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PROBLÉMATIQUE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA TRADUCTION ET PROLÈMES DE SON APPRENTISSAGE DANS UNE CLASSE DE LANGUE The problem in teaching Translation and problems of its learning in a language lesson
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Le présent travail aborde la question de l’enseignement de traduction en tant que matière faisant partie du programme élaboré dans des Départements de Français au sein de certaines universités irakiennes, en particulier celle de Bagdad. La méthode d’enseigner suivie constitue une véritable problématique qu’on a bien diagnostiquée à partir de quelques années d’expériences, à la lumière des observations faites dans des cours de traduction professionnelle, et dans la perspective des citations et témoignages établies par des traductologues et pédagogues et principalement par Marianne LEDERER qui a établi la Théorie Interprétative de la traduction. Mais pourquoi l’enseignement lui-même poserait une telle problématique ?

Pour répondre à la question, nous voulons dire que tout enseignement de traduction professionnelle, n’étant basé sur aucune stratégie, constitue une source des problèmes d’apprentissage. Autrement dit ; les petits problèmes d’apprentissage proviendraient majoritairement de la problématique majeure qu’on est en train de mettre en évidence.

Evidemment, la traduction professionnelle ne sera utile qu’à une étape où la langue est très bien contrôlée par les apprenants. Les apprenti-traducteurs, supposés avoir un niveau de langue assez avancé après avoir passé deux ou trois ans en apprenant la langue cible, ne cessent de commettre des erreurs. Mais ces erreurs ne se font pas en raison d’une connaissance insuffisante de la traductologie, elles sont à l’origine des erreurs de langue !

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous extracts and isolation proteinous compound from clove buds on serumglucose, triglyceride , glutathione and malnodialdehyde levels in alloxan induced diabetic mice
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This study was included preparing acold aqueous extract of clove buds The study also comprised the isolation and studying the proteinous compound,which was seperated using gel filtration technique and determined approximately molecular weight of this isolated compound(6799) dalton . The aim of the study demonstrate effects of the crude aqueous, non proteinous extract, proteinous precipitate and proteinous compound on serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, also glutathione and malondialdehyde levels in liver and kidney tissues in diabetic mice-induced alloxan.Extracts were administerated interaperitioneally. The results were indicated that the crude aqueous, non proteinous extr

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Face mask detection methods and techniques: A review
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Corona virus sickness has become a big public health issue in 2019. Because of its contact-transparent characteristics, it is rapidly spreading. The use of a face mask is among the most efficient methods for preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Wearing the face mask alone can cut the chance of catching the virus by over 70\%. Consequently, World Health Organization (WHO) advised wearing masks in crowded places as precautionary measures. Because of the incorrect use of facial masks, illnesses have spread rapidly in some locations. To solve this challenge, we needed a reliable mask monitoring system. Numerous government entities are attempting to make wearing a face mask mandatory; this process can be facilitated by using face m

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Graphic Novels : A Privilege For Teachers and Students
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There are many ways to communicate a story, one can tell it, sing it, act it, write it, film it and can draw it. Each form of storytelling has its unique characteristics that separate it from the other forms. These distinguishing characteristics of each form does not indicate the superiority of one form over the other, on the contrary, it indicates the human ability to be creative on many levels. As students of literature, only the written form of a story is taken into account. One reason for the negligence of other forms of storytelling might be that singing and filming a story is not related to literature. But there has been a form of storytelling that uses words along with pictures which eventually became a genre of novels called grap

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Quantum Cryptography and a Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
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In this article, a short review on the feature of reality and locality in quantum optics is given.
The Bell inequality and the Bell states are introduced to show their direct use in quantum computer and
quantum teleportation. Moreover, quantum cryptography is discussed in some details regarding basic
ideas and practical considerations. In addition, a case study involving distillation of a quantum key based
on the given fundamentals is presented and discussed.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Tools for Drought Identification and Assessment: A Review
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Drought is a natural phenomenon in many arid, semi-arid, or wet regions. This showed that no region worldwide is excluded from the occurrence of drought. Extreme droughts were caused by global weather warming and climate change. Therefore, it is essential to review the studies conducted on drought to use the recommendations made by the researchers on drought.  The drought was classified into meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and economic-social. In addition, researchers described the severity of the drought by using various indices which required different input data.  The indices used by various researchers were the Joint Deficit Index (JDI), Effective Drought Index (EDI), Streamflow Drought Index (SDI), Sta

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
Lightweight Block and Stream Cipher Algorithm: A Review
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Most of the Internet of Things (IoT), cell phones, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications need high speed in the execution and processing of data. this is done by reducing, system energy consumption, latency, throughput, and processing time. Thus, it will affect against security of such devices and may be attacked by malicious programs. Lightweight cryptographic algorithms are one of the most ideal methods Securing these IoT applications. Cryptography obfuscates and removes the ability to capture all key information patterns ensures that all data transfers occur Safe, accurate, verified, legal and undeniable.  Fortunately, various lightweight encryption algorithms could be used to increase defense against various at

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Science And Technology Research Journal
Vein Biometric Recognition Methods and Systems: A Review
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of some environmental parameters on phytoplankton diversity in the eastern Al-Hammer marsh / southern Iraq
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Biodiversity is one of the important biological factors in determining water quality and maintaining the
ecological balance. In this study, there are 223 species of phytoplankton were identified, and they are as
follows: 88 species of Bacillariophyta and were at 44%,70 species of Chlorophyta and they were at 29 %, 39
species of Cyanophyta and they were at 16 %, 12 species of Euglenozoa and they were at 4 %, four species of
Miozoa and they were at 3 %, and, Phylum Charophyta and Ochrophyta were only eight and two species,
respectively and both of them were at 2%. The common phytoplankton recorded in the sites studied
include Nitzschia palea, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Oscillatoria princeps, and Peridinium

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some Suggested Estimators Based on Differencing Technique in the Partial Linear Model Using Simulation
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In this paper new methods were presented based on technique of differences which is the difference- based modified jackknifed generalized ridge regression estimator(DMJGR) and difference-based generalized  jackknifed ridge regression estimator(DGJR), in estimating the parameters of linear part of the partially linear model. As for the nonlinear part represented by the nonparametric function, it was estimated using Nadaraya Watson smoother. The partially linear model was compared using these proposed methods with other estimators based on differencing technique through the MSE comparison criterion in simulation study.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational research obstacles as perceived by academic faculty members in the south universities of west bank
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The study aims to identify the educational research obstacles as perceived by the faculty members at the universities of south in the west bank. As for study population, it included all (60) faculty-member in the colleges of education (bait lahem, alahliyah, al-khalil, and al-Quds almaftoha). To collect study data, the researcher used a questionnaire that consisted of (43) item; it has categorized into seven-domains: academic working conditions, academic management, resources and information, faculty members, publication, planning, and funding educational research. The findings revealed that Educational research obstacles were high with an average of (4, 39), no significant differences among sample averages and stander deviations on the

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