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Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq Study features formalism: عبد الرزاق جبار رحيل الكناني
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In the present research is marked (expressive drawing in contemporary Iraq, the study of morphological features) eating expressive as the direction of modern art in the drawing for the period before and after World Wars I and II. And follow the tracks. And in research and investigation about the origins and sources and characteristics of expressionist painting at adult patrons and art gatherings, and the extent of their impact in the drawing for contemporary Iraqi sixties and seventies generation (generation of professors) and down to the younger generation in the eighties of the last century. Over the nearly two decades of history of fine movement in Iraq, a period specified in the search within the limits of temporal boundaries, and by analyzing the paintings that were the possession of the Department of Fine Arts in Baghdad, and the sources and photographers and internet sites. From here came the question: Is there a justification for the study of this effect in the (contemporary drawing in Iraq) and morphological features that must be studied? The search consists of four main chapters. Chapter I: general framework for research and began to research the problem and its significance, objectives and definitions of the terms contained therein. The second chapter containing the theoretical framework for the research came Bembages four: the first section root historic expressive, which revolved around the concept of expression in the arts Alchskilleh, and Achkalyate animated in form and substance and content according to the changes in the structures of ideological, intellectual, philosophical, psychological and environmental variable natural and social across times and places mixed. And included a second section, (intellectual foundations of modernity) and eat the philosophical study of the problem of modernity requires that inspired the various analyzes that dealt with to do the pattern of modernity helps us to understand the internal logic, if I may say so to build the ideal style of modernity possible to see that it is this pattern on three basic concepts are (self-, rationality, nihilism), which together constitute the basis of philosophical modernity, and a section on the topic are the three axes (Descartes and subjectivity (f) of Leibniz and rationality) and (Nietzsche and nihilism). The third section (expressive in drawing European modern) and show that the expressive movement and direction of expressing feelings of self more than to express the objective facts, While the expressive coincide with art and Germanic culture, but it is not a phenomenon of Germanic, northeast, but a European, but global in century century. The fourth topic (Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq, a study in artistic styles) section dealt generations of Iraqi artists since the fifties and down to the younger generation. The third chapter dealt with research procedures and the research community inventory and analysis of the samples selected in a manner amounting to deliberate acts of three Iraqi artists produced their work during the past within the limits specified in the temporal limits of the search. Find and seal the fourth quarter, indicating the most important findings, conclusions and recommendations and proposals


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Woman is the first target of social advertising, because most of these advertisements are primarily belong to them. This paper which is entitled "Social Responsibility for the Employment of Woman in Sustainable Development Declarations, An Analytical Study of Road Advertising in Baghdad" focuses on the use of woman in advertising. This aspect shows that some people see that advertisement is a mirror to what’s found in society such as woman’s behaviors in her everyday life and so on, while other people see that as long as the public wants those advertisings, they are free to choose what they prefer. They think that the shameful advertisements are natural and unavoidable. These vie

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Organizational Change in the Development of the Insurance Service: (applied study in The National Insurance Company)
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تشهد بیئة الأعمال المعاصرة جملة من التغیرات والتطورات التكنولوجیة وتزایداً في حدةالمنافسة، وأتساع الفجوة بین العاملین والإدارة ، وقدرة الإدارة على التمییز بین الموظفین، والمشاركة فيإتخاذ القرارات، الامر الذي یلقي على عاتق شركة التأمین إجراء التغییر التنظیمي لتحقیق تطور فيالخدمات التأمینیة التي تقدمها للجمهور من تنوع التغطیات التأمینیة )الوثائق( والسرعة في تسویةالتعویضات وغیرها من الانشطة التي تمارسه

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Phenomena of corruption and money laundering: and causes and risks and their role in the financing of terrorism in Iraq and finding ways of treatment
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Iraq  is Suffering nowadays from the criminal triad represented by the fiscal and administrative corruption, money laundering and terrorism, which are intertwined in a very related relations, as each of them support the other . Since the over growth has been one of its characteristics leaving behind a very dangerous negative effects whether it was social , economic or even political impacts . As a result , this trial is now represents a high risk that threatens the present and the future of Iraq . On the political , economic and social level , it is well to mention that the poor direct investment , the increasing rates of poverty , unemployment , inflation as well as the smuggling of goreign currency an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The study of the effect of the use of programming in the linear programming model (applied study)
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The parametric programming considered as type of sensitivity analysis. In this research concerning to study the effect of the variations on linear programming model (objective function coefficients and right hand side) on the optimal solution. To determine the parameter (θ) value (-5≤ θ ≤5).Whereas the result، the objective function equal  zero and the decision variables are non basic، when the parameter (θ = -5).The objective function value increases when the parameter (θ= 5) and the decision variables are basic، with the except of X24, X34.Whenever the parameter value increase, the objectiv

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analaysis of the lmpacyt fiscal policy in Iraq on stabilization and economic growth for the period (2003-2010)
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        The vision and philosophy of the economic system in Iraq after 2003 were not clear-cut because of overlapping internal factors was the novelty of the political system and the lack of political and economic decision makers to understanding and conviction full need shaping a new administration for the Iraqi economy is able to succeed economic development programs, and external factors was determinedly organizations international application of shock reforming style and contrary to the social reality and the security which reflected negatively on the work and consistency Lisseeash financial balance between stability and growth and raise the level of consumer spending and the importance of r

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Timings of people and their significance in the Koran: (Objective study)
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We try through this research to show the relationship between the crescent and the month in the Koran, and then their importance and their relationship to timing, and the timing of this relationship with people, and the significance of these timings, so we gathered verses that spoke about the family and the month, and we tried to study them in a detailed objective study, so this came The research of five subjects was the first topic introductory research and the time and month, while the remaining four detectives on the verses that talked about the timing of the month, and we have explained the relationship of this timing with people and the significance of these times.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Certain Biomarkers in Iraqi Female Patients with Breast Cancer
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The prospective study has been designed to determine some biomarkers in Iraqi female patients with
breast cancer. The current study contained 30 patients whose tissue samples have been collected from
hospitals in Medical City in Baghdad after consent patients themselves and used immunohistochemical
technique to determine these markers. The results showed a significant correlation between ER and PR tissue
markers (Sig = 0.000) and a significant correlation between cyclin E phenotype and cyclin E intensity (Sig =

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Political Caricature in the Palestinian Newspapers An Analytical Study
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This study aims to study the political caricature and its indications in the Palestinian newspapers, to know its subjects, the active characters, the artistic styles, and the symbols the caricaturists use.

The study concluded that there is a variety of subjects that the political caricature handled in the studied newspapers and the degree of interest in every subject. The subjects related to the international subjects came first (% 24.5) and the other subjects came next (% 22.2).

The results showed the caricaturists relied on unnamed symbolic active characters that came first (% 62.3) and named symbolic characters (% 11.1). The positive characteristics of the Palestinian figures were higher than the negative ones, and the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Demonstrators' slogans in Tahrir square (Analytical study of the communication message)
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The research entitled "The Slogans of Demonstrators at Al-Tahreer Square – analytical study for communicative letters" studies the slogans of demonstrators as a communicative means having many signs reflecting the political, social, cultural relations exist in the minds of people. It is so easy to understand its meaning, examining its goals; and explaining their meanings. For these reasons, we have chosen such a topic. Since the means of communications transfer letters between a sender and receiver, the importance of this research is that it is a researchable trial to acknowledge the issues behind the demonstrators' slogans and the different styles have been chosen by them for a whole year; the different sides of the demonstration sinc

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study the positive effects of “Whatsup” application in the educational process
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Limited importance of research in a stand on the most important difficulties faced by both faculty and parents to communicate with each process to follow up on their children, and the analysis and inventory of the obstacles that hinder the educational process, and work to develop a vision of how to address these constraints and the important role of technology in the treatment of problems of the society so as to develop frameworks future to minimize the errors and the problems they face, and the development outlook for future generations in order to promote the educational level, especially that Iraq is going through a change in conditions in all sectors. Through the questionnaire, which includes questions set that was made on a sample o

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