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The importance of logic in the study of Islamic sciences
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Logic is one of the sciences that have receded and regressed in the field of Islamic sciences. This regression is the result of several factors, the most important of which are:

1- The Aristotelian logic, concerned with the seemingly essential shape and the underlying truth in the text, which has been translated into Arabic, is no longer able to keep pace with scientific revelations and epistemological spaces of our time.
2- The existence of logic in the curricula of Islamic studies was not subject to a study linking logic and Islamic sciences. Therefore, we find that the student studies logic as if it were a strange subject that has nothing to do with the subjects of Islamic studies and even Islamic philosophy.
3- Logic is a scientific, intellectual subject whose study leads to the development of mental abilities, and therefore it must be taken care of and given special attention. The development of his vocabulary and the use of this in this regard, including logical studies in the world. Because of the scientific logic, its drought and the lack of practical examples of its vocabulary, all of this pushed students to aversion to his studies.
In this research, the researcher tries to open the door to looking at the logic curriculum that is taught in the colleges of Islamic sciences, and this study constituted a sincere invitation to reconsider the vocabulary and logical subject matter that has not changed for hundreds of years since the material was translated in ancient times and remained the same and nothing happened Development by institutions concerned with its study and teaching, and criticism of logic in this research is intended to develop logic by discussing the problems that have been raised about logic.
In the first topic, the definition and its problems were highlighted. Can logic, by definition, create or control knowledge? The researcher discussed some of the criticisms that tried to cancel logic and proved that logic is not from religious sciences but rather from secular sciences like mathematics and physics, and there is nothing wrong with benefiting from it in the service of religion and Islamic sciences.
In the second topic, the researcher tried to review the vocabulary of the curriculum in order to reach the conclusion that the complexity and rigorous normality were a reason for the aversion to studies of Islamic sciences and their distancing from logic.
The researcher quickly listed the vocabulary of the current approach to logic. Through this digression, the researcher tried to stop at some cases that confirm that logic was made by the human mind and is subject to error, addition, deletion and change.
In the third topic, the researcher presented a vision for developing logic by proposing some changes in the current curriculum and focusing on the topic of significance and benefiting from contemporary studies in language and interpretation and studying mental reasoning and developing students ’intellectual capabilities.
In conclusion, the researcher presented some ideas that he reached to study as results that can be enriched and expanded to develop the logic approach. And the God of the intent behind .

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Importance of Utilizing Euphemism in Translation and Simultaneous Interpreting
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Euphemism is an important linguistic phenomenon that tends to soften written or oral expressions. Thus, when translators or interpreters face expressions including euphemism, they need to know how to deal with them. The problem of the current paper lies in the effect of rendering euphemistic expressions inaccurately, as such expressions represent the cultural and terminological sense of the original language. Thus, rendering them improperly will affect the sense of the interpreted speech. For this, it is essential for translators in general and simultaneous interpreters in particular to know the importance of utilizing euphemism in the simultaneous interpreting field, which is the main aim of this paper. To this end, a systematic review

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Islamic Terms in Moufdi Zakaria’s Poems : A Lexicographic and Semantic Study
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This study seeks to examine the language context of the prominent Revolution’s poet, Moufdi Zakaria, in his anthology “ The Algerian Odyssey " )إلياذة الجزائر( in which he makes use of the Coranic terms explicitly and implicitly. Besides, it seeks to explore the content of his terms from a lexicographic and semantic point of view in their Islamic and human dimensions

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The role of a teacher of Islamic education In explaining the concepts of political freedom Educational guidance study
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The political struggle being waged by Muslims today is one of the most important issues that have preoccupied the Arab and international media, and the failures that have afflicted Muslims in our contemporary world have negatively affected the younger generations and led them, and with the influence of anti-Islam media, to rely on accusing Islam as a religion with all the negative in Islamic and Arab society . So secularism took its role in spreading these concepts by deviating from its course from the concept of science to the concept of (the religion).
    From here the calls for reform rose to return the Muslims to the incubator of Islam, so people turned around them, but they turned into competing Islamic polit

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The importance of quality standards in fabric designs and women's fashion
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The rapid breakthrough achieved by technological progress in the field of designing and implementing women's fashion has resulted in the emergence of the need for quality control and control to improve the completed visual image of fashion as an aesthetic and functional product and not clothed in its abstract qualities.
The quality in women’s fashion and the importance of showing the design and conveying the design message to the recipient depends on the level of its implementation, starting from the selection of textile fibers and determining their appropriate characteristics for the functional purpose and design prepared by the designer and ending with the final operations of the costume. This calls for spreading awareness and c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of Auditors the Islamic Financial Engineering tool for Assessing Funding Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Applied research on a sample of Islamic banks
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Experience the Islamic financial industry faces many challenges, most notably the lack of proper risk management tools that meet the requirements of legality and economic efficiency advantage from another side, so it requires the search for innovative ways to manage the risk of Islamic banking, Islamic finance industry is manufacture up-to-date, if compared with the financial industry (traditional), which increases the problematic of risk management in the Islamic financial industry nature of treatment which should be compatible with Islamic law, as well as economic efficiency, thereby Progress came the importance of research to highlight the entrance to Islamic financial engineering and the goals sought to be achieved through the use of

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Voluntary Work for Women in the Light of Islamic Education: Voluntary Work for Women in the Light of Islamic Education
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The research aims to identify the most important areas of voluntary work available to women in society, stand on the most important controls that push women to work in voluntary areas in society. The research also seeks to stand on the most prominent obstacles to the voluntary work of women in society. The research contained four main chapters: Chapter I: Definition of research, Chapter 2: Objectives, areas, controls and effects of volunteer work, Chapter 3: Voluntary Work of Women in the Celestial Religions, and lastly, Chapter 4: Theories, Constraints, and Recommendations for Voluntary Work for Women.The researcher suggested several recommendations: 1-establishing a unit responsible for planning,

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employing the references of Shariah Audit in supporting Governance of Iraqi Islamic Banks: An analytically study
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The Islamic Banks including the Iraqi ones are often resorted to support their governance frameworks in order to improve its competitiveness in their communities. Where, those banks are looking for activities that enhance their governance; one of these activities is Shariah Audit that provided the auditing capabilities to face of developmental challenges and increase competitiveness. Therefore, the content of this paper, discusses know-how to use the Shariah Audit and its references in support of the Shariah Governance in the Iraqi Isla

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The importance of achieving fair tax accounting in attracting foreign Investments
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Targeted this study underlined the importance of the adoption of international accounting standards and their impact on the process of tax for settlements to achieve taxation justice the application on a sample of foreign banks investing in the local environment in order to achieve many of the objectives:

  1. Definition of the concept of justice for settlements taxation.
  2. To identify the impact of adopting international accounting standards in achieving the justice for settlements taxation.
  3. To determine the impact of the adoption of international accounting standards in attracting foreign investment.

They are summed up the problem of the study in the light of the nature of the problem and que

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The rights of non-Muslims in the Islamic state
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The Islamic religion is a religion of tolerance and is pleased with worship and other legislation and the idea of peace is an authentic and profound idea related to the call for coexistence with all religions. The Prophet (PBUH) was keen to organize his relations with non-Muslims on the basis of cohabitation, On the basis of love and intolerance, God Almighty says: "If your Lord wants to make people one nation and they are still backward." Surah Hud: 118 Islam has taken care of the people and made them tolerant brothers who sympathize with their different beliefs. Which means that everyone has the right to live, believe and believe what he sees right and have the freedom to perform the acts of worship and beliefs he deems correct. The di

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Internal Islamic Certificates of Deposit (ICD) on the Profitability of Islamic Banks: an Empirical Research in Asia-Iraq Islamic Bank
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 As long as Islamic banks cannot operate in an environment that deals with traditional banking instruments based on the interest rate (bank interest) that is prohibited by Article No. (6) of the Islamic Banking Law No. (43) of 2015 which stipulates that (do not deal in any activity that carries Interest (neither taking nor giving)). Therefore it seeks to provide an alternative strategic solution within the framework of the provisions and rules of Islamic Sharia, on the basis of participating in profit and loss to avoid the method of interest taking and giving, to find investment methods to provide new financial products, such as Islamic certificates of deposit and investment funds according to the method Murabaha, speculation (Mudar

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