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La sangre y la ceniza (Estudio teórico y crítico)
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    Alfonso Sastre escribió La Sangre y la ceniza, su primera obra dentro de la llamada “Tragedia Compleja” en los primeros años de la década de los sesenta, pero la primera edición no apareció hasta el año 1967 y fue en lengua italiana. Por causa de la censura la obra estuvo prohibida a lo largo de muchos años, finalmente su primera edición en castellano apareció en el número 1 de la revista Pipirijaina, en octubre del año 1976. El estreno tuvo lugar en el Teatro Villarroel de Barcelona en enero de 1977, a cargo del Colectivo de Teatro ‹‹El Búho›› el cual realizó con este espectáculo una gira por toda España y más tarde lo ha representado en los Festivales Internacionales de Teatro de América Latina en México, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia y Venezuela. Unos años después, Sastre sigue escribiendo otras tragedias complejas como: La taberna fantástica 1965 y Crónicas romanas 1968.

    La obra recrea la vida y la muerte de Miguel Servet, científico español del siglo XVI, sobre quien ya Sastre había escrito la biografía Flores rojas para Miguel Servet (1967). Miguel Servet habría abandonado España y residido en diversas ciudades europeas, primero en Lyon, desde donde arranca la obra, y en el Delfinado de Vienne, donde  ejerció medicina. Sus argumentos científicos y teológicos convirtieron su agitada vida en una continua persecución por la Inquisición. Sus obras De trinitatiserroribus y Restitución del cristianismo atacaron a la Iglesia Romana y a la Reformada de Calvino, quien se declaró su enemigo personal y quien consiguió que fuera procesado por la Inquisición: acusado de herejía, últimamente Miguel Servet fue condenado a la hoguera en Ginebra


    This research studies a play entitled “Blood and ashes” by the Spanish author Alfonso Sastre (Madrid, 1926) from a theoretical point of view. It tackles the common features of analysis such as: story, characters, setting (Time and place) and language. This play was written in the early 1960, as the first work of the author called by him as the complex tragedy in an attempt to create a new dramatic genre mixing between what is tragic and what is comic, which cannot be separated. That is to say, one action is raised by both tragedy and comedy, accessing the Aerostatic classical tradition in theatre convention. The author had expressed his own philosophy on such type of drama stating that this tragedy is well revealed (when someone laughs but with pain)

    This play shows the last days of the Spanish doctor Miguel Servet who was being chased by the bad-famed investigation courts for he protested against the religious christian theories, especially the theory of trinity. Servet was subjected to exile from Spain and he was also chased in Paris and Vienna. Finally he was arrested in Genera and sentenced to burn, charged by fallacy and bringing harm to holy beliefs. This play with those that followed is considered one of the compound tragedy works and it is an elevation of Bricht epic theatre in that the author has depended on the historical topics in an attempt to hid from the censor because this play implies strict criticism addressed to dictator General Franco in Spain and also to other dictator regimes in the world. The author had technically and linguistically employed this play to simulate the innermost of the contemporary receiver, expressing his emotions and desires for freedom and well-living.  Technically, the author brings on new elements in the dramatic structure suchas: screen displaying in leaflets dates easy for the receiver in order to save time.

 He also used to address the public in the dramatic dialogue through making the stage and the public hall a place for the dramatic events in an attempt to bring on the receiver to the event as being part of it. The heroic model in this play is one of the most features presented by the author in his attempt to the renovation. Here, the hero is physically ill, weak and faint, incapable of facing hard conditions in order to fight the injust and tyranny and not to give up his rights, not to change his principle to confronting rulers showing them their big mistakes even if this costs his life. Linguistically, the author has relied on simple address understood by the public, including common expressions that arise from the care of the era in which this play was      written and enacted, going away from the era in which the events are narratated. This in fact, what distinguishes this play from other works of Alfonso Sastre and his pears of the first half of the 20th century. This also regarded by most critics as the best dramatic work of this Spanish author.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On y-closed Rickart Modules
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     In a previous work, Ali and Ghawi studied closed Rickart modules. The main purpose of this paper is to define and study the properties of y-closed Rickart modules .We prove that, Let  and   be two -modules such that  is singular. Then  is -y-closed Rickart module if and only if   Also, we study the direct sum  of  y-closed Rickart modules.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Projectivity on y-closed Submodules
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In this notion we consider a generalization of the notion of a projective modules , defined using y-closed submodules . We show that for a module M = M1M2 . If M2 is M1 – y-closed projective , then for every y-closed submodule N of M with M = M1 + N , there exists a submodule M`of N such that M = M1M`.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La Femme chez Giraudoux Dans Trois Pièces Siegfried, la Guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu, Electre
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“La Femme: une présence invincible”
L'univers du dramaturge est très féminisé puisque Giraudoux donne volontiers la parole aux femmes, dont il fait des personnages de premier plan.
En fait la femme semble seule capable de sauver l'humanité par une mission plus générale qui la rend garante d'une équilibre de l'univers, pour préserver son amour, et son époux, la femme giralducienne peut sauvegarder la dignité d'une people, elle refuse sa ville soit fondée sur les mensonges, les hypocrisies.
Pourtant, la femme peut aussi être la cause de la guerre, elle est responsable des destructions aux mondes.
A Considérer l'ensemble des personnages crées par Giraudoux est frappé par l'omniprésence des femmes, par la gra

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La huella Quijotil en literatura Francesa
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El Quijote no es sólo una novela para leer. Es también un acontecimiento
celebrado en todos los medios de expresión artísticos y literarios: la poesía, el
ensayo, la ilustración, la pintura, la escultura, las artes decorativas, la iconografía
popular, el humor.
Las figuras de Don Quijote y Sancho Panza, como arquetipos que entran a
formar parte de la vida cotidiana de las gentes, aparecen representados en miles de
cuadros, grabados, esculturas y tapices. El cine, el ballet y la ópera han sido y
siguen siendo espectáculos de acogida para nuestros personales. No faltan las obras
musicales que se inspiran en ellos y sus figuras aparecen representadas en objetos
tan variados como utensilios de cocina, vest

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gilgamesh Ou La quête de l'immortalité
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L'œuvre de fiction la plus ancienne qui nous soit restée, est aussi bien la première jamais écrite. L'épopée de Gilgamesh a été composée à l'aube de la civilisation mésopotamienne. Gilgamesh était le cinquième souverain après le déluge.

                      Sous son règne, trois millénaires environ avant Jésus-Christ, les Urukiens s’emparèrent des cités voisines, et formèrent ainsi ce que nous appellerions une petite nation. Pendant plus de deux mille ans, les civilisations du Proche-Orient ont fait de Gilgamesh leur héros épique. Il existe des

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gaussian Integer Solutions of the Diophantine Equation x^4+y^4=z^3 for x≠ y
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The investigation of determining solutions for the Diophantine equation  over the Gaussian integer ring for the specific case of  is discussed. The discussion includes various preliminary results later used to build the resolvent theory of the Diophantine equation studied. Our findings show the existence of infinitely many solutions. Since the analytical method used here is based on simple algebraic properties, it can be easily generalized to study the behavior and the conditions for the existence of solutions to other Diophantine equations, allowing a deeper understanding, even when no general solution is known.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The search for Sanctity and Divine Love « The Narrow Door » Andre Gide: À la recherche de la sainteté et de l’amour céleste dans « La porte étroite » d’André Gide.
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The theme of love has been and still is the interest of authors and writers for it is closely related to people’s lives. That great passion has helped them express genuine thoughts pertinent to that theme that has given rise to many debates, some are vague and others controversial. In his (strait is the gate), (La Porte étroite), André Gide has sought to shed light on his characters perspective of love and its relationship with sacredness and divine happiness. Indeed these characters have found often themselves restrained, chained and exhausted, by tough religious commands that have imposed on them spiritual commitments and duties too hard to break.

André Gide has revealed a protestant deviation from the perfection theme tha

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On y-closed Dual Rickart Modules
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In this paper, we develop the work of Ghawi on close dual Rickart modules and discuss y-closed dual Rickart modules with some properties. Then, we prove that, if are y-closed simple -modues and if -y-closed is a dual Rickart module, then either Hom ( ) =0 or . Also, we study the direct sum of y-closed dual Rickart modules.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
relative contraindications for laparoscopic cholecstectomy y
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Iklīl For Humanities Studies
Jerarquía de la dificultad de los textos en el proceso de la traducción desde una perspectiva léxica-textual
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Hierarchy of the difficulty of texts in the translation process from a lexical-textual perspectiveTranslation has been classified from the beginning into many categories. This categorization was carried out from a typological perspective of a lexical-textual nature. At the lexical level, the translation gave great interest in the specialty of the terms or what is called the specialized language in which words with their own meanings are used, ignoring their common meanings, since a word, in addition to its common meaning could give more than one meaning to what are called in lexicographical works as meanings, since a word can carry a meaning of a scientific nature in a scientific text, legal in a legal text, political in a political text, l

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