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Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq Study features formalism: عبد الرزاق جبار رحيل الكناني
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In the present research is marked (expressive drawing in contemporary Iraq, the study of morphological features) eating expressive as the direction of modern art in the drawing for the period before and after World Wars I and II. And follow the tracks. And in research and investigation about the origins and sources and characteristics of expressionist painting at adult patrons and art gatherings, and the extent of their impact in the drawing for contemporary Iraqi sixties and seventies generation (generation of professors) and down to the younger generation in the eighties of the last century. Over the nearly two decades of history of fine movement in Iraq, a period specified in the search within the limits of temporal boundaries, and by analyzing the paintings that were the possession of the Department of Fine Arts in Baghdad, and the sources and photographers and internet sites. From here came the question: Is there a justification for the study of this effect in the (contemporary drawing in Iraq) and morphological features that must be studied? The search consists of four main chapters. Chapter I: general framework for research and began to research the problem and its significance, objectives and definitions of the terms contained therein. The second chapter containing the theoretical framework for the research came Bembages four: the first section root historic expressive, which revolved around the concept of expression in the arts Alchskilleh, and Achkalyate animated in form and substance and content according to the changes in the structures of ideological, intellectual, philosophical, psychological and environmental variable natural and social across times and places mixed. And included a second section, (intellectual foundations of modernity) and eat the philosophical study of the problem of modernity requires that inspired the various analyzes that dealt with to do the pattern of modernity helps us to understand the internal logic, if I may say so to build the ideal style of modernity possible to see that it is this pattern on three basic concepts are (self-, rationality, nihilism), which together constitute the basis of philosophical modernity, and a section on the topic are the three axes (Descartes and subjectivity (f) of Leibniz and rationality) and (Nietzsche and nihilism). The third section (expressive in drawing European modern) and show that the expressive movement and direction of expressing feelings of self more than to express the objective facts, While the expressive coincide with art and Germanic culture, but it is not a phenomenon of Germanic, northeast, but a European, but global in century century. The fourth topic (Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq, a study in artistic styles) section dealt generations of Iraqi artists since the fifties and down to the younger generation. The third chapter dealt with research procedures and the research community inventory and analysis of the samples selected in a manner amounting to deliberate acts of three Iraqi artists produced their work during the past within the limits specified in the temporal limits of the search. Find and seal the fourth quarter, indicating the most important findings, conclusions and recommendations and proposals


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in Iraq during 2015
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Data in Iraq
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The analysis of COVID-19 data in Iraq is carried out. Data includes daily cases and deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic in Iraq on February 2020 until the 28th of June 2022. This is done by fitting some distributions to the data in order to find out the most appropriate distribution fit to both daily cases and deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statistical analysis includes estimation of the parameters, the goodness of fit tests and illustrative probability plots. It was found that the generalized extreme value and the generalized Pareto distributions may provide a good fit for the data for both daily cases and deaths. However, they were rejected by the goodness of fit test statistics due to the high variability of the data.<

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
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New record species of Gypsophila L. in Iraq
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G. tuberculosa is a newly recorded species from the Caryophyllaceae family for Iraqi flora, collected from the Arbil district from May to August. Morphological descriptions with macro and micro features illustrated with plates and dimensions, the species is related to G. pallida and distinguished from calyx properties, especially the presence of large prominent druses crystals. Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, Gypsophila, Iraq, New record, pallida.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 1996
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A total of 61 bat specimens belonging to three species were collected from four distinct sites in the middle of Iraq. Five species of acarine ectoparasites on bats were found. These were: Steatonyssus periblepharus Kolenati, Spinturnix acuminatus (C. L. K.). Cheletonella sp. Rhizoglyphus sp., and Argas sp. Three of the recorded species were new to Iraqi fauna. The abundance and accurence of each parasite was varied from one species to another. S. periblepharus aria S. acuminatus were the most common species found in this study.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Radon concentrations in dwellings of Baghdad city- Iraq
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In this study, radon concentrations were measured in dwellings at specified locations in Baghdad city using ionization chamber radon monitor (ALPHA GUARD PQ2000 PRO). The measurements were carried out at different locations of these dwellings (living rooms, bed rooms, bath rooms, and kitchens). The results of the survey showed that the overall minimum, maximum average and mean average radon concentrations in dwellings were 5.77±0.73 Bq/m3, 23.27±13.57 Bq/m3, and 10.67±4.14 Bq/m3 respectively. The lowest average radon was found in (Ameryia) city, while the highest average radon concentration was found in (Kadmiya) city. Also, the results showed that the highest average radon concentration was found in the kitchens, while the lowest ave

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application Voting System of Web based in Iraq
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Currently voting process is paper based form, by using voting card or paper; thus the counting method is done manually, which exhausts a lot of time. Obsolete votes may be possibly occurring. This paper introduced a system in which voting and counting is done with the help of computer. The election process would be easier, it saves time, avoid errors while counting and obsolete votes are reduced. Electronic voting (E-voting) system is a voting system in which the election related data is stored and handled digitally, it would become the quickest, cheapest, and the most efficient way to administer election and count vote it is considered a means to further enhance and strengthen the democratic processes in modern information societies. Th

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The aim of this study is to survey and make to revision the genera and species of Chloropidae fauna of Iraq. The investigation showed four species belonging four genera, which belongs to two subfamilies, and one unidentified species belonging to the genus Elachiptera Maquart, The specimens were compared with stored insects at Department of Entomology and invertebrates, Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Estimating the impact of tax exemptions on achieving economic development in Iraq for the period (2015-2021): An Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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          The research aims to identify tax exemptions, their objectives and types, as well as to shed light on the concept of sustainable development, its objectives, dimensions and indicators (economic, social and environmental), as well as to analyze the relationship between tax exemptions and economic development, in addition to measuring and analyzing the impact of tax exemptions on economic development in Iraq for the period ( 2015 - 2021) using the NARDL model. The research problem centers on the fact that failure to employ financial policy tools correctly led to a weakness in achieving economic justice, which leads to a failure to improve social welfar

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Academic research the impact of organizational culture on the performance of the internal – study in government institutions- analysis study on some government institutions in state of Qatar
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This study was aimed to explore the impact of social concepts about tribe, clan and women, on internal audit performance. These concepts are considered to be components of the organizational culture and performance of internal audit practice, with respect to the individual and collective performance within the institution. The study, furthermore, was intended to investigate and understand the role of the organizational culture of the tribal, clan and women components with regard to their role in society, in Qatar.

To achieve these objectives, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach, using a questionnaire directed to experts and staff working in the banking sector, with the view to test

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 04 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.: Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.
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This research Sheds highlights the procedural protections that must be enjoyed by the consumer in the face of the product, which is the protection of no less dangerous than the substantive protection of our obligations and duties delivered by the legislature upon the product of consumer interest, what is the benefit of the right if the access road to him complicated, so know The consumer has a right to the face of the product, but leaves the claim, either to ignorance For access to this right either to the difficulty of connecting to him.
That this research modest attempt we tried through which to focus on the way to the consumer behavior of arrived right, as we tried to highlight the weaknesses and the complexity of the procedure to

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