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Classroom environment & its Relation Cognitive motive and Reflective Thinking of university Student
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The present research aims at the following:
- Measure Classroom environment of university Student (research sample)- Measure
Cognitive motive and Reflective Thinking of university Student (research Sample) .
- In order to Know the relationship between the Scores of Classroom environment and
Scores of cognitive motive and Scores of Reflective Thinking of university Student
(research Sample) .
Sample of research consisted of (500) Students for both genders distrivbted upon ten
colleges in Baghdad University , (5) Scientific Colleges , and (5) human Colleges , Sample
was chosen by using radom method  Research instruments were three , Prepared by the researcher ,The first is to measure
classroom environment . The Second to measure Cognitive motive . The third to measure
Reflective Thinking .
The research verified the Validity of measurements and their items were analyzed
Statistically upon the sample consisted of (500) Students for both genders to extract the
discrimination power and the Validity of items . Reliadility was calculated by method
The Alpha kronbache method for internal constanc.
After fulfilling measurements preparations , the final application was applied upon the major
research Sample Consisted of (500) students of both genders. Number of Statistical methods
were used to answer of the research aims and hypotheses like person Coeffisient m (t-test) for
one sample two vaeiance analysis , multiple declivity analysis , Scheffe .
The most important result achievd by the researcher is that there is a Positive Conjunctive
relation of statistical significance between Classroom environment and cognitive motive
, also there is a Positive relationship of statistical significance between classroom
environmentand Reflectiv thinking .
That the erea of interachtion of Students With each other and the Organaztion of the Lesson
and Provide a list Supplies and teaching field interaction with Students and Contribute to its
clear and Signicant . The researcher set some recommendations and suggestions .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
IEC 60909 and ANSI standards comparison with ASCC based fault calculations of Iraqi power system
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Study of some risk factors and C - reactive protein levels among patients with cardiovascular diseases
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Objective : To study the effect of some risk factors like age, smoking and Diabetes mellitus (DM) among patients with
certain cardiovascular diseases (Angina pectoris and Myocardial infarction), in addition to the assessment of the Creactive
protein (CRP) in the sera of those patients.
Methodology: The study was carried out on (100) subjects who were hospitalized in the Iraqi Center of heart Diseases
in Baghdad city and were suffering from Myocardial InfarcƟon (MI) (16) and Angina Pectoris (AP) (79) or from both (5)
over a period from September 2009 to June 2010. The results of paƟents were compared with those of (30) healthy
and age-matched individuals as a control group. Data were obtained from patients who were alr

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Dual Channel Solar Air Collector with Different Absorber Plates Geometry
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Flat-plate collector considers most common types of collectors, for ease of manufacturing and low price compared with other collectors. The main aim of the present work is to increase the efficiency of the collector, which can be achieved by improving the heat transfer and minimize heat loss experimentally. Five types of solar air collectors have been tested, which conventional channel with a smooth absorber plate (model I), dual channel with a smooth absorber plate (model II), dual channel with perforating “V” corrugated absorber plate (model III), dual channel with internal attached wire mesh (model Ⅳ), and dual channel with absorber sheet of transparent honeycomb, (model Ⅴ). The dual channel collector used for

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The function and Formation of NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANZIAITON as (NATO) Post Cold War Period
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The problem of this study lies in that NATO was formed in the first place to protect Europe from Warsaw Pact. The geographical and military strategy have been changed with the change of its mission and expanding its operation scope with the leadership of the USA in the international scens. The latter has made this organization as the military arm to tighten its control over strategic regions.

            The research supposes that NATO state members confront security concerns and political and military issues that push to expand the organization. The importance of this study lies in knowing the new roles of NATO imposed by the United States. Therefore, the continuity and affi

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences (njes)
Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Open Cell Aluminum Fins
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ij
Mathematical Models for Predicting of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Diyala River Using AnalysisNeural Network
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Diyala river is the most important tributaries in Iraq, this river suffering from pollution, therefore, this research aimed to predict organic pollutants that represented by biological oxygen demand BOD, and inorganic pollutants that represented by total dissolved solids TDS for Diyala river in Iraq, the data used in this research were collected for the period from 2011-2016 for the last station in the river known as D17, before the river meeting Tigris river in Baghdad city. Analysis Neural Network ANN was used in order to find the mathematical models, the parameters used to predict BOD were seven parameters EC, Alk, Cl, K, TH, NO3, DO, after removing the less importance parameters. While the parameters that used to predict TDS were fourte

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
Condition Prediction Models of Deteriorated Trunk Sewer Using Multinomial Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network
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Sewer systems are used to convey sewage and/or storm water to sewage treatment plants for disposal by a network of buried sewer pipes, gutters, manholes and pits. Unfortunately, the sewer pipe deteriorates with time leading to the collapsing of the pipe with traffic disruption or clogging of the pipe causing flooding and environmental pollution. Thus, the management and maintenance of the buried pipes are important tasks that require information about the changes of the current and future sewer pipes conditions. In this research, the study was carried on in Baghdad, Iraq and two deteriorations model's multinomial logistic regression and neural network deterioration model NNDM are used to predict sewers future conditions. The results of the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Water quality assessment and sodium adsorption ratio prediction of Tigris River using artificial neural network
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology (jestec)
Water Quality Assessment and Sodium Adsorption Ratio Prediction of Tigris River Using Artificial Neural Network
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Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is considered as a measure of the water suitability for irrigation usage. This study examines the effect of the physicochemical parameters on water quality and SAR, which included Calcium(Ca+2), Magnesium(Mg+2), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl-), Sulfate(SO4-2), Carbonate (CO3-2), Bicarbonate (HCO3-), Nitrate (NO3-), Total Hardness (TH), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), degree of reaction (DR), Boron (B) and the monthly and annually flow discharge (Q). The water samples were collected from three stations across the Tigris River in Iraq, which flows through Samarra city (upstream), Baghdad city (central) and the end of Kut city (downstream) for the periods of 2016-201

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance evaluation of Sequencing Batch Reactor and Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant based on Reliability assessment
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Baghdad city has been faced numerous issues related to freshwater environment deteriorations due to many reasons, mainly was the discharge of wastewater without adequate treatment. Al- Rustamiya Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) have been constructed among many plants in Baghdad city to reduce the amount of wastewater discharged into natural environment and its subsequent adverse effects. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the plant which consist of a conventional activated sludge (CAS) and sequencing batch reactors (SBR) systems as secondary treatment units and its ability to meet Iraqi specifications. A reliability level determination and analysis also were conducted to find the plant's stability and its capabi

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