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الاصلاح الديني في الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر محمد عبده: أنموذجا
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ملخـــص البحــــث


     كان الشيخ محمد عبده مصلحاً دينياً ومصلحاً اجتماعياً وكان له الاثر كبير في الاصلاح لانه لم يكن يدعو الى الاصلاح نظرياً عن طريق  التأليف او الخطب والمقالات فقط كما يفعل بعض المصلحين، بل كان يحاول دائماً ان يحول اصلاحه الى عمل ، ينغمس في الحياة الواقعية ليتمكن من تنفيذ برامجه الاصلاحية .

    كما انه لم يترك شيئاً من جوانب الحياة الا عالجها وحاول اصلاحها فقد نظر الى مسألة المرأة ونادى بالحرية الدينية واهمية تعليم المرأة وكذلك عالج مشكلة الاسرة التي هي من اهم المشاكل في الحياة لان الاسرة هي نواة المجتمع فاذا اصلحت صلح المجتمع حيث تكمن اهمية الموضوع في ان المواضيع التي تتناول الشخصيات الاسلامية المصلحة هي التي تحتاج الى ابرازها وبيان اهميتها في التاريخ والبحث فيها

يمثل فكرة محمد عبده القنطرة التي تصل بين حقيقتين في فكرنا الحديث فالرجل بما اخرجه من جعبته من افكار سهل على العقل المصري ان ينفتح على العصر الحديث ويتمكن من تحدي نظام الاعتقاد والافكار والقيم في عهود التخلف والجمود لقد قبل محمد عبده التطور واعترف بتخلف المسلمين المادي والفكري وقال انه لابد من قيام ثورة فكرية قوامها العقل

   لقد مثل محمد عبده شكل الاستجابة المتكاملة والناضجة الرئيسية لمجتمعنا العربي في مواجه الحضارة الغربية وكان دوره ان يترك الباب مفتوحاً لاستجابات اخرى تتلائم من الواقع الجديد والمتغير للمجتمع سعيا نحو المزيد من التطور الاجتماعي والسياسي والفكري والمادي .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Mosaic art as a cultural decorative aspect and contemporary mosaic re-employment: محمد طلال عبد آل عبد الله
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  • Islamic art is applied art that searches for everything that is useful and beneficial and Both are properties of Islamic art. Islamic art has many well-established elements and styles and pictures that distinguish it from the rest of the arts among those elements and methods that were used in the architectural cladding artwork Or mosaic murals and mosaic was known in its first form in Babylon in a primitive style similar to it, but the Muslim artist in the era of the Caliphs made the art of mosaic In mosques and palaces.
    Chapter one: This chapter is concerned with introducing the art of mosaic historically and focusing on it.
    Chapter Two: This chapter deals with contemporary Islamic mosaics, especially in Mecca
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Spatial Formation of the Sculptural Body in the Space of the Theatrical Show: عقيل ماجد حامد محمد الملاحسن
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The current research presents a study of the sculptural body in the space of the theatrical show through reviewing most of the ideas, propositions and workings presented by philosophers and directors within the space of the show, that there were various experiences of employing those spatial formations through the mediator (the space) based on sculpturing the body in achieving those formations, which contributed in building a symbolic picture of various structural connotations. That was formulated through the research chapters, which include the first chapter (the methodological framework) which consists of two sections. The first section (the duality of space formation and imaginations). The second section (sculptural body sequences in

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Artistic Construction in Educational TV Programs " progrm Hello Hi! A Model": محمد عبد الرضا حسين
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  The TV has the ability to combine sound and picture, which makes it of a direct impact on the recipient as it is a rich communicative tool with various artistic forms that display through this small screen programs and films, so that the TV has become superior over many other means of communication.
This research is concerned with the technical and artistic ability in the production of programs owned by the TV as a means of attraction of educated children aged between 5-12 years old, which makes it an educational supplement for the school that helps them in providing knowledge, acquiring skills and being informed about the different sciences through educational programs. It is known that the child at this stage enjoys when wa

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Appearance and Decay of Split-brain Theory to Explain Human Artistic Activity: A Historical Review: بدر محمد المعمري
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Nearly, in the middle of 1970s the split-brain theory became the only theory that explains human creativity used in all fine art and art education schools. In fact, this theory- which appeared for first time in the middle of 1940s – faced many radical changes including its concepts and structures, and these changes affected both teaching art and art criticism. To update people awareness within art field of study, this paper reviews the split-brain theory and its relationship with teaching art from its appearance to its decay in 2013 and after.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Economic Sciences University
تأثير إستراتيجيات ادارة اللاتأكد في إستراتيجيات التغيير المنظمي دراسة مقارنة في شركتي زين واسيا سيل للاتصالات
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The research aims to diagnose the level of reflection of uncertainty management strategies (Ignoring uncertainty, knowledge generation , interaction , coping) managing of Organizational change strategies (power coercive, rational empirical, Normative reductive) to the importance of the two subjects and the importance of the expected results has been selected sample size (65) managers from Zain , Asia Cell Telecommunication (32 Zain and 33 company Asia),which alignment for the such a study being heavily dependent on the certainty or uncertainty subject . The researchers are attain there is the effect of uncertainty management strategies in Organizational change management strategies on the overall level in the two companies but have tended t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
نظرات ابن الخبّاز النحوية ( 639هـ ) في الغرّة المخفية على ابن معط ( 628 هـ ) في الدرّة الألفيّة
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ملخص البحث


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

حاول الباحث في هذه الدراسة التذكير بشخصيتين نحويتين، كان يشار لهما بالبنان، إلا أنّ غبار الزمن قد غمرتهما، ولا يكاد يعرفان اليوم بين طلاب العلم، وهما ابن معط ، وابن الخباز.

ـ رأيت أنّ ابن معط في بعض المسائل، التي رده عليها ابن الخباز،  يوافق أبأ الحسن الأخفش، منها مسألة (ال) التعريف ،الداخلة على اسم الفاعل، وكذلك مسألة واو ا

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
إستخدام التحليل الهرمي (AHP) في المفاضلة لإختيار المجهزين: دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة للمسح الجيولوجي والتعدين
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Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) belongs to the family of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)  and has, recently, received a wide popularity in decision making regarding supplier selection.  The objective of this study is to apply the methodology of AHP on selecting suppliers to supply materials for the  Geological Survey and Mining  Company (GSMC).  Criteria for rating the suppliers and pairwise comparisons were identified by the members of the Tenders Analysis Committee (TAC). In order to judge the internal validity of the AHP, it was applied manually on a sample of fourteen tenders that were analyzed  and executed between 2004-2007, then an interactive computerized  package was developed 

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Soil Science
تاثير التداخل بين الاجهاد المائي ومستويات النتروجين في كفاءة استعمال المياه وحاصل الحنطة في وسط العراق
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المهارات الناعمة للموارد البشرية ودورها في الاداء الاستراتيجي بحث ميداني في عينة من مديريات وزارة التربية
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The research aims to analyze the relationships of influence and influence between the soft skills of human resources and strategic performance, as the soft skills of human resources constitute the engine for all duties and operations carried out by the organization, and as a result of sharp changes in the environment, it was necessary for this organization to determine the most important financial and non-financial indicators that are required Approving it in achieving strategic performance to ensure its survival and continuity in work. The research problem was represented by a decrease in cognitive awareness of the importance of employing soft skills for human resources in achieving the indicators of strategic financial and non-

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تشخيص الكفايات الجوهرية في المنظمات الحكومية "دراسة مقارنة" في مستشفى بغداد التعليمي والشركة العامة لصناعة البطاريات
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This study Concentrates on modern variable in the human resources management that is Core Competency.

The field study is two of Public organizations, The first is Educational Baghdad Hospital, the other is the state Company for Batteries industry, the problem of the study determincs some questions and hypotheses. The data was Collected by questionnaire which Contains six Core Competences leader ship, Communication, frontline execution, development, innovation and self management .

The sample contains (26) doctores and (28) heads of departments in  the company.

The study points out many conclusions, the main of it, there is significant differences amon

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