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Place Sexuality in the Arabic Text Theatre
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     It is doubtless that the sexual place has some common indicators due to the masculine and feminine bodies which may be natural or deviated (homosexual). The female has an act of voice in the imaginary masculine place whereas the male has an act of image recognized in the parental mind in both the secular and sacred place. Those places create different limits and perceptions according to the auditory and visual readings in search of identity, text and body in the feminine dramatic text.

    The research includes four chapters; the first, the methodological framework, involves the problem which is centralized in the following enquiry: What is the relationship between the place and the term of sexuality and its nature in the text of the lover and the beloved dramatically? The importance of the research is that it is a comprehensive, sociological, and cultural study which reveals the theme of feminine text and the relationship between the place and the term of sexuality. Consequently it focuses on the female, her troubles, and her relationship with a society that seeks the physical cultural and biological relationships. The aim of the research is to identify the sexual place in the text of the lover and the beloved dramatically. The limits of the research are restricted to the play (The Lover and the Beloved) by the Omani female writer (Amina Al-Rabee') in (2008). The chapter is finalized by the definition of the basic terms of the title.

     The second chapter, the theoretical framework, involves two sections, the first deals with the sexuality of the place and character whereas the second is concerned with studying the sexuality of the place in the text literally and dramatically. The chapter ends with the indicators which the theoretical framework has come up with.

     The third chapter includes the procedures which are the society, the sample, the tool. The methodology, and the analysis.

     The fourth chapter contains the results, the most important of which are:

  1. The secular place has no special or meaningful indication depending on the celebratory, homosexual relationships which consider the body a resort of seductions and deceptions to link the self with the other or the lover with the beloved.
  2. The relationship of the place with the feminine body has an actual, sensed entity to which the bodies resort and which the sexual indicators connect due to the par psychological power

     The chapter also involves the conclusions and the bibliography.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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The semiology of culture and the sign variable in a theatre performance: Iraqi theatre as an example
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The culture of theatre performance has a vital role in the process of reading the linguistic and visual signs of the performance. And the process of transforming a theatre performance from its original context into a new hosting cultural context starts from the actual reading of the text. Directors derives their new signs out of his personal culture, depending on the society where they lives and the culture that forms the social conventions, traditions and beliefs. The text is usually written within its own historical and temporal culture. The process of its production usually takes it away from its original culture, when it interprets the codes of the original writer and their visual and linguistic signs and instils new alternative sign

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The Character is one of the elements of Storytelling, as it is the center of the plot, making it the basis on which the talk is about. The talk is the portrayal of the character while they’re acting; the novelist presents the character by interacting with the events, and the extent of the negative and positive appearing impact on the character. It should be noted that everyone has two personalities or more, each one appearing in a different position or situation. For instance, a man can be a father, a lover, an employee, a son or anyone else .. in another position, he might be a master, and in another a looser begging for the mercy of his humiliator, and sometimes he can show weakness to the one he loves, or show strength to his enemie

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Semiotic Transformations in Scenography of the Iraqi Theatre Show "The Play of Ali Al-Wardi and his Opponent- A Model": باسم محمد احمد حسن
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      Semiotics has been through wide experiences in various human sciences, especially in the fields of poetry, novel and myths. But its interest in the theatre and drama was much less and unique despite the richness of the theatrical connection as it is a probable field for the semiotic investigation which may require the semiotic approach in dealing with the theatrical and dramatic show during the two processes of: structural construction and deconstruction starting from a set of overlapping and interconnected texts inside the show, which can be limited in the text, then it would be difficult to semiotically cover all these complex and tricky texts. The theatre in its structural and aesthetic construction is c

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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The semiotic approach in analyzing contemporary graphic text
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With a great diversity in the curriculum contemporary monetary and visions, and development that hit the graphic design field, it has become imperative for the workers in the contemporary design research and investigation in accordance with the intellectual treatises and methods of modern criticism, because the work design requires the designer and recipient both know the mechanics of tibographic text analysis in a heavy world of texts and images varied vocabulary and graphics, and designer on before anyone else manages the process of analysis to know what you offer others of shipments visual often of oriented intended from behind, what is meant, in the midst of this world, the curriculum Alsemiae directly overlap with such diverse offer

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Written Text in Conceptual Art (An Analytical Study)
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The tagged research problem (the outputs of the written text in conceptual art) dealt with a comparative analytical study in the concept of conceptual art trends (land art - body art - art - language).

The study consisted of four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the theoretical framework, which was represented in presenting (the research problem), which raised the following question: What is the role of the written text in the transformations of the conceptual arts?

The first chapter included (the importance of research) and (research objectives) seeking to conduct comparative research in the written text within the trends of conceptual art as a moving phenomenon in art, and to reveal the variable written text in the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Prophetic Speeches (Hadith) on Sciences and Scientists: Application of the "Text from Text and D+" Theory
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This study aims to apply the theory of "Text from Text and the Plus Dimension" in the analysis of the Prophetic discourse found in the section on the virtues of knowledge and scholars from Imam Sahih al-Bukhari's book. This section covers several topics, including the virtue of gathering for the sake of learning, the superiority of a scholar over a worshipper, the excellence of jurisprudence in the religion of Allah, the acquisition of knowledge through the passing away of scholars, the merit of inviting people to Allah, the continuing benefit of beneficial knowledge after a scholar's demise, the warning against seeking knowledge for purposes other than Allah, and the Prophet seeking refuge from knowledge tha

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
International experiences inhe tourism place meaking for eco-tourism purposes
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        The research paper deals with the role of the place making in eco-tourism through a review of international experiences in the eco-tourism industry and its contribution to advancing the reality of tourism there, and attracting the largest number of tourists.  The study is divided into five axes: the first is a study of related concepts, and the second is a study of global experiences, which included three countries: (South Bank (Gabriel's Wharf) - London, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and dealt with each of Happy Streets and Kendrick Mills, and then the Perak River tourist corridor - Malaysia).  As for the third axis, it is concerned with analyzing these experiences to reach th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The important the drama dance in sporte iraqes theatre acting actor
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dance that reflect deferent sides from life human , in this search ensure for the causation can the expressionistic dancing be development acting actor in Iraqis theatre ? so this search concept of section one composed of the search problem  , and important  the search  and need it , aimed the search , lines search it composed of the lines time ,  place , and lines subject , and the searcher ended this section with practical terms .   Section tow – theatrical lines form that composed of part one the dance kinds: the expressionistic dancing, is very important in analyses the symbol .                     

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
المكان المسرحي رؤیة فلسفیة
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The roots of the philosophical concept of place in the old human thought
extended from his realization to the place he is being in, becomes the exsisting
things that he noticed, form a space in the place. Since here the place is concedered
as a container for these bodies.
The initial (primitive) human being, through his concept of the place
indicates the sensible phenomena of the concept of the place. Therefore, the
concept of the sensible place, is the prevailing though during that period.
Therefore, they distributed the world as (heaven, earth, and the sensible world)
where (goods, human beings and the dead).
The platonic concept to the idea of time is a circular concept depends on the
absolute religious m

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Representations of the place in the drawings of Nuri al-Rawi: زينب سعد عزالدين-محمد جلوب جبر
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The place and environment in which the artist lives is considered one of the influences and drivers active in him, thus determining his style and artistic direction later, and in our research we have dealt with the effect of place and environment in the drawings of Nuri al-Rawi and the extent of their reflection on the general, so the research came within two frameworks: The first is the methodological framework that represents We have the problem of the research, its importance, its goal and the limits of research in it in addition to defining terms. As for the theoretical framework, the study dealt with two topics, the first of which included the topic (Nuri the narrator, the environment and the place) dealing with the role and effect

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