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Melodic and Rhythmic Construction of Monologues in Iraq
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The research studies the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of monologue, in addition to how it was transferred from the Arab homeland to Iraq and   reviewed its most prominent performers, as well as a review     of the monologue types and their propagation in the Arab homeland such as comical, dramatic, and political and guidance monologues. 

The methodological framework included: the problem of the research, the importance of the research and the objective of the research which is to uncover the melodic and rhythmic structure of the monologue in Iraq.   The limits of the research included the objective limit tackling the  art of monologue and the spatial limit which is Baghdad City and the  temporal limit extending from 1930-1970.

The theoretical framework consists of first: the monologue (historical introduction) and second: the most prominent performer of monologues in the Arab homeland, and third: the monologue and its role in society in addition to the conclusion of the theoretical framework.

The research procedures included the research methodology, research community and sample, research tool and sample analysis.

The research has been concluded with the results and conclusions and the most important of which is that the melody of the song depended on the simple meter and this is a sign of the artist's departure from the complexity in the formulation of his melodies. A list of sources and a summary of the study in English come last.   

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Economics And Business
Evaluation of reverse logistics options for international and local companies in Iraq
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Many international companies have branches or agencies in Iraq and have large market shares, and this has contributed to the increase in the import of these companies' products. This process created an additional problem of handling a large number of expired or defective products. There are many methods that contribute significantly to reducing these problems. The most prominent of these is the activation of reverse logistics options in Iraq by international and local companies. This research aims to conduct a survey of the reverse logistics options approved by some local and international companies and compare between them. This paper found that Amaron, Hitachi, Apple, Samsung and Huawei have limited options for reverse logistics and that

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Soil and Water Properties in the Central Marshes Southern Iraq
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The Central Marshes are one of southern Iraq's most important wetlands and ecosystems. A study on evaluating soil quality and water quality in terms of chemical properties at certain sites in the southern Iraqi Central Marshes has been conducted to investigate their types and suitability for enhancing the agricultural reality of most field crops. Soil and water samples were collected from 15 sites and transferred to the laboratory. In the lab, the following parameters were determined: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved salts (TDS), organic materials (OM), pH, gypsum, and total sulfate content (SO3). The tests conducted on the samples indicated that it could be said that the soil of the Central Marshes

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for this research which focuses into

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 228 domestic and wild animals, including sheep, goats, cows, buffaloes, camels, horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, wild hares, Asiatic jackals, and red foxes were examined for ixodid ticks in the central region of Iraq. Nine species of ixodid ticks belong to two genera namely Hyalomma anatolicum Koch, 1844, H. excavatum Koch, 1844, H. turanicum Pomerantsef, 1946,  H. scupense Delpy, 1946,  H. dromedarii Koch, 1844, H. schulzei Olenev, 1931, Rhipicephalus annulatus (Say, 1821), R. turanicus Pomerantsef & al., 1940 and R. leporis Pomerantsef, 1946 were recovered. Their distribution among hosts and infestation rates were di

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Bioscience Research
Phytochemical, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Capparis spinosa L. Cultivated in Iraq
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The Capparis spinosa L. is a species has a great interest in the field of traditional medicine for its pharmacological properties with many bioactive compounds. Our study is aiming at the recovery of this species through a phytochemical analysis and an evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activities of leaves of Capparis spinosa L. collected from natural habitats within the region of Al-Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq. Phytochemical investigation demonstrated the presence of flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, tannins, and glycosides in the methanolic extract of leaves. The quantitative analysis of total phenolic contents is being performed by Folin-Ciocalteau method and expressed in terms of gallic acid equivalents. C. spinosa exhibited progress

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Muthanna Journal For Agricultural Sciences
Developing and testing of automated sprayer for agrochemicals application trials in Iraq
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The field experiment was conducted with the aim of developing and testing an automatic sprayer for agricultural spray experiments and studying the effect of spray pressure, spray speed and spray height on the spraying process. The effects of the major spraying factors (pressure, speed, and height) on the spraying performance of the automatic sprayer were studied. This study included several traits: First - the drop sizes - Second - the penetration of the spray into the vegetation cover - Third, the spray wasted. The results showed: - First: - Increase in coverage percentage when using the first speed, 2 km / h, which amounted to 26.85%. An increment in the spraying penetration of the vegetation cover was observed at the second speed

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Serological and Molecular Phylogenetic Detection of Coxiella burnetii in Lactating Cows, Iraq
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This study is carried out to investigate the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) infections in cattle using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting IS1111A transposase gene. A total of 130 lactating cows were randomly selected from different areas in Wasit province, Iraq and subjected to blood and milk sampling during the period extended between November 2018 and May 2019. ELISA and PCR tests revealed that 16.15% and 10% of the animals studied were respectively positive. Significant correlations (P<0.05) were detected between the positive results and clinical data. Two positive PCR products were analyzed phylogenetically, named as C. burnetii IQ-No.5 and C. burnet

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gene frequencies of ABO and rhesus blood groups in Sabians (Mandaeans), Iraq
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The present study aimed to determine the frequency of ABO and Rh blood group antigens among Sabians (Mandaeans) population. This paper document the frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Sabians (Mandaeans) population of Iraq.There is no data available on the ABO/Rh (D) frequencies in the Sabians (Mandaeans) population. Total 341 samples analyzed; phenotype O blood type has the highest frequency 49.9%, followed by A 28.7%, and B 13.8% whereas the lowest prevalent blood group was AB 7.6%. The overall phenotypic frequencies of ABO blood groups were O>A>B>AB. The allelic frequencies of O, A, and B alleles were 0.687, 0.2 and 0.1122 respectively. Rhesus study showed that with a percentage of 96.2% Rh (D) positive is by far the mo

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 06 2020
Journal Name
Cuestiones Políticas
Political structure and the administration of political system in Iraq (post-ISIS)
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The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the political system in Iraq (post-ISIS). After 2003, the Iraqi political system suffered the fundamental problem of its failure to achieve the political and social inclusion that characterizes democratic systems, to guarantee the establishment of a "state for all", while respecting differences. Political representation has moved from the system of sectarian ethnic components, under the title of consensual democracy, to the representation of leaders and the realization of their interests and the interests of their parties at the expense of the groups that claim to represent them, which complicates the problem. In this sense, the new political syste

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
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The purpose of this study is to describe the extent and nature of informal tenure practices in urban areas in Iraq, through undertaking a rapid assessment in Baghdad city. The UN-HABITAT 2008 publication Secure Land Rights for All discusses the importance of access and rights to land throughout the developing world. Secure land rights are critical to development and poverty reduction, and the greatest challenge in providing secure land rights are in urban areas, where overcrowding can lead to a number of informal tenure practices ranging from individually unregistered or unauthorised housing, to large informal settlements. Access to land is a fundamental basis for human shelter, food production, and other economic activity. Secur

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