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The aesthetics of the design idea and its communicative role in the graphic achievement: انتصار رسمي موسى-دينا محمد عناد -سحر علي سرحان
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The field of graphic design has witnessed a unique, unique form transformed in its construction and installation and superior to systems through its creation of foundational data for design ideas with functional aesthetics and utilitarianism and effective and moving formulation in light of modern trends and what globalization has brought about in terms of openness to the outside world and the processes of communication and communication with the international community through graphic design. Based on the above, this study marked (Aesthetics of the Design Idea and its Communication Role in the Graphic Outcome) comes to clarify the topic through three chapters, including the first chapter, which was devoted to the research methodology, the research problem and the need for it, which were identified by the following question (What are the aesthetics of the design idea and what is its communicative role in Graphic creator)?

   The aim of the study was (to identify the aesthetics of the design idea and its communicative role in the graphic achievement) and included the importance of research and the limits of research as well as defining terms.

The most important findings of the research are:

1- The concepts of aesthetic are relative and differ from person to person and from one situation to another.

2- The aesthetic in graphic design is an objective phenomenon, not moody or subjective as in the plastic art, and this appeared in all studied samples.

3- The aesthetic value of the thing is related to its functional and utilitarian value, especially in design, the aesthetic stems from its functional and utilitarian value and then comes other material values ​​and this appeared in all samples

4- The selected samples have provided unlimited global communication messages by employing visual messages that carry deep meanings and implications for the international community in their different languages, needs and ideas, so it was a universal language.

5- The aesthetic value in designing logos stems from its moral, heritage and human value.

6- The design ideas in the design of logos were distinguished by their clarity and simplicity of the idea, as they moved away from the complexity in proposing the design idea and this appeared in the all samples.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of the Drying of Ethanol using Zeolite Molecular Sieves
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study Of Factors Affecting The Thermal Conductivity Of Iraqi Bentonite
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Thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite is one of the most important properties where this type of clay is proposed for use as a buffer material. In this study, Lee's disc method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite specimens. The experimental results have been analyzed to observe the three major factors affecting the thermal conductivity of bentonite buffer material. While the clay density reaches to a target value, the measurement is taken to evaluate the thermal conductivity. By repeating this procedure, a relationship between clay dry density and thermal conductivity has been established in specimens after adjusting the water contents of the bentonite by placing its specimens in a drying oven for diffe

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
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Background: Levetiracetam is a member of the new antiepileptic drugs and has a broad spectrum effect, used as an adjunctive therapy in addition to monotherapy in the treatment of partial onset-seizures. The effect of levetiracetam on the development of embryo nervous system after maternal exposure during pregnancy has not been identified. Objective: to evaluate the effect of antiepileptic drug, levetiracetam (LEV) within its therapeutic dose 350mg/Kg body weight on albino female rat to clarify its effect on the developing cerebral cortex histologically. Material And Methods: Ten pregnant female rats were separated into two groups, control group and experimental group. They were obtained from the animal house of the high institute of inferti

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Anatomical study of the 3rd metacarpal bone of some mammals
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The current study included the anatomical structure of the metatarsal bone in sheep in terms of the traditional structural description of the bone, as it was found that the metatarsal bone in the fore and hind limbs of adult sheep had no visible differences between it and animals, especially ruminants. The metacarpal \tarsal bone No. 3 was cylindrical in shape, with the presence of the metacarpal \tarsal bones 2 and 4 declines, articulated from the proximal end with the metacarpal and metatarsal bones whereas from the distal part with the fetlock joint and the first phalanx bone. The aim of the study is to determine whether the environment and its changes in Iraq have affected the animals and their bones in terms of length, thicknes

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
The Antimicrobial Activity of Melanin-Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
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Background: Nowadays, the environmentally friendly procedures must be developed to avoid using harmful compounds in synthesis methods. Their increase interest in creating and researching silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) because of their numerous applications in many fields especially medical fields such as burn, wound healing, dental and bone implants, antibacterial, viral, fungal, and arthropodal activities. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles mediated pigments have been widely used as antimicrobial agent against microorganisms. Silver nanoparticles had synthesized by using melanin from locally isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and used as antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Aim of the study: Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Metakaolin on the geotechnical properties of Expansive Soil
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Expansive soil spreads in Iraq and some countries of the world. But there are many problems can be occurred to the structures that built on, so we must study the characteristics of these soils due to the  problems that may be caused to these structures which built on these kinds of soil and then study the methods of treatment. The present study focuses on improving  the geotechnical properties of expansive soils by treating it Metakaolin(M). Metakaolin (M) has never been used before as an improvement material  for stabilizing the expansive soil . Metakaolin  is a pozzolanic material. It’s obtained by calcination of kaolinite clay at temperatures from 700°C to 800°C. Kaolin chemical composition is

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Historical Value of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
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In "historical" fiction, characters that never really existed, give expression to the impact of historical events on the people who really did live through them. The result is not history, as an accurate record of actual events, but fiction in which an earlier age is rendered through the personal joys and sufferings of characters. This paper
aims at investigating the historical realities presented in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Optical Properties of CuBr Thin Film
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In this paper we have studied the optical properties of CuBr thin

films.  Different  sample  thicknesses  have  been  prepared  by  using thermal evaporation  technique with 14.4 runlsec as the average deposition rate and 1 00°C as the substrate temperature.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of the Factors Affecting Cells of Sodium Chlorate Production
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Prediction of Biodegradability Possibility for Sewage of the Dairy Industry
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he dairy industry is one of the industrial activities classified within the food industries in all phases of the dairy industry, which leads to an increase in the amount of wastewater discharged from this industry. The study was conducted in the Abu Ghraib dairy factory, classified as one of the central factories in Iraq, located in the west of Baghdad governorate, with a design capacity of 22,815 tons of dairy products. The characteristics of the liquid waste generated from the factory were determined for the following parameters biological oxygen demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), pH, nitrate, phosphate, chloride, and sulfate with an average value of (1079, 1945, 323, 9.2, 24, 2

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