrealism is a twentieth-century literary and artistic movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind. Surrealism is a reaction to the philosophy of rationalism which was believed to be the cause of the disaster of World War I. It emphasizes the expression of the imagination as revealed in dreams and presented without conscious control, the unexpected juxtapositions of objects, the withdrawal of the self, and the exploitation of chance effects.
Surrealism began in Paris in the early 1920s, as Europe emerged from the devastation of World War I. A group of writers, artists, and filmmakers, led by the poet André Breton, adopted the word surréaliste (meaning, roughly, "super-real") as a label for their artistic activities. Influenced in part by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories, the group explored the irrational, unsettling, and marvelous aspects of their surroundings and their own minds. By breaking free of rationality, they sought to create a "revolution in consciousness." One important strand of their ideals was the hope that surrealism could lead to social transformation and a world free of wars. The group met regularly in Paris during
the 1920s and 1930s and sponsored manifestoes, journals, performances, and exhibitions. European surrealist activity continued after World War II.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
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Maintenance Contract - A Comparative Study with Islamic Jurisprudence
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Contemporary life is racing against time in its temptations and variables, and it has become shaped and changed in an amazing way in its various aspects and fields. This was facilitated by intellectual and scientific communication between civilizations, and the rapid progression in successive inventions and discoveries in the fields of science and arts of knowledge. This contributed to a great economic and commercial renaissance. Then, these economic developments entered the world into a very strong competition, which forced producers to calculate all production costs, to reach the highest profits by reducing the price of the produced commodity on the one hand, and achieving quality in appearance (especially) on the other hand. Since the ma

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
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الجامعة المستنصرية كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد
The possibility of adoption of hybrid cloud computing in Iraqi universities : an analytical study using technology acceptance model
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الناصر، عامر عبد الرزاق عبد المحسن والكبيسي، صلاح الدين عواد كريم. 2018. إمكانية تبني الحوسبة السحابية الهجينة في الجامعات العراقية : دراسة تحليلية باستخدام أنموذج القبول التكنولوجي. مجلة الإدا

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the actual reality of supply chain operations in Noor Al-Kafeel Food Products Company/ case study.
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                This research aims to identify the actual reality of the supply chain processes applied in the Noor Al-Kafeel Food Products Company, which was chosen as a research sample by measuring the application and documentation gap. The current research relies on the case study method to reach the desired results, and the seven-scale scale was relied on to identify the reality of the supply chain operations applied in the researched company and the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection and analysis, as quantitative methods such as the arithmetic mean were used weighted, percentage measurement, and g

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Concept of Value in De Saussair Linguistics and their Extension in the Book (Arabic Language, Its Meaning and Structure) by Tammam Hassan
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This research was distributed into two sections, the first section was concerned with the concept of value for De Saussair and its methodological impact on his linguistic structural conceptions with respect of the distinction between synchronism and diachronism, the value role of linking function between the sounds and the though, the basing of his theoretical conception on the language being a form and not a material according to this principle and the value impact on the demonstration that the linguistic element acquires its functional importance from the relations inside the language system. It also stopped at the methodological impact of value on defining the analytical linguistic unit and the value role in semantics through the prin

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the influence of Annealing upon electrical properties of The prepared films ZnSe by Thermal evaporation in Vacuum
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Thin films of ZnSe arc deposited on glass substrates by thermal evaporation in vacuum with different thickness (1000, 2700, 4000) A° temperature (293-373) °K are studies the electrical properties before and after annealing. The result show decrease D.0 conductivity and increasing the activation energy Eat.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies In Humanities And Educational Sciences
Unlocking the Language of the Heart: A Stylistic Analysis of EmotiveTechniques in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
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This paper presents an in-depth stylistic analysis of the linguistic artistry andliterary techniques employed by Paulo Coelho in his novel By the River Piedra ISat Down and Wept. A close reading approach guided by stylistics and linguisticsframeworks reveals Coelho's extensive incorporation of imaginative metaphors,vivid imagery, poetic diction, and resonant symbols across the narrative. Analysisspecifically elucidates how Coelho adeptly manipulates various stylistic features toconvey thematic content, shape characterization, and produce aesthetic impacts.Findings provide critical insights into Coelho’s linguistic mastery and contribute toresearch in stylistics and literary linguistics through rigorous examination of anentire contemporary

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A trade union movement in Britain
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Labor movement is considered important in Britain because it is an international phenomenon of the feudal system and one of the flowerings of the era of the capitalist machine. At the beginning of the 18th century, the world witnessed a change and progress in many aspects of the industrial fields such as the different means of production .this era is called the industrial revolution which especially appeared in Britain and extended to other areas of the world .it leads to many changes in Europe and participated in different economic, political and cultural and social fields. and it has a very important role in progress and development but its disadvantage is that it is exploited by the capitalists to achieve their special rights .in othe

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Suggested Model For Using Customer's Data Management Information System/ A Case Study In Al-Rasheed Bank/General Agent Office/ Nothren Reigon
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This study aim to  identify the concept of  web based information systems since its one of the important topics that is  usually omitted by our organizations, in addition to,  designing a web based information system in order to manage the customers data of Al- Rasheed bank, as a unified information system that is specialized to the banking deals of the customers with the bank, and providing a suggested model to apply the virtual private network as a tool that is to protect the transmitted data through the web based information system.

This study is considered important because it deals with one of the vital topics nowadays, namely: how to make it possible to use a distributed informat

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of canal dryness and flaring on the accuracy of two electronic apex locators
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Background: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of canal dryness and flaring on the accuracy of two electronic apex locators for working length (WL) determination. Materials and methods: Sixty extracted teeth were used, after access opening was done, the occlusal surface was flattened to create stable reference point. The teeth were randomly divided into two equal main groups of flared and unflared group each one of 30 teeth. The flaring was done with Gates Glidden drills. The two main groups were further subdivided into two subgroups: dry canal and wet canal using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite groups, Electronic WL of each sample was determined using both Root ZX and i-Root apex locator. Consequently, histologic WL was determined by shav

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role Lean Accounting in Support Corporate Governance to Achieve a Competitive Advantage: An Application Study in Diala State Company for Electrical industrial
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        The modern business environment has witnesses tremendous developments as a result of the globalization of markets and economic openness and technological as well as the acquisition of the issue of corporate governance of great importance regarding it as one of the global innovations trends of control provisions on the management of companies as result of these developments ,increasing on competition between economic unit ,thus a decrease in market share because they do not take into account the response to the requirements of customers ,which kept her to search a modern management accounting methods to help them keep up with the changes and the availability of information for the various adminis

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