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خلاصه ای از شعر و شعر ابوالفرج رونی
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       ابو الفرج رونی از استادان شعر فارسی در دوره دوم غزنوی است.او در میان شاعران  ابو الفرج خیلی زودتر از دیگر شاعران  عصر خود متوجه نو کردن سبک سخن گردید چنان که میان روش او  وروش  معاصرانش از قبیل عثمان و مسعود سعد و معزی و نظایر آنان اختلافات فراوان وجود دارد. او طرز شعر دورهء اول غزنوی را که باید آن را سبک تکامل یافتهء دوره سامانی شمرد،  به دور افکند ، وطریقه ای جدید  پدید آورد. پژوهنده این پژوهش را به سه مبحث رده بندی نمود ؛ نخست متعلق به شرح حال شاعر وممدوحان خود بوده است .   مبحث دوم ؛ در بارهء اغراض شعری که ابو الفرج در آن شعری سروده است  .  مبحث سوم ؛ مخصوص به بحث و بر رسی عمیق به سبک وطریقهء شاعر ، ونقش او در تحول شعر فارسی از سبک خراسانی به سبک عراقی است .

       از مهمترین منابعی که باحث را برای انجاز این کار کمک نمود ، دو نسخهء چاپی دیوان اشعار ابو الفرج رونی  ؛ یکی چاپ مستشرق چایکین ودیگر چاپ دکتر مهدوی است .    نیز از منابع مهم دیگر ؛ بحثی موسوم به صور خیال وتغییر سبک شعر فارسی در اشعار ابو الفرج رونی ) از نویسندهء یحیی طالبیان است علاوه بر کتاب ( چهار مقاله ) عروضی سمرقندی  ، وتعلیقات شادروان میرزا محمد خان قزوینی بر آن است .     از مهمترین نتایجی که بحث بدان رسیده ؛ این است ، که شاعر خیلی زودتر از دیگر شاعران زمان خود متوجه نو کردن سبک سخن  بود ، و سبک دوره ء اول غزنوی را که باید آن را سبک تکامل یافتهء دوره سامانی شمرد ، به دورافکند ، و شیوه‏ ای نو گرایشی به سوی مفاهیم عقلی و تجریدی دارد ،  پدید آورد نیز ، منشأ الهام تصاویر شاعرانهء ابو الفرج رونی ، تصاویر رزمی ، بیان صفات ممدوح ، در ضمن تکریم مفاهیم اخلاقی ، به ویژه عدل ، احکام نجوم و اقتباس از آیات و روایات و فرهنگ مذهبی در هیأت اسلوب های بلاغی مانند تشبیه وغیر از آن در کلام وی جلوه کرده است . ابو الرفرج رونی نیز تلمیحاتی بسیار ومتنوع - بویژه آنچه متعلق به فرهنگ اسلامی است – دارد  ، گوئی که فرهنگ عربی و اسلامی بسان سرچشمه‏ ای قوی و پربار ، ذهن و ذوق شاعر را تغذیه نموده ، و در شعر او بازتاب پیدا می‏ کند .


 Abu Faraj Rooney is one of the Persian poets in the adult age Ghaznavi.

    He was granted a prominent place among his contemporaries and who came after them also, and confessed to him all Balostavep in the art of poetry. Among the poets who Ogrmwa hair; Alonori who developed the method of Abu Faraj and took him in the sixth century AH to perfection.

    Abu Faraj had Rooney his contemporaries of the poets in the renewal of hair at the end of the fifth century AH, and the difference was clear in the systems approach with the leading poets such as Osman Mokhtari and Masoud Saad Salman, Amir comforter and others.


    Abu Faraj has abandoned the method Samani, who had completed at the time to maturity there is a very distinct style; is the method or the casting of Iraq according to what has been termed in the naming of eras of poetry in Persian literature.

      The researcher to divide the consideration of this into three sections. The first attached a brief biography of the poet's life and highlighted the Mamdouhih.


 The second section was devoted researcher for the purposes of poetry of which the poet.


 The final research method to study poetry and foundries, which was followed by the poet Abu al-Faraj Rooney and his prominent role in the process of transition from method to method Khorasani Iraq.

     Of the most important sources used by the researcher in completing the work Office of the poet himself Btabotaih Almarovin (edition Orientalist Russian (Jaykin) and edition, Dr. Mahdavi.


 As reported by the researcher a lot of research, written by Professor Yahya Talebian for a poetic image at Abu Faraj Rooney and their role in finding a method of Iraq,


 As reported by a researcher from the book (four articles) to play my Samarqandi which included critical comments of the late Mirza Mohammad Khan silk Winnie.

      Of the most important findings of this research is that Abu Faraj Rooney was earlier than other poets in the renewal of poetry in the fifth century AH, have abandoned the method Khorasani and deliberately to find a new way; marked move away from concepts of sensory and propensity to concepts of mental and abstract.

    Of the main sources which supplied the poet and contributed in the formation of imagery; Islamic culture, especially the Holy Quran in addition to extensive briefing on the Arabic literature and Islamic sciences, which were in circulation at the time. Darwish died at the end of the fifth century AH, leaving behind a new style of poetry, and a wide fame, in the sky of Persian literature.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential aspects of Imam Abu al-Fayyadh al-Basri And its impact on the Shafi’i school of thought, In the provisions of transactions, personal status, felonies, borders, and others
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Summary of the discussion of the jurisprudential aspects of Imam Abu Al-Fayyad Al-Basri, and their impact on the Shafi’i school, on the provisions of transactions, personal status, janaabah, limits, and others

      Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his pure family, and his ignorant and ignorant companions, and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.


     The many jurisprudential aspects that the Shafi’i imams said are of great importance, because these aspects are nothing but the opinions of venerable jurists who have reached a high degree of knowledge unti

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Geographical Analysis of Health's Field for Families in Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa Districts in 2016: سمر حسين عكله, و صلاح محسن جاسم
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This research aims to analyze the indicators of spatial variation in the guide of health field in both Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa districts according to the environmental and administrative units in 2016. The analysis was done by groups of health guide indicators. The objectives of the study were to identify the spatial variation of health services and assess the health situation for families following the environmental and administrative units of the studied area. Such objectives can be done by specifying the extent of the families’ consent to the type of services, measuring the cases of deprivation, and identifying the most deprived areas. The study has finally concluded that there is a clear spatial variation between the indicators and

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties of Understanding English Breaking News Headlines by Iraqi EFL Learners at the University Level: عبد القادر طالب نعيم, و جمعة قادر حسين
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Understanding breaking news necessitates a special attention, since they are written with a special style. The study aims at identifying the difficulties faced by the Iraqi university EFL learners in comprehending English breaking news. The study included 10 fourth year students enrolled at the Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Anbar. Thus, a questionnaire as a research instrument, was sent online to the students. The questionnaire points were related to the identification of difficulties faced by the learners in comprehending English breaking news. The data of the study were (10) headlines selected purposively from Euronews website. The data were qualitatively analyzed based on quantifying the qua

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Secondary School Managers' Practice of Servant Leadership in Gaza from the Teachers’ Perspective : رندة عيد شرير, و سحر محمد حرب
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The study aims to know the degree of secondary school managers' practice of servant leadership in Gaza from their teachers’ perspective. It further aims to examine whether there are any statistically significant differences at (α 0.05≥) between the means of the study sample’s members attributed to variables such as (gender, educational qualification, and years of experience). To achieve the objectives of the study, the study adopted the descriptive survey method, using a questionnaire consisting of (30) items distributed to four domains: (workers service, ethical dealing, motivation & influence, and building an organized, integrated society). Then, the questionnaire was distributed to  t

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lymphocytes Prediction of Homeostasis Model Assessment of Beta-cells Function (HOMA-B) and C-peptide Level during Pregnancy: New Insight into Beta-cells Proliferation and Insulin Sensitivity
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This work aims to detect the associations of C-peptide and the homeostasis model assessment of beta-cells function (HOMA2-B%) with inflammatory biomarkers in pregnant-women in comparison with non-pregnant women. Sera of 28 normal pregnant women at late pregnancy versus 27 matched age non-pregnant women (control), were used to estimate C-peptide, triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxin (T4) by Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA), fasting blood sugar (FBS) by automatic analyzer Biolis 24i, hematology-tests by hematology analyzer and the calculation of HOMA2-B% and homeostasis model assessment of insulin sensitivity (HOMA2-S%) by using C-peptide values instead of insulin. The comparisons, correlations, regression analysis tests were perfo

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 21 2020
Journal Name
کلیة الآداب جامعة بغداد
أثر الرمز في تشكيل اللوحة الشعرية (شعر ديك الجن" 161 636 ه" انموذجا)
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يرسم الشاعر صورة بالكلمات، ومتى ما تتابعت الصور صارت تمثل لوحة شعرية على قدر كبير من الفنية والابداع, وقد أكثر ديك الجن في شعره من هذه اللوحات ويلاحظ القارئ أن الرمز يعمل عملا مهما في تشكيل اللوحة، وظهرت أنواع متعددة من اللوحات منها اللوحة الرثائية, والغزلية, ومن الرموز التي وظفها ديك الجن رمز الظبي, رمز الديك, واستعمل رمز القبر وظهرت لوحات متنوعة في شعره، ومنها اللوحة الخمرية التي تجعل للخمرة احساسا ومشاعر وا

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Rhetoric Effect of Ibn Al Faridh’s Poetry Counterparts: اسماء خليل ابراهيم, فرج منسي محمد
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 The Sufi poetry of Ibn Al-Faridh represents a true image of the spiritual  experience, in which he presented the bright aspects of  his experience, and his suffering in it, by formulating it in a poetic form, because the Sufi poetry is the result of an experience in which the Sufi seeks to achieve his goal of reaching the truth, and this is why Ibn Al-Faridh made his poetry a tool for expression on his own experience, the poet reflected his Sufi life in which he moved rhymes and weights.

   The poet Ibn Al-Faridh stands as a witness to his making of  Sufi poetry in the service of the purpose of who said, it is the embodiment of the Sufi journey in the stages, and the fluctuation in the places and si

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Academic Assistance and its Relationship with the College and Stage Variables at the Department of Kindergarten’s Students: نبأ مجيد مطشر, و جميلة رحيم عبد
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The study aims at knowing students’ academic assistance at the Department of Kindergarten. It further aims to know the difference of academic assistance among these students with respects to variables like (college of education for women, Baghdad, Thi-Qar). It also aims to know about the difference according to the academic level variable, in addition to its relation to some other variables. To achieve the objectives of the study, a number of university female students were selected from both Baghdad an Thi-Qar Universities in the academic year 2019-2020. The sample of the participants consisted of (400) students from the (second, third, and fourth) levels. To measure the study variable represented by the concept of academic assistance

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Expressions of probability in Spanish language and their translation into Arabic (Empirical study)تعابير الاحتمالية في اللغة الاسبانية و ترجمتها الى اللغة العربية: دراسة تطبيقية
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The probability is considered one of the grammatical cases in all languages of the world. Expressions of probability in Spanish language are expressed by various structures, expressions and some verb tenses. By this study explains the grammatical cases, the verbal periphrases, the impersonal expressions, the future tenses (simple and perfect) and the conditional mode of probability in Spanish language .We have explains these cases in detail with examples that have extracted from various spanish grammar books .The specific objective of this study is to know the resources and constructions of probability in Spanish language and their translation in Arabic language.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) - general information about the verb in Russian: Определение глагола в форме повелительного наклонения (императива) - общая сведения о глаголе на русском языке)
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      The article examines the definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) _ general information about the verb in Russian .

       A verb in Russian is one of the parts of speech that unify all parts of speech, expressing the meaning of action, movement, process in grammatical forms of time, type, mood, face and voice. The imperative mood is a grammatical feature of the verb expressed through several forms of the verb that urges someone to do things. In other words, imperative mood or (imperative) : -  one of the single meaning of the form . The form of the imperative expresses a supplicatio

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