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Estudio traductológico del relativo "que" del español al árabe A study in the translation of relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language
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The scope of the world of translation is an area filled with different types of translations, whether translations of scientific, social, political or economic in addition to the other types are endless, but the translation problematic grammatical that may confront us if we proceed to translate any subject are important issues that must Translator whether translators or interpreters that puts it into consideration and attaches great importance to the translation is very clear and without any ambiguity. One of these forms of grammatical task is to translate the relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language, which revolves around the subject of this research.

    The relative pronoun (que) is a word referring to another word unprecedented and is working to connect with another phrase. It is a tool in changing her gender and number so we see that this tool is used by the Spanish people on a large scale, especially at the toddler language. Fastening tool (que) means in Arabic (which is which and who I come......). Refers to the name preceded by, for example: (the car that I saw yesterday, El coche que vi ayer). While we find this same tool in the Arabic language and the sex variable in number according to the name that proceded.

    The translation of relative pronoun (que) is not an easy task or easy as think a lot of people, quite the contrary it is the task extremely difficult because the interpreter, whether in writing or orally must be mastered uses correct idea, and avoids at the same time uses disinformation to reach translation is clear and correct, so the main goal of this research is to build a bridge leads us to distinguish the correct use of the fastening tool (que) when we translate from Arabic into Spanish in order to clarify these rules and to indicate their importance for translators, whether they are translators or interpreters if they want to be their translation correct and clear, through the expansion of knowledge concerning the proper use of this tool, leaving what other uses false if it is relevant and widely used.

    It is worth mentioning that this research has a head portion and one is: how to translate the tool interfaces (que) in a sentence, and the concept of grammatical knowledge, whether in Arabic or Spanish alike. And addressed also to the phenomenon ( Alxuesmo quesuismo) in the language of Spain, and that means having a fastening tool (que) + tool owns (su) = in Arabic conscience hub + repeat personal conscience, such as: ( the girl that her car ), and speak also for fastening tool (que ) with identifiers, and with prepositions, and with reference tools, and use the conscience (que) instead arrived for the consciences of others, such as (quien, cual).

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Jorge Luis Borges: El hombre de las paradojas Estudio analítico de dos cuentos "el Alpeh y Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos"
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     La literatura española tiene muchísimos de los grandes personajes y las figuras literarias que casi todos desempeñaron de una forma u otra un eficaz  e importante papel en el desarrollo de la literatura española en particular y la literatura universal en general, entre otros podemos mencionar el gran escritor de origen argentino Jorge Luis Borges sobre el mismo gira este trabajo de investigación.

    Sinceramente, podemos decir que el objetivo principal de ese trabajo de investigación es hacer conocer de una forma tan sencilla, tan simple y tan clara al lector público quién es Jorge Luis Borges quien procedía de una familia de próceres

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Calculation and study of internal radiation doses resulting from the ingestion of some radioactive sources
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of some effective factors on the production of garamicidin from locally isolated Bacillus brevis
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The optimum cultural conditions for garamicidin production by local isolate B.brevis were studied.Best result was obtained when the isolate B.brevis was grown on media composed of 1%glucose as carbon source,1% ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source ,0.5% Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate as a phosphate source and after 48 hours of incubation at 30C .Garamicidin has been extracted and purified through acid precipition and then extracted by organic solvent (ether& acetone ).Using HPLC the garamicidin antibiotic showed three types A,B and C garamicidin .

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 25 2014
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Analyze study for some biomechanics variables to jump shoot skill from different spots with and without defense to basketball youth players in 3x3
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The research to knows some biomechanics variables in different spots with and without players in basketball youth players and analysis by using destructive method in surfing study and the research were applied for jump shoot from one of basketball players in ( middle , left , right ) in side zone and out of zone also from three point shoot with and without defense and we depend on successful shoot on analyze .The results and conclusions that center of weight of the player on standby on high and knee angel and hips were more wide also the two angle of wrist , elbow on start of shooting be more wide with defender more than without defender .the maximum high center of weight and shooting angle and ball entrance being less degree with defender

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A study to compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems for cleaning oval-shaped root canals (An in vitro study)
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Background: Proper cleaning and shaping of the whole root canal space have been recognized as a real challenge, particularly in oval-shaped canals.This in vitro study was conducted to evaluate and compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems in removing of dentin debris at three thirds of oval-shaped root canals and to compare the percentage of remaining dentin debris among the three thirds for each instrumentation system. Materials and methods: Fifty freshly extracted human mandibular molars with single straight oval-shaped distal root canals were randomly divided into five groups of ten teeth each. Group One: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal hand instruments, Group Two: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal rotary

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Health Promotion Program for the Prevention of Epidemics at Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City: Comparative Study
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Objective(s): To evaluate and compare between Health Promotion Program for the Prevention of Epidemics at Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City.

Methodology: A descriptive study, using the evaluation and comparative approaches, is conducted to evaluate health promotion program for the prevention of epidemics at primary health care centers in baghdad city from October 15th  2019 through March 1st 2020. A purposive, non-probability, sample of (42) health promotion unit officers were recruited from the same number of primary health care centers which were divided into (14) main, (14) sub and (14) family medicine primary health care centers i

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
To contribute in handling the housing crisis in the city of BaghdadA study for the decision of the Mayoralty of Baghdad to allow adding a third floor for the residential units
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We need to know the basic facts concerning planning top and bottom limits including any critical levels or the threshold over which the cost would be much higher for land development. Therefore this paper concerned with Baghdad Municipality decision No.2/1004 dated 7/12/2004. The reason behind this decision is the hope to face up at least in the severe housing crisis in the city of Baghdad. This paper attempts to know the attitude of the local community in the general through a field study of people living near such dwelling where third floors are added of. This might indicate any positive or negative effects whether on short or long-term including its effect on the theoretical side including the population growth of Baghdad, the

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.: The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.
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the study aimed to identify the impact of the types of cooking utensils in transition metal elements to food and the effect of acid and storage in the concentration of these elements. used five types of cooking utensils including aluminum. tefal, astainls steel, glass. (pyrex), and ceramic prepared in it the food meal. the same meals were repeated add to them acid. the estimate of mineral elements in the meal prepared before storage and after storage in refrigerator temperature degree. the result shows the increase of aluminum concentration in the meals that prepared in aluminum pot reaching 2.913 pmm while reached less concentration in the meal prepared in astainls pot reaching 0.325 pmm. the highest concentration of iron reached 25.2 p

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioethanol Production by Candida tropicalis Isolated from Sheep Dung
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 Microorganisms have an active role in biotechnology for example yeasts, especially in some genus like Saccharomyces, Pichia, and CandidaC.tropicalis one of the most important species of Candida and despite it is one of the causative agents of candidiasis but it has a major role in the production of many chemical compounds. C.tropicalis  in the previous study was isolated from sheep dung and morphologically and molecularly classified the result of sequencing was elucidate 100% similarity between the studied isolate and other isolates inserted in DNA Data Bank of Japan DDBJ, physiologically this isolate tolerated 6% ethanol concentration in broth media with the ability to the pro

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs1042522 and rs1642785 in the TP53 gene and Acute Myeloid leukemia in a sample of the Baghdad/ Iraq population
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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents the most prevalent type of acute leukemia in adults and is responsible for approximately 80% of all cases. The tumor suppressor gene (TP53) is a gene that has been frequently studied in cancer, and mutations in this gene account for about 50% of human cancers. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene: rs1042522 and rs1642785, and a group of Iraqi patients suffering from pre-diagnostic acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Blood samples were collected from sixty patients (26 males and 34 females) and sixty controls (26 males and 34 females); these subjects were matched in gender, age, and ethnicity. Genomic DNA has been extracted fro

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