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Highlighting the Treatment Regimens used in COVID-19 epidemic in Iraq with Special Regards to Vitamin D
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a flu-like infection caused by a novel virus known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). After the widespread around the world, it was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a global pandemic. The symptoms of COVID-19 may arise within 2 weeks and the severity ranged from mild with signs of respiratory infection to severe cases of organ failure and even death. Management of COVID-19 patients includes supportive treatment and pharmacological medications expected to be effective with no definitive cure of the disease. The aims of this study are highlighting the management protocol and supportive therapy especially vitamin D and manifesting the clinical symptoms by patients in Iraq. An observational study was conducted on 200 patients and descriptive parameters for data were calculated to analyze the results. The mean age was 42.56±17.49 years and the majority of patients were presented with mild to moderate symptoms (78%). There were many different pharmacological treatment regimens and random doses and duration of vitamin D were taken by the patients. In conclusion, a non-specific treatment protocol was used for the patients without compliance to the national guidelines for management and treatment of COVID-19 patients in Iraq with the administration of a wide range of pharmaceutical agents that required monitoring for their safety and efficacy. Vitamin D is administered in different doses and duration without depending on the basal serum concentration.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Biotechnology
Evaluation of Interlukein-6 and Vitamin D in Patients with COVID-19
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COVID-19 is a unique viral infectious illness that causes a variety of symptoms and health hazards, particularly to the respiratory system and has been declared a worldwide pandemic. The disease is characterized by a cytokine release in severe conditions. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a proinflammatory cytokine, mediates an important immunomodulatory process. Also, vitamin D was identified to have a role in the innate immunity of individuals. Our study was designed to find the role of IL-6 and vitamin D in COVID-19 patients, as well as, to see whether there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and cytokine syndrome development. The study included 90 COVID-19 patients and 30 control people from Baghdad, Iraq. The age of the participants was non-s

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the epidemic in jurisprudence and its principles The (Covid-19) epidemic is a model
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Epidemics that afflict humankind are descending renewed, plaguing them in the place and time they spread.

- The epidemic affects individuals and the movement of societies, and its treatment requires dealing with it according to Sharia, taking into account the current data and developments.

- Integrative jurisprudence: it is intended to know the practical legal rulings deduced from the combination of evidence of two or more sciences related to one topic related to it, and among these calamities is the Corona Covid-19 pandemic.

 - It is permissible to use sterile materials that contain a percentage of alcohol in sterilizing hands and fogging places, including mosques.


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era
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Cervical Uterine Cancer is a disease that explains the vulnerability in which women are in terms of reproductive health with an impact on occupational health and public health, even when in Mexico the prevalence rate is lower than the other member countries of the OECD, its impact on Human Development and Local Development shows the importance that the disease have in communities more than in cities where prevention policies through check-ups and medical examinations seem to curb the trend, but show the lack of opportunities and capacities of health centers in rural areas.   To establish the reliability, validity, and correlations between the variables reported in the literature with respect to their weighting in a public hospital. A

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Modern Techniques in Spatial Analysis to Isolate, Quarantine the Affected Areas and Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Epidemic
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      COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus spread globally, including in Iraq; infections have appeared on all Iraq lands in varying proportions. Iraq is among the higher infected world countries. Forty-six infections were simulated on 23 March 2020. Injuries on the eastern side of Baghdad city and to the right side of the Tigris River, which divides the city into two parts, are a natural barrier in quarantine and easily control the movement of people from both sides.

In this study, a model was considered a scientific and practical method by following the steps of identifying infected people using the best scientific approach for the spatial process to prevent the virus from spreading. Remote sensing techniques were

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Hematology
D-dimer and Ferritin Levels in Prediction of COVID-19 Severity
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Abstract<sec> <title>BACKGROUND:

The most common cause of upper respiratory tract infection is coronavirus, which has a crown appearance due to the existence of spikes on its envelope. D-dimer levels in the plasma have been considered a prognostic factor for COVID-19 patients.


The aim of the study is to demonstrate the role of COVID-19 on coagulation parameters D-dimer and ferritin with their association with COVID-19 severity and disease progression in a single-center study.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using a hybrid SARIMA-NARNN Model to Forecast the Numbers of Infected with (COVID-19) in Iraq
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an acute disease that affects the respiratory system which initially appeared in Wuhan, China. In Feb 2019 the sickness began to spread swiftly throughout the entire planet, causing significant health, social, and economic problems. Time series is an important statistical method used to study and analyze a particular phenomenon, identify its pattern and factors, and use it to predict future values. The main focus of the research is to shed light on the study of SARIMA, NARNN, and hybrid models, expecting that the series comprises both linear and non-linear compounds, and that the ARIMA model can deal with the linear component and the NARNN model can deal with the non-linear component. The models

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi Journalistic Treatment of COVID-19 pandemic
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This research aims to investigate the approaches adopted by Iraqi newspapers in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Employing a descriptive methodology and survey technique, the study conducts content analysis on articles published in three prominent newspapers: Al-Sabah, Al-Mada, and Tareeq Al-Shaab. A multi-stage sampling method was employed, encompassing 260 issues of the aforementioned newspapers. Data collection involved the use of a content analysis questionnaire, with the "How it was said?" method utilized to determine analysis categories.
The results showed that Al-Sabah newspaper adopted a positive approach in addressing COVID-19-related topics, while Al-Mada newspaper remained neutral, and Tare

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling Extreme COVID-19 Data in Iraq
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     This paper considers the maximum number of weekly cases and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Iraq from its outbreak in February 2020 until the first of July 2022. Some probability distributions were fitted to the data. Maximum likelihood estimates were obtained and the goodness of fit tests were performed. Results revealed that the maximum weekly cases were best fitted by the Dagum distribution, which was accepted by three goodness of fit tests. The generalized Pareto distribution best fitted the maximum weekly deaths, which was also accepted by the goodness of fit tests. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Easy-Fit software and Microsoft Excel 2019.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Lung X-Ray Images Used to Detect COVID-19 in Humans
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019), commonly called Coronavirus or CoV, is a dangerous disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases around the world, which started from one of the wet markets in Wuhan city. Its symptoms are similar to those of the common flu, including cough, fever, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. This article suggests implementing machine learning techniques (Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine) by Python to classify a series of chest X-ray images that include viral pneumonia, COVID-19, and healthy (Not infected) cases in humans. The study includes more than 1400 images that are collected from the Kaggle platform. The expe

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The state of Vitamin D in Iraqi Patients With Parkinson Disease
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Background: A role for vitamin D deficiency in Parkinson disease (PD) has recently been suggested.

Objective:: To estimate the state of vitamin D in PD with an age-matched healthy control.

Type of the study: A case control study.

Method: The study randomly comparison of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH] D) concentrations of collected samples in a clinical neurology department ward / Baghdad teaching hospital / Medical City and Parkinson disease movement disorder clinic. Participants were registered into the study from October 2015 to October 2016. We was study   serum vitamin D level in 40 consecutive patients with

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