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Surrealism is a twentieth-century literary and artistic movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind. Surrealism is a reaction to the philosophy of rationalism which was believed to be the cause of the disaster of World War I. It emphasizes the expression of the imagination as revealed in dreams and presented without conscious control, the unexpected juxtapositions of objects, the withdrawal of the self, and the exploitation of chance effects.
Surrealism began in Paris in the early 1920s, as Europe emerged from the devastation of World War I. A group of writers, artists, and filmmakers, led by the poet André Breton, adopted the word surréaliste (meaning, roughly, "super-real") as a label for their artistic activities. Influenced in part by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories, the group explored the irrational, unsettling, and marvelous aspects of their surroundings and their own minds. By breaking free of rationality, they sought to create a "revolution in consciousness." One important strand of their ideals was the hope that surrealism could lead to social transformation and a world free of wars. The group met regularly in Paris during
the 1920s and 1930s and sponsored manifestoes, journals, performances, and exhibitions. European surrealist activity continued after World War II.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Financial technology as one of the recovery strategies of the Iraqi banking sector in the post-Covid-19 stage: An exploratory study

The research aims to employ one of the most important strategies for recovery from the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, which ravaged the economies of the entire world and its various sectors, including the banking sector, through financial technology that is based on digital transformation to achieve financial sustainability and the creation of innovative financial value chains in light of the decline in the banking sector as a result of The negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, be guided by the relevant international accounting standards to control the risks associated with financial technology. To recover from the Covid-19 crisis, the research came out with a set of recommendations, most notably financial technology from

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Medical Journal

Background : Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of upper extremities and Open carpal tunnel release is the most frequent surgical procedure and the gold standard for cases that do not respond to conservative treatment. Aims :This study is used to evaluate the functional outcome of limited palmar mini-incision of carpal tunnel release. This study aims to determine the safety and symptomatic and functional efficacy of median nerve decompression with limited incision in carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. Patients and methods:Carpal tunnel release with a 1.5-2 cm limited palmar incision was performed on 20 patients. Patients were evaluated initially at one month after treatment according to symptom severity

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Reliability of the multipeg™ transducer in measuring dental implant stability by using a resonance frequency analysis device (Osstell®): An observational clinical study

Background: Measuring implant stability is an important issue in predicting treatment success. Dental implant stability is usually measured through resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Osstell® RFA devices can be used with transducers (Smartpeg™) that correspond to the implants used as well as with transducers designed for application with Penguin® RFA devices (Multipeg™). Aims: This study aims to assess the reliability of a MultiPeg™ transducer with an Osstell® device in measuring dental implant stability. Materials and Methods: Sixteen healthy participants who required dental implant treatment were enrolled in this study. Implant stability was measured by using an Osstell® device with two transducers, namely, Smartpeg™ and M

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of pollution by heavy elements in some parts of Baghdad

The objective of the present work is to measuring the concentration of heavy elements (Pb, Cd, Zn, As) in Baghdad's soil city and indication to the probable sources of pollution as well as comparing the concentration of heavy elements with local and international ranges. The Sampling and analyzing conducted in the present work included ( 15 ) Samples from Baghdad city ( three samples for each location ).The rates of heavy elements in soil samples were as following:. Pb ( 67.5 ) ppm, Cd ( 4.11 ) ppm , Zn ( 77.9 ) ppm , As ( 4.64 ) ppm. According to the results, we find increasing in the concentrations of the heavy elements ( Pb, Cd, Zn ) in soils and decreasing in ( As ).We conclude that the main reason behind the in

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of the model and follows on the collection and Retention of fifth grade students (oiterary) in history

The first chapter the importance of research and need for education scientists see that the roots of the use of a specimen Wheatley in learning and teaching back to Grayson Wheatley, one of the largest supporters of a modern construction, which lay the groundwork for the specimen stage and the form in which it is. That was attributed to him, often called his name called while some educators based learning strategy on the issue. He sees the learner in this model make him a meaningful understanding of problems during his progress, thereby acting with his colleagues to find solutions to them in small groups. He

        Borders Search: Search by students is determined by th

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of improved forests in Iraq and their impact on the economic and social future

عانت الغابات في العراق قصوراً واضحاً في مجال إشباع حاجة السكان لمنتجاتها الرئيسية المتمثلة بالأخشاب ومنتجاتها الثانوية المتمثلة بالأغصان والأوراق والنباتات الطبيعية والحيوانات البرية ونواتجها الأخرى، مما يتطلب التفكير بمحاولة إيجاد سبل جديدة لحل هذه المشكلة الاقتصادية المرتبطة بعنصريها الحاجة للأخشاب والأموال المخصصة لتطويرها عموماً.

لقد دمرت مساحات كبيرة من الغابات وحرقت وقطعت من

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing parameters and Reliability of two-parameters exponential

One of the most important problems in the statistical inference is estimating parameters and Reliability parameter and also interval estimation , and testing hypothesis . estimating two parameters of exponential distribution and also reliability parameter in a stress-strength model.

This parameter deals with estimating the scale parameter and the Location parameter µ , of two exponential distribution   ,using moments estimator and maximum likelihood estimator , also we estimate the parameter R=pr(x>y), where x,y are two- parameter independent exponential random variables .

Statistical properties of this distribution and its properti

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

Declaration has become today has an important and active and influential role in the recipient public life، and are concentrated advertising on the creativity component manufacture to attract his attention toward what to be announced from a variety products، and is dominated by television commercials tempo and imagination، and display them a variety of ways catches the attention and an impressive simulates the their senses of hearing and sight، to influence in the receiver and the public paid for purchase.

Through it crystallization the subject of our research on the importance of creativity in television advertising and effective for attracting the attention of the publi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The moment of concluding the contract according to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) (A comparative study with some Arab and foreign legislations)

There are two ways that the contract might be formed with (contracting between persons who are attended and contracting between absence persons).the need for determining the precise moment of the contract , is so clear because there is a specify period separate between the declaration of acceptance and the knowledge with it .and it is clear from the four theories known for jurisprudence (theory of the declaration of the acceptance, theory of exporting the acceptance , theory of the arrival of the acceptance , theory of the knowledge with the acceptance ) . It is difficult to promote one theory on another one if we look at each one and the justification of its supporters and what the opponents of each theory expose. Legal background and diff

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of marketing intelligence in promoting new product policies.a sample survey of workers in a number of mineral water plants in dohuk governorate

Marketing Intelligence is one of the important methods of collecting information about competitors ' products and changes in customers ' tastes and needs that contribute to determining the policies to be followed in product development.

The problem of research, which seeks to be answered by the extent to which the companies in question have the appropriate and effective mechanisms to develop their products, and the nature of the relationship between the components of marketing intelligence and new product development policies. The importance of research is determined by the importance of obtaining important and necessary information to make the appropriate decision on the development of the new product an

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