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The Moslem women between west and Islam
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The Moslem women between west and Islam ,This study deals with Muslim women
from the west Pont of view in the oriental studies or the western media and how it was
exposed to ill-treatment or evil-eyed by the west due to misunderstanding or it was done on
purpose that they didn’t comprehend how the women deals with Islam ,so this western view
assured that Islam had disparaged the women's position and hindered her freedom, aiming at
stabbing Islam and dislocate the Islamic tissue which is formed from man and women.
This study has established with evidences the distance of this western view from reality
Islam in fact raised and lifted women's position while the western women was living on
the margin of life, robbed from most of her rights for long centuries.
This study also deals with this matter through three axes, the first axis is related with the
oriental studies, the second axis is related with western media, the third one is found in Islam,
it focuses on the problem of numerical or numerous wives, and on the injustice rights between
man .
Finally, this study reached to appoint that Islam, is one of the most religions of the word
has freedom and liberty in the matter of women. It is the only play ground through which
women can established her being and personality without causing any harm to her
dignity,honour and humanty,On what is really happening to western women, who has been robbed from her rights on account of equality or being equal with the other sex>

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 28 2018
Journal Name
مؤتمرات الآداب والعلوم الانسانية والطبيعية
Analyzing the Content of the Science Textbook for 7th Grade Iraqi Schools in Light of Educational Concepts of Sustainable Development
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The aim of this research is to analyze the content of the science textbook for 7th grade Iraqi schools in the light of the educational concepts of sustainable development, the science textbook (1st edition), for the academic year 2017-2018. To this end, the researchers prepared list of issues in the light of the educational concepts of sustainable development, consisted of (13) issues, branched to (51) subissues, presented to a group of arbitrators and specialists in science curriculum and methods of teaching. The researchers analyzed the content of the 7th grade science textbook, in the light of the list that is built, the idea has been adopted as a unit of analysis. One of the most important findings is attention to neglected sub-issues o

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Level of Spiritual Intelligence Among Students of Educational Psychology Course at Jerash University in The Light of Some variables
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This study aimed to determine the level of spiritual intelligence among students of educational psychology course at the Jerash University. and whether this level of varies depend on the gender of the student as well as the college type. The study sample consisted of (180) male and female students of bachelor students at the University Jerash, in the second semester of academic year2014-2015. The main results of the study were that the level of spiritual
Intelligence of Jerash University students was high. More over There were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) due to the effect of gender, college type or academic achievement

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al Ghary Journal Of Economic And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic knowledge on strategic improvisation: an exploratory study of some private hospitals in the city of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Enzyme And Microbial Technology
In Search of the E. coli Compounds that Change the Antibiotic Production Pattern of Streptomyces coelicolor During Inter-species Interaction
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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Fire Effect on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates by Expanded Clay Aggregates
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This paper aims to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams considering fire resistance by adding Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) to the concrete mix as partial coarse aggregate replacement. LECA is a type of porous clay with a uniform pore structure with fine, closed cells and hard, tightly sintered skin. The experimental work comprised four reinforced self-compacted concrete beams. All the specimens were identical in their geometrical layout of 1600×240×200 mm, reinforcement details, and support condition (simply supported). For all the beams, the main reinforcement was provided by two bars, each having a diameter of 12 mm, while a bar of 6 mm diameter was employed for the top and shear reinforc

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The commercial dealing means in the Albidaya Walnihaya book by Iben Katheer Al Dimashqi (701-774 A.H./1301-1372 A.D.)
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Iben Katheer Al Dimashqi is considered among the eminent scholars in the eighth Hijri century / fourteenth Gregorian century. He acquired eminent academic and social standing. His book Albidaya Walnihaya is considered among the important historical sources. This book's study of the subject of commercial dealing methods clarifies that the commercial dealing methods dealt by the people throughout the successive historical eras were multiple, most prominent of which was money (whether Dirhams, Dinars, measures (mikyals), weights (like Sa') in addition to other means like usury. But here we notice that Iben Katheer stressed that usury must be prohibited because it is religiously forbidden and cited many Quranic verses and Prophetic sayings w

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choosing the best method for estimating the survival function of inverse Gompertz distribution by using Integral mean squares error (IMSE)
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In this research , we study the inverse Gompertz distribution (IG) and estimate the  survival function of the distribution , and the survival function was evaluated using three methods (the Maximum likelihood, least squares, and percentiles estimators) and choosing the best method estimation ,as it was found that the best method for estimating the survival function is the squares-least method because it has the lowest IMSE and for all sample sizes

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choosing the best method for estimating the survival function of inverse Gompertz distribution by using Integral mean squares error (IMSE)
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In this research , we study the inverse Gompertz distribution (IG) and estimate the  survival function of the distribution , and the survival function was evaluated using three methods (the Maximum likelihood, least squares, and percentiles estimators) and choosing the best method estimation ,as it was found that the best method for estimating the survival function is the squares-least method because it has the lowest IMSE and for all sample sizes

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Bayesian methods to estimate the failure probability for electronic systems in case the life time data are not available
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In this research, we find the Bayesian formulas and the estimation of Bayesian expectation for product system of Atlas Company.  The units of the system have been examined by helping the technical staff at the company and by providing a real data the company which manufacturer the system.  This real data include the failed units for each drawn sample, which represents the total number of the manufacturer units by the company system.  We calculate the range for each estimator by using the Maximum Likelihood estimator.  We obtain that the expectation-Bayesian estimation is better than the Bayesian estimator of the different partially samples which were drawn from the product system after  it checked by the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the quality of municipal services according to the financial budgets for years 2006-2016 Analytical research in Diwaniyah Governorate
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The research aims at determining the main reason for the deterioration of the services and determining the correct method of distributing the funds to the administrative and administrative units. The discrepancy between the size of the financial allocations and the municipal services was the main research problem. Therefore, the researcher identified the gaps in municipal services by the concerned departments and compared them with The percentage of funds obtained through the work of a checklist for each of the directorates concerned. The researcher studied the specific criteria for these services, which were approved by the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works, and compared them wi

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