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D-dimer and Ferritin Levels in Prediction of COVID-19 Severity
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Abstract<sec> <title>BACKGROUND:

The most common cause of upper respiratory tract infection is coronavirus, which has a crown appearance due to the existence of spikes on its envelope. D-dimer levels in the plasma have been considered a prognostic factor for COVID-19 patients.


The aim of the study is to demonstrate the role of COVID-19 on coagulation parameters D-dimer and ferritin with their association with COVID-19 severity and disease progression in a single-center study.


This study included 200 COVID-19 patients in a private single center from January 01, 2021, to January 01, 2022, in Baghdad-Iraq. D-dimer and ferritin were analyzed in those patients and evaluated their association with the need for oxygen therapy and intensive care unit (ICU) admission.


Two hundred COVID-19 patients met the criteria for inclusion in this research. The total mean age of all patients was 60.1 ± 11.6 years and the sex distribution was 130 (65%) males and 70 (35%) females. Regarding D-dimer and ferritin, there were significantly higher values in patients in respiratory care units (4748 ± 7.2) (215.7 ± 4.2) (P = 0.0001) in comparison with another group who did not need oxygen or ICU admission (345 ± 3.6) (98.4 ± 1.7), respectively.


High levels of D-dimer and ferritin may be used as tools to predict unfavorable clinical outcomes of the disease and poor prognosis.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 2
Predictive value of C-reactive protein, D-dimer, Hemoglobin and Lactate dehydrogenase levels in diagnosing COVID-19 patients
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused enormous issues worldwide and is the most infectious pandemic. This study included 50 subjects (evenly distributed between sexes) and their range of ages starting from 2 to 67 years. According to the study's result, the ages and genders of subjects include susceptibility to COVID-19. Males were found to be more infected than females, and the ages of 36 to 67 were more common than other age ranges. Also, BMI calculations revealed that male patients with COVID-19 have the highest percentage of obesity. The clinical parameter results have been found serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) as an essential indicator that changes significantly in infection with COVID‐19 an

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Annals Of Parasitology
Serum levels of C-reactive protein and ferritin in COVID-19 patients infected with Toxoplasma gondii
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During infection, T. gondii disseminates by the circulatory system and establishes chronic infection in several organs. Almost third of humans, immunosuppressed individuals such as HIV/AIDS patients, cancer patients, and organ transplant recipients are exposed to toxoplasmosis. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the possibility that Toxoplasma infection could be a risk factor for COVID-19 patients and its possible correlation with C-reactive protein and ferritin. Overall 220 patients referred to the Al Furat General Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq were enrolled from 2020–2021. All serum samples were tested for T. gondii immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) antibodies, C-reactive protein and ferritin levels. In patients with COVID-19, the results

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 19 2024
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Serum Levels of Fetuin-A, Ischemia-modified Albumin (IMA), and Ferritin in Hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19. A Case-control Study
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Objective: To measure the serum levels of Fetuin-A, ischemia-modified albumin (IMA), and ferritin in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19in Baghdad, Iraq. Moreover, to determine these biomarkers' cut-off valuesthat differentiate between severely ill patients and control subjects. Methods: This case-control study was done from 15 September to the end of December 2021 and involved a review of the files and collectionof blood samples from patients (n=45, group1) hospitalized in COVID-19 treatment centersbecause of severe symptoms compared tohealthy subjects as controls (n=44, group2). Results: Fetuin-A serum levels were not statistically different between patients and controls. In contrast, IMA and ferritin levels were significan

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cluster Analysis of Biochemical Markers as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity
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Numerous blood biomarkers are altered in COVID-19 patients; however, no early biochemical markers are currently being used in clinical practice to predict COVID-19 severity. COVID-19, the most recent pandemic, is caused by the SRS-CoV-2 coronavirus.  The study was aimed to identify patient groups with a high and low risk of developing COVID-19 using a cluster analysis of several biomarkers. 137 women with confirmed SARS CoV-2 RNA testing were collected and analyzed for biochemical profiles. Two-dimensional automated hierarchy clustering of all biomarkers was applied, and patients were sorted into classes. Biochemistry marker variations (Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer, and C- reactive protein CRP) have split COVID-19 patien

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Biotechnology
Evaluation of Interlukein-6 and Vitamin D in Patients with COVID-19
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COVID-19 is a unique viral infectious illness that causes a variety of symptoms and health hazards, particularly to the respiratory system and has been declared a worldwide pandemic. The disease is characterized by a cytokine release in severe conditions. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a proinflammatory cytokine, mediates an important immunomodulatory process. Also, vitamin D was identified to have a role in the innate immunity of individuals. Our study was designed to find the role of IL-6 and vitamin D in COVID-19 patients, as well as, to see whether there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and cytokine syndrome development. The study included 90 COVID-19 patients and 30 control people from Baghdad, Iraq. The age of the participants was non-s

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Ifip Advances In Information And Communication Technology
Rapid Thrombogenesis Prediction in Covid-19 Patients Using Machine Learning
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Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly being utilized in the medical field to manage and diagnose diseases, leading to improved patient treatment and disease management. Several recent studies have found that Covid-19 patients have a higher incidence of blood clots, and understanding the pathological pathways that lead to blood clot formation (thrombogenesis) is critical. Current methods of reporting thrombogenesis-related fluid dynamic metrics for patient-specific anatomies are based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, which can take weeks to months for a single patient. In this paper, we propose a ML-based method for rapid thrombogenesis prediction in the carotid artery of Covid-19 patients. Our proposed system aims

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Apr 29 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Assessment of Serum Neopterin Levels in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19
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Background: COVID-19 has caused a considerable number of hospital admissions in China since December 2019. Many COVID-19 patients experience signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and some are even in danger of dying. Objective: to measure the serum levels of D-dimer, Neutrophil-Lymphocyte count ratio (NLR), and neopterin in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 in Baghdad, Iraq. And to determine the cut-off values (critical values) of these markers for the distinction between the severe patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 and the controls. Materials and methods: In this case-control study, we collect blood from 89 subjects, 45 were severe patients hospitalized in many Baghdad medical centers who were diagnosed with COVID

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Correlation of Serum Periostin Level with Disease Severity in Patients with Covid -19
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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by the new respiratory virus SARS-CoV2. It has a tropism in the lung tissues where excess target receptors exist. Periostin plays a role in subepithelial fibrosis associated with bronchial asthma. Since the Coronavirus's target is the human respiratory system, Periostin has been recently described as a valuable new biomarker in the diagnosis and evaluation of disease in patients with COVID-19 lung involvement. Objectives: To assess the level of Periostin in the serum of COVID-19 patients and to correlate its role in disease severity and prognosis. Subjects and Methods: Periostin serum levels were measured for 63 patients attending three main COVID

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Prevalence of viral co-infection among COVID-19 cases in association disease severity and oral hygiene
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Background: In December 2019, an episode of COVID-19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV2) was reported in Wuhan, China and has spread around the world, increasing the number of contagions. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are common herpesviruses that can cause persistent latent infections and affect the developing immune system.The study was conducted to explore the prevalence and reactivation of CMV and EBV antibodies in COVID-19 patients group in comparison to healthy group and to investigate the association between the presence of these viruses with each of severity of disease and oral hygiene. Materials and Methods: Eighty Five subjects were participated in this case control study (5

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Prediction of COVID 19 Disease Using Feature Selection Techniques
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Abstract<p>COVID 19 has spread rapidly around the world due to the lack of a suitable vaccine; therefore the early prediction of those infected with this virus is extremely important attempting to control it by quarantining the infected people and giving them possible medical attention to limit its spread. This work suggests a model for predicting the COVID 19 virus using feature selection techniques. The proposed model consists of three stages which include the preprocessing stage, the features selection stage, and the classification stage. This work uses a data set consists of 8571 records, with forty features for patients from different countries. Two feature selection techniques are used in </p> ... Show More
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