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The use of Auditors the Islamic Financial Engineering tool for Assessing Funding Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Applied research on a sample of Islamic banks
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Experience the Islamic financial industry faces many challenges, most notably the lack of proper risk management tools that meet the requirements of legality and economic efficiency advantage from another side, so it requires the search for innovative ways to manage the risk of Islamic banking, Islamic finance industry is manufacture up-to-date, if compared with the financial industry (traditional), which increases the problematic of risk management in the Islamic financial industry nature of treatment which should be compatible with Islamic law, as well as economic efficiency, thereby Progress came the importance of research to highlight the entrance to Islamic financial engineering and the goals sought to be achieved through the use of modern input on risk management in the Islamic financial industry, And propose risk management audit programme according to Islamic financial engineering and approval of Auditors to evaluate the management of financing risks in Islamic banks, concluded that research into a range of conclusions, notably the lack of a mechanism to develop the Islamic financial products Islamic banks research sample banks and adoption of specific funding formulas in years without expansion in granting new financing products, the most important recommendations is the need to adopt a mechanism for development of existing financing products and work to which Islamic financial engineering will This aspect.                                                  

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Risk of non-compliance and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks: (Applied res earch in the Islamic Cooperation Bank)For the years (2016-2012)
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This research deals with the risks of non-compliance and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks. Research variables were measured and analyzed as the risk of non-compliance as an independent variableand profitability as a dependent variable. The profitability was measured by three indicators ((rate of return on assets, rate of return on equity and rate of return on Total deposits)) The results of the research showed a significant relationship between the risk of non-compliance and the rate of return on assets and rate of return on total deposits, while there was no relationship between the risk of non-compliance and rate of return on ownership. The research recommended that the senior management of the Islamic Investment Bank s

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Internal Islamic Certificates of Deposit (ICD) on the Profitability of Islamic Banks: an Empirical Research in Asia-Iraq Islamic Bank
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 As long as Islamic banks cannot operate in an environment that deals with traditional banking instruments based on the interest rate (bank interest) that is prohibited by Article No. (6) of the Islamic Banking Law No. (43) of 2015 which stipulates that (do not deal in any activity that carries Interest (neither taking nor giving)). Therefore it seeks to provide an alternative strategic solution within the framework of the provisions and rules of Islamic Sharia, on the basis of participating in profit and loss to avoid the method of interest taking and giving, to find investment methods to provide new financial products, such as Islamic certificates of deposit and investment funds according to the method Murabaha, speculation (Mudar

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using financial ratio to compare performance of the commercial and the Islamic banks Listed on Palestine Exchange
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        The research aimed to compare the performance of the commercial and the  Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian's Stock Exchange .To achieve the objectives of the study we selected all  the commercial and the Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian Stock Exchange  to obtain the necessary data for the analysis process during the period of (2009-2013) .the comparison based on the performance indicators ( liquidity rate, profitability rate ,the activity rate and the market rate).

        a statistical method was used to analyze the date to find the performance differences between the commercial banks,

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Murabaha in Enhancing the Profitability of Islamic Banks Using the (ROA) Index: Applied research in Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank
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The banking sector of all kinds is the backbone of the economy in all countries, as it is the main financier of most economic projects in order to achieve economic development and achieve stability, which contributes to providing the necessary resources in return for obtaining a profit margin in exchange for giving up his money and bearing credit risks. Among the aforementioned banking sectors are: Islamic banks that invest their capital in several forms in order to obtain profits that enable them to continue and grow, and the most important of these formulas is the Murabaha formula, which is summarized by the bank selling a commodity after owning it and then selling it to the applicant for this commodity based on a prior request

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Sources and Effects of Risks of Forms of Islamic Financing in the Islamic Branches of the Commercial Bank
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Proved Islamic banks in many countries where they are present, whether Muslim or non-Muslim in the wake of the global financial crisis, it is more efficient, profitable, and stable compared with the conventional banks, so went many of the worlds towards providing Islamic banking through Islamic windows to Besides financial services and products offered by the traditional, or the initiative to enter formulas Islamic finance is fully compliant with the principles and rules of Islamic law and is Brokerage basic function of conventional banks and Islamic alike ) and that means working on the mobilization of savings from surplus units and directed towards the financial units of the fiscal deficit) , which operates commercial banks

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Discounting commercial papers in the balance of Islamic banks
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• Commercial papers are one of the most important tools of the contemporary monetary market, and many of those who deal with them are ignorant of the Shariah rulings related to them, hence the urgent need to know the most prominent Sharia rulings related to commercial papers, including the discount. It is an agreement between the bank and its customer requesting the discount (the holder of the commercial paper) under which the bank is required By accelerating the value of the paper to the customer, in exchange for the latter’s obligation to transfer the ownership of the fixed right in the paper to the bank by endorsing it to him as a transfer of ownership.
• The noble Islamic Sharia does not prohibit dealing in commercial papers

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq from 2012-2014
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The purpose of the research is to identify the role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq for the period 2012-2014, and highlight the various factors that contributed to the emergence of the financial crisis, as well as to identify the problems and challenges facing the Islamic banking business in Iraq and identify the reasons and find appropriate solutions, And the development of treatments to avoid the occurrence of such problems and overcome them. The main findings of the research are as follows,Islamic banks (the sample of the study) were affected by the global financial crisis indirectly, as the financial crisis turned into an economic crisis affecting the real economy, because the activity of Islamic banks is more

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Islamic Banks and Private Commercial Banks in Increasing Financial Depth in Iraq
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The banks mobilize savings and channel them to the economy, whether commercial or Islamic banks and thus both contribute to increasing financial depth, the objective of this paper is to measure the contribution of the Islamic banks in increase financial depth in Iraq, and compared the role played by private commercial banks in contributing to increasing financial depth in Iraq. The paper has been applying the most used indicators of financial depth that used widely in the literatures, especially those applicable with the Iraqi economy.

The paper found via using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) that Islamic banks did not contribute to increasing financial depth in Iraq, as well as for the p

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Applying the Accounting Islamic Standards on the Cost Efficiency: An applied study in kingdom of Bahrain Islamic banks -Wholesale
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This research highlights the light on the general framework of accounting discloser in the Islamic banks, and show the types and the concepts of Cost Efficiency, In this present study, the sample included Fourteen Islamic banks, where the data was collected from the annual financial reports. Accordingly, the study in order to achieve the aims and access to the results based on the analytical method and the descriptive analysis, and conducted a Simple & Multiple Linear Regression analysis, in order to test hypotheses of the research by using of statistical analysis software (SPSS). The research has arrived to many results such as: the commitment of Islamic banks working in the Kingdome of Bahrain (Wholesale) to the requirements of the

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islamic Banks   Between ideal theory and practical application
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This research was from an introduction, three topics and a conclusion, as follows:
The first topic: the concept of Islamic banks and their emergence and development, which includes three demands are:
The first requirement: the concept of Islamic banks and types, and there are two requirements:
* Definition of Islamic banks language and idiom.
* Types of Islamic banks.
The second requirement: the emergence and development of Islamic banks.
Third requirement: the importance of Islamic banks and their objectives.
We learned about the concept of banks and their origins and how they developed and what are the most important types of Islamic banks
The second topic: Formulas and sources of financing in Islamic banks and

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