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The semantics of words in the Holy Quran
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The lexical connotation is one of the types of connotation that linguists have dealt with, and stipulated in their studies, meaning access to the real meanings of the words, that the lexicon can address after tracing the real meaning of the metaphorical meanings, if any, and this is known to the semantics additional significance, and the rhetorical meaning Figuratively.
The miraculous Qur'an in its systems often refers to the metaphorical uses of the words as well as the real use. The significance of the words in the Holy Qur'an came in a variety of contexts, making each word a special significance that belongs to it exclusively. This is the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. The coming of the slow walk, with its eight words (came, came, came, walked, accepted, walked, followed and went) has distinguished it with some Privacy as (came) did not use the Koran from him only the past and some of them specialized in the significance of good and rarely received evil as (follow), including the predominantly nodal character (gold). The advent of rapid traffic eight words (sought and launched, and ran, and previously , And haste, haste, run, and pitch) have made for the impact of the movement speed and its fear or otherwise Whether this movement is forward or backward, most of the context of fear and flight, or haste and urgency, has been accompanied by rapid words, because of the significance of the words received and their contexts. The walk of the rare words in the Koran, through the word (harbored and mobilized, and emanating, and emanating, and spread, and disseminate, and dissolve, and went, and Jas, Jawaz, Rag, Zaf, Saah, Siq, beaten, and promised, and stop and descendants , And Negev, recoil Word, Silver, and waves), came to indicate the body of traffic, or the nature of the movement, to depict the speed and slow path, as it comes in the sense of real traffic any transition and may come in a sense useful to follow and approach, or engage in a moral tangible expressed by verses Precious words of movement to be informed in the photography of the reader.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنافع المنافع الحيوانية الواردة في القرآن الكريم
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Quran is a basic reference of production it is as a source to all sciences, Ayat of Quran would mention the importance of benefits of animals.  Quran contain full surrat named in animal names as Al-Baqara that is to clarify its benefits and importance in human’s life.


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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آيات الظل في القرآن الكريم ( دراسة موضوعية )
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   The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آيات الظل في القرآن الكريم ( دراسة موضوعية )
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The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness, including the shadow verses in the Holy Qur’an

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical knowledge of the Arabs in an era          Pre-Islam: Quranic connotations
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This paper examines the most important historical knowledge and knowledge of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era based on the Holy Quran, which is the oldest and most reliable Arab Islamic sources recorded at all, as a major source of this study, to ensure a great interest in history, especially the news of the prophets, and the positions of their nations Some of them, as well as some of the news of the old Arab people such as Aad and Thamud and the owners of the elephant and others, and some of which are repeated in several Quranic fence and various methods of presentation, cited as a lesson and exhortation to the Arab opponents of Islam and a reminder of what befell the peoples of the world B relict of doom to discredit them the apostles

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Memorizing the Holy Quran and its Impact on Child's Language: سالم بن غرم الله بن محمد الزهراني/ جامعة ام القرى - السعودية
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في هذا العصر - الذي داهمت في الأخطار لغة الفصاحة والبيان - يبقى القرآن الكريم أعظم حافظ للغة السليمة ، وأكبر معين لأهلها للحفاظ على ثرائها وبلاغتها ، فهي باقية ببقائه ما بقي الليل والنهار .

وهذا البحث يدور حول حفظ القرآن الكريم وأثره على لغة الطفل، ويتكون من مقدمة : وفيها بيان أهمية الموضوع ، وخطة البحث ، ومنهجه، وثلاثة مباحث:

المبحث الأول : فضل حفظ القرآن الكريم ، وفوائد حفظه إجمالاً ، والمبحث الثاني :

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of discrete realization strategy in the development of reflective thinking among students of Qur'an and Islamic education departments for the course of Islamic jurisprudence
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The paper aims to identify the impact of discrete realization strategy in the development of reflective thinking among students: (males/females) of Qur'an and Islamic education departments for the course of Islamic jurisprudence according to the variability of sex. The researcher used the experimental approach and adopted an experimental determination with a set part of the two groups (experimental and controlled). He selected the sample deliberately which consists of (147) students spread over four classes (experimental males/ experimental females/ controlled males/ controlled females), and it took last for an academic year of (2010-2011). He, then, prepared a post test to measure the reflective thinking with his five skills (skill of o

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Phonological, dialectical and semantic explanation of the two phenomena of substitution and compulsion in the book of translation Thirty surahs from the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khallouh d. 370 AH
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This research aims to find out the phonemic, dialect and semantic ailments that were interrogated by the book of the parsing of thirty surahs of the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khalawiyeh, by examining some phonemic phenomena of Qur’anic expressions and their explanatory relationships that resulted in their occurrence, such as substitution and compression, as the sounds in a word are affected by one another, especially during performance and composition. This influence and influence is the tendency of the human being to the law of ease, facilitation, and the reduction of muscular effort in speech often, all for the purpose of obtaining phonemic harmony for the compound letters; To facilitate pronunciation; And get rid of the muscular effort

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Phraseological units of the idafa type in the Quran
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
وقفة مع التأويل اللغوي في تفسير القرآن الكريم
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The significance of interpretation for linguists varied , and its methods varied between appreciations, deletion, understanding the meaning

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Holy Totem in Qur’an, a study in the light of sociolinguistics
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The sacred totem is one of the social phenomena that occupied the ideas of researchers, and took up a wide area of ​​their research, and it is one of those phenomena that emerged from one of the translations of the Tabu; Who took a psychological and anthropological analysis   Because it is one of the social practices, and the main focus of it is the human group and its source is religion. Therefore, this research came with demands, the first of which is to give a semantic concept of the Tommy sanctuary, and then the analytical aspect by standing on the sacred things in the Qur’anic text that God Almighty sanctified, and the third requirement is to examine what people have sanctified, as an analysis of the verses that have

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