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Effectiveness Silence Select in Iraqis Theatre Actor
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The philosophies don’t forgets the subject silence because it effecting in life human , the kinds artist don’t lost the silence , exactly the theatrical arts because if the actor don’t the select silence he is don’t effect in the audience , this study giving the important for active the select silence in Iraqis theatre , so this search composed of : the preface that composed of : the search problem , and important the search and need it , aimed the search , lines search it composed of the lines time , lines place , and lines subject , and the terms limited . the theatrical line that composed The second topic the first topic the silence in the philosophers, part , active the select silence in the theatre text. The Third topic active the select silence in acting the actor in the world . the measures that composed of analyse Romelos Theater and comedy seven days. the results composed of :-1- The selective silence of the emperor, his wife, and the vizier in the play Romilos had an effect on setting the rhythm of the theater . 2-the selective silence in play Romilos Help achieve The correct timing in the entry of the antique seller on the emperor . 3- the selective silence Responsible for achieving emotional memory, especially in the last scene of the emperor 4- The complete selective silence of the grandfather, his granddaughter and the stranger in the seven days Contribute to the development of the actor's presence and influence on the recipient . 5- The complete selective silence of the grandfather, his granddaughter and the stranger in the seven days help the actor Help the actor relax . 6- the selective silence After the funeral music in which he participated which he participated in the grandfather, his granddaughter and the stranger in the seven days that important for the actor on movement and diction. the conclusions ended this search with important dictionaries and the sources and the abstract

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Improvisation Effectiveness in the Performance of the Actor in the Theatrical Show: مصطفى عباس خلف
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Improvisation is that spontaneous automatic achievement which is formed by a new cognition that is not based on something prior to it or a previous cognition. It is instantaneous. Whereas in art, improvisation also inters in all types of applied and performance arts as a foundation for launching and initiating it in music, painting, cinema, television and theater. In order to study the improvisation of the actor, the researcher put forward a theoretical study that included two sections. The first section is (the improvisation concept) and the second section is (improvisation in the show). The researcher, in the research procedures, took an intentional sample that was represented by the theatrical show (Rehearsal in Hell Play) and after t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The important the drama dance in sporte iraqes theatre acting actor
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dance that reflect deferent sides from life human , in this search ensure for the causation can the expressionistic dancing be development acting actor in Iraqis theatre ? so this search concept of section one composed of the search problem  , and important  the search  and need it , aimed the search , lines search it composed of the lines time ,  place , and lines subject , and the searcher ended this section with practical terms .   Section tow – theatrical lines form that composed of part one the dance kinds: the expressionistic dancing, is very important in analyses the symbol .                     

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The actor's Body Language and its significance in Iraqi Theatre Show: نوار علي محمد
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  The theatrical show has gone through a lot of changes where the actor was the most significant factor in all the theatrical shows since the very beginning of the art of acting by the Greeks until the present day. The actor went through many stages that employed his tools in different ways. The body in the theatre had a great importance because it is the perceived physical element that creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The actor's body had a special language that carries different meanings and creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The audience can decipher the codes of that body, thus, the researcher found the compatibility and differe

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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The Performance of the Actor (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre of the play Director (Salah AL-Kassab)
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The researches discusses the style of acting used by (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in one of the play director (Salah AL-Kassab) production whine he called; Picturesque.
The problem of this research is to discover the differences between the performance of (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre and the other theatre.
The goal of the research is to get to know the style of acting used in (king Lear) directed by (Salah AL-Kassab).
After defining the term (picturesque theatre), the researcher discusses the elements of the Visual theatre and the components of the stage picture according to (Alexander Dean) and he refers to those well-known director who had emphasized the Visual elements. Such as (Gordon Grieg) and (Franco Zeferrel

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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Constructing the audio format in the performance of the theater actor: يــاسين إسماعيل خلـف - فائـــــز طـــــــــــــه ســــــــالم
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The science of (- - Semiology) comes in the introduction to language sciences and linguistics that addressed the levels of language building and its phonemic signs, through which we can monitor and analyze the data of the phoneme of the actor, and the ways to build his linguistic speech, especially since (the linguist Saussure - He emphasized that linguistque is only part of the science of signs, which is particularly advanced within logic, social psychology, and general psychology, and since language is in the origin - whatever language, and at what level - it is not A separate, single and unified language, in fact, they are intertwined, multiple, varied and renewed languages due to their influence The times and its development and the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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The semiology of culture and the sign variable in a theatre performance: Iraqi theatre as an example
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The culture of theatre performance has a vital role in the process of reading the linguistic and visual signs of the performance. And the process of transforming a theatre performance from its original context into a new hosting cultural context starts from the actual reading of the text. Directors derives their new signs out of his personal culture, depending on the society where they lives and the culture that forms the social conventions, traditions and beliefs. The text is usually written within its own historical and temporal culture. The process of its production usually takes it away from its original culture, when it interprets the codes of the original writer and their visual and linguistic signs and instils new alternative sign

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The effectiveness of the deconstructive pattern in theatrical performance
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Theatrical art, from (Plato) to (Heidegger), passing through (Husserl) and (Husserl) has propagated the parallel relations between the overlapping formal patterns in the world of hypotheses crowded with diaspora and scattering, leading to the manifestations of implicit meaning in the intellectual and aesthetic discourse, through the deconstructive pattern that restructures The aesthetic image according to the aesthetic data to be employed, so the effectiveness of the deconstructive system had an important role in authorizing the Ghanaian logic and continuity on which the Western meta meaning was based, and the artistic scene was subjected to it in line with literature and art to be able to pay attention to the achievement and clarify it

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2019
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Silence as a Means of Communication in Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker
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Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker(1959) clearly portrays a lack of communication among the characters of the play which refers to the condition of modern man. This failure of communication led Harold Pinter to use a lot of pauses and silences in all the plays he wrote instead of words. Samuel Beckett preceded Pinter in doing so in his plays and one way to express the bewilderment of modern man during the 20th century is through the use of no language in the dramatic works. Language is no more important to modern man; instead, he uses silence to express his feelings. Silence is more powerful than the words themselves. That’s why long and short pauses can be seen throughout all Pinter’s plays.

In this play, th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The composition of the fragmentary image of the actor's performance in the Iraqi theatrical show
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The theatrical image represents one of the tools of communication with the other to create a communicative language that is produced and transmitted by the actor and his body through the theatrical space to convey the meaning in all its forms and types. The actor is concerned with the composition and construction of these images. My girl, the image is fragmented and multiple and different. Therefore, based on the foregoing, the researcher has divided his research into four chapters, representing the (methodological framework). First, the research problem, which is manifested in the following question (what is the structure of the fragmented image of the actor's performance? The Iraqi playwright), and secondly: the importance of the resea

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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The category classes of presentations in the Iraqi popular theatre
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Many researchers ' views about class selectors popular theatre in the world, whom he found in political deals popular presentations while others in comedy shows or dealing with social problems, or simply build a direct pattern of relationship between actors and audience were popular, and certainly the Iraqi popular theatre has its own parameters, structural differences result of Iraqi society at all levels, so the researcher found the search problem is to answer the question that (what are category classes Or within the category of Iraqi popular theatrical-in the play of - the string and the bird which un – example ) , then select the aim has his research of detecting those parameters, and search scientific significance as to scholars

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