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Effect of nanoparticles on the interfacial tension of CO2-oil system at high pressure and temperature: An experimental approach
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In the recent decade, injection of nanoparticles (NPs) into underground formation as liquid nanodispersions has been suggested as a smart alternative for conventional methods in tertiary oil recovery projects from mature oil reservoirs. Such reservoirs, however, are strong candidates for carbon geo-sequestration (CGS) projects, and the presence of nanoparticles (NPs) after nanofluid-flooding can add more complexity to carbon geo-storage projects. Despite studies investigating CO2 injection and nanofluid-flooding for EOR projects, no information was reported about the potential synergistic effects of CO2 and NPs on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CGS concerning the interfacial tension (γ) of CO2-oil system. This study thus extensively investigates the effect of silica NPs on the γ of CO2/decane system at elevated pressure and temperature to recognise the potential impact of NPs-injection on the future CGS projects. To achieve this, a wide-ranging series of tests have been conducted to reveal the role of hydrophilic and hydrophobic silica NPs on γ of the CO2/oil system. n-decane was utilized as model oil and different amounts of NPs were mixed with the oil phase. Oil-NPs dispersions were formulated using an ultrasonic homogenizer. The γ of the CO2/oil system was measured at different pressures (0.1 to 20 MPa) and temperatures (25 to 70 °C) using a high-pressure temperature optical cell. The γ data were measured using the pendant drop technique via axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA). The results showed that, generally, CO2/oil γ subjected mainly to pressure, temperature, and with less extent to NPs load in the oil phase. γ decreases with increased pressure until reaching a plateau where no more significant decrease in γ was observed. The γ trend with increased temperature, on the other hand, was more completed. No significant impact of temperature on γ was recorded with low pressure (≤ 5 MPa). Similarly, at relatively high pressure (≥ 25 MPa), only a slight variation of IFT with temperature change was recorded. However, for the pressure range from 5 – 25 MPa, IFT was increased remarkably with temperature. Furthermore, NPs in the oil phase exhibit a remarkable influence on IFT. In this context, the presence of hydrophilic silica NPs in the oil phase can significantly reduce the γ of the CO2/decane system. However, hydrophobic silica NPs showed less influence on IFT reduction. The outcomes of this work afford good understandings into applications of NP for EOR and CGS applications and help to de-risk CO2-geological storage projects.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science
Impact of nanoparticles on the CO2-brine interfacial tension at high pressure and temperature
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Hypothesis Nanofluid flooding has been identified as a promising method for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and improved Carbon geo-sequestration (CGS). However, it is unclear how nanoparticles (NPs) influence the CO2-brine interfacial tension (γ), which is a key parameter in pore-to reservoirs-scale fluid dynamics, and consequently project success. The effects of pressure, temperature, salinity, and NPs concentration on CO2-silica (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) nanofluid γ was thus systematically investigated to understand the influence of nanofluid flooding on CO2 geo-storage. Experiments Pendant drop method was used to measure CO2/nanofluid γ at carbon storage conditions using high pressure-high temperature optical cell. Findings CO2/nano

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Influence of pressure and temperature on CO2-nanofluid interfacial tension: Implication for enhanced oil recovery and carbon geosequestration
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Nanoparticles (NPs) based techniques have shown great promises in all fields of science and industry. Nanofluid-flooding, as a replacement for water-flooding, has been suggested as an applicable application for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The subsequent presence of these NPs and its potential aggregations in the porous media; however, can dramatically intensify the complexity of subsequent CO2 storage projects in the depleted hydrocarbon reservoir. Typically, CO2 from major emitters is injected into the low-productivity oil reservoir for storage and incremental oil recovery, as the last EOR stage. In this work, An extensive serious of experiments have been conducted using a high-pressure temperature vessel to apply a wide range of CO2-pres

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of Ag nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles at different concentrations on the viscosity and surface tension of Polyacrylamide solutions
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Polyacrylamide Solutions of different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 %) of Ag nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles were prepared, the viscosities and surface tension were measured for all solutions, where measurements indicated an increase in these properties with increased concentration, where the relative viscosity of polyacrylamide/zinc nanoparticles increased from 1.275 to 2.243, and the relative viscosity of polyacrylamide/silver nanoparticles increased from 1.178 to 1.934. Viscosity is significant parameters during electrospinning process. While the surface tension of the polyacrylamide/zinc nanoparticles has changed from 0.0343 Nm-1 to .0.0.0 Nm-1 and changed from .0.000Nm-1 to.0.0.0 Nm-1. Also the constants KH and KK were

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
study Preparation and characterization ZnO nanoparticles and study of morphology at high temperature
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In context of this paper we prepare high purity powder ZnO nanostructures by chemical method at low temperature solution and study the effect off annealing at high temperature, ZnO nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized by chemical method at 0Cᵒ solution. In this method, suddenly reaction is occurred between zinc acetate solution and sodium hydroxide solution at 0Cᵒ, annealing temperature of powder product surfactant plays an important role in morphological changes. The nanostructures have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and UV-visible .analysis Effect of annealing temperatures on the morphology , structure and optical properties is di

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
An Experimental Study to Demonstrate the Effect of Alumina Nanoparticles and Synthetic Fibers on Oil Well Cement Class G
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    In the drilling and production operations, the effectiveness of cementing jobs is crucial for efficient progress. The compressive strength of oil well cement is a key characteristic that reflects its ability to withstand forceful conditions over time. This study evaluates and improves the compressive strength and thickening time of Iraqi oil well cement class G from Babylon cement factory using two types of additives (Nano Alumina and Synthetic Fiber) to comply with the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. The additives were used in different proportions, and a set of samples was prepared under different conditions. Compressive strength and thickening time measurements were taken under different conditions. The amoun

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation the Effect of Velocity and Temperature on the Corrosion Rate of Crude Oil Pipeline in the Presence of CO2/H2S Dissolved Gases
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In this paper investigate the influences of dissolved CO2/H2S gases, crude oil velocity and temperature on the rate of corrosion of crude oil transmission pipelines of Maysan oil fields southern Iraq. The Potentiostatic corrosion test technique was conducted into two types of carbon steel pipeline (materials API 5L X60 and API 5L X80). The computer software ECE electronic corrosion engineer was used to predict the influences of CO2 partial pressure, the composition of crude oil, flow velocity of crude oil and percentage of material elements of carbon steel on the rate of corrosion. As a result, the carbon steel API 5L X80 indicates good and appropriate resistance to corrosion compared to carbon steel API

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Effect of acid treatment on the geomechanical properties of rocks: an experimental investigation in Ahdeb oil field
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Acidizing is one of the most used stimulation techniques in the petroleum industry. Several reports have been issued on the difficulties encountered during the stimulation operation of the Ahdeb oil field, particularly in the development of the Mishrif reservoir, including the following: (1) high injection pressures make it difficult to inject acid into the reservoir formation, and (2) only a few acid jobs have been effective in Ahdeb oil wells, while the bulk of the others has been unsuccessful. The significant failure rate of oil well stimulation in this deposit necessitates more investigations. Thus, we carried out this experimental study to systematically investigate the influence of acid treatment on the geomechanical properties of Mi4

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of PVD and Vacuum Pressure on the Degree of Saturation
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    Soft clays are generally characterized by low shear strength, low permeability and high compressibility. An effective method to accelerate consolidation of such soils is to use vertical drains along with vacuum preloading to encourage radial flow of water.  In this research numerical modeling of prefabricated vertical drains with vacuum pressure was done to investigate the effect of using vertical drains together with vacuum pressure on the degree of saturation of fully and saturated-unsaturated soft soils.  Laboratory experiments were conducted by using a specially-designed large consolidometer cell where a central drain was installed and vacuum pressure was applied. All tests were conducted

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Pressure on the Properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ HTSC System
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High temperature superconductors with a nominal composition HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ
for different values of pressure (0.2,0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1.0 & 1.1)GPa were prepared by
a solid state reaction method. It has been found that the samples were semiconductor
P=0.2GPa.while the behavior of the other samples are superconductor in the rang
(80-300) K. Also the transition temperature Tc=143K is the maximum at P is equal to
0.5GPa. X-ray diffraction showed a tetragonal structure with the decreasing of the
lattice constant c with the increasing of the pressure. Also we found an increasing of
the density with the pressure.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Assessment of wettability and rock-fluid interfacial tension of caprock: Implications for hydrogen and carbon dioxide geo-storage
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